
CANARI Large Ensemble

The page contains information for users and developers of the CANARI Large Ensemble. Basic properties and the experiment design of this Large Ensemble are described here.

Accessing the output

Priority and derived output on JASMIN CANARI group workspace

A subset of the complete output is retrieved from the JASMIN Elastic Tape to this location: /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/priority. The available priority variables are listed here; the spreadsheet contains:

Note: an unfortunate change in the names of four variables occurred during the HIST2 runs. The spreadsheet referenced above details the variable naming for the currently extracted ensemble members and indicates where the names switch. Variable naming is consistent within an ensmeble member.

Alongside the priority directory, derived diagnostics are shared by the CANARI community, and you are encouraged to share your own in an appropriate location, e.g., adding to /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/derived. Management of this shared space is very light-touch, and different users can write to it, so please make sure you either keep a private copy of your data for small datasets, or that you can easily reproduce these derived diagnostics should the need arise.

Full output on the JASMIN Elastic Tape

Variables not contained in the priority output can be retrieved from the JASMIN Elastic Tape. In order to do this, you need to

Ancillary files

Commonly used ancillary files, such as for the land fraction and orography, are available at /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/ancil.

CANARI SSP3-7.0 Production Suites

Ensemble Members In Progress

1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40
01 - u-de814 11 - u-de934 21 - u-df933 31 - u-dh413
02 - u-de436 12 - u-de937 22 - u-df934 32 - u-dh413
03 - u-de724 13 - u-de938 23 - u-df935 33 - u-di513
04 - u-de815 14 - u-de939 24 - u-df936 34 - u-di514
05 - u-df220 15 - u-de940 25 - u-df937 35 - u-dh413
06 - u-de830 16 - u-df299 26 - u-dh412  
07 - u-de831 17 - u-df300 27 - u-dh413  
08 - u-de832 18 - u-df301 28 - u-dh413  
09 - u-de850 19 - u-df302 29 - u-dh413  
10 - u-de851 20 - u-df303 30 - u-dh413  

CANARI HIST2 Production Suites

Known issues affecting more than suite suite

Completed Ensemble Members

1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40
01 - u-cv575 11 - u-cy375 21 - u-da179 31 - u-cz475
02 - u-cv625 12 - u-cy376 22 - u-da190 32 - u-cz568
03 - u-cw345 13 - u-cy537 23 - u-da191 33 - u-cz647
04 - u-cw356 14 - u-cy811 24 - u-da192 34 - u-cz648
05 - u-cv827 15 - u-cy866 25 - u-da193 35 - u-cz649
06 - u-cv976 16 - u-cy873 26 - u-db291 36 - u-dd436
07 - u-cz547 17 - u-cy877 27 - u-db301 37 - u-dd438
08 - u-cy436 18 - u-cy879 28 - u-db303 38 - u-dd439
09 - u-cw342 19 - u-cy880 29 - u-db304 39 - u-dd441
10 - u-cw343 20 - u-cy881 30 - u-db305 40 - u-dd442

Abandoned Suites:

CANARI HIST1 Production Suites