The page contains information for users and developers of the CANARI Large Ensemble. Basic properties and the experiment design of this Large Ensemble are described here.
A subset of the complete output is retrieved from the JASMIN Elastic Tape to this location:
The available priority variables are listed here; the spreadsheet contains:
Note: an unfortunate change in the names of four variables occurred during the HIST2 runs. The spreadsheet referenced above details the variable naming for the currently extracted ensemble members and indicates where the names switch. Variable naming is consistent within an ensmeble member.
Alongside the priority
directory, derived diagnostics are shared by the CANARI community, and you are encouraged to share your own in an appropriate location, e.g., adding to /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/derived
. Management of this shared space is very light-touch, and different users can write to it, so please make sure you either keep a private copy of your data for small datasets, or that you can easily reproduce these derived diagnostics should the need arise.
Variables not contained in the priority output can be retrieved from the JASMIN Elastic Tape. In order to do this, you need to
Commonly used ancillary files, such as for the land fraction and orography, are available at /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/ancil