
Setting up GridFTP from Archer2 to Jasmin

The now-recommended method for transferring data between ARCHER2 and JASMIN is using GridFTP using certificate authentication. This allows data transfers to run on the ARCHER2 serial nodes using certificate-based authentication rather than SSH. Certificates are valid for up to a month from initiation and can be easily extended/regenerated for longer running simulations.

These instructions show how to setup your GridFTP certificate in order to run the pptransfer task on the ARCHER2 serial nodes to push the data across to JASMIN from ARCHER2 /work disk.

Note: In order to use GridFTP to JASMIN you must have access to the hpxfer (High Performance Data Transfer Service). Access can be requested via the JASMIN Accounts Portal.

Obtaining a JASMIN short-lived credential

This credential is valid, by default, for 30days. You can see the validity period by inspecting the certificate using the following command:

$ openssl x509 -in cred.jasmin -noout -startdate -enddate
notBefore=Mar 11 17:32:59 2022 GMT
notAfter=Apr 10 17:32:59 2022 GMT

This means you can use this certificate for the following 30days, after which you will need to repeat this step to obtain a new one.

A fuller explanation of the process is given in the document Data Transfer Tools: GridFTP (certificate-based authentication)