Sets the path for output of atmosphere and ocean data in the xml files. Model ouput is directed the suite cycle directory.
runs on: ARCHER login node
frequency: each cycle
depends on: completion of previous coupled task
Runs the coupled atmosphere-ocean model
runs on: ARCHER compute nodes
frequency: each cycle
depends on: xml-fix for current cycle, previous coupled task
Manipulates CICE files to create daily/monthly means, rebuilds NEMO files (ocean and icebergs)
runs on: ARCHER seral nodes
frequency: each cycle
depends on: success of postproc in the previous cycle and all create_frames in the current cycle
Adds metadata to atmosphere, ocean, and cice netcdf files
runs on: ARCHER serial nodes in batch
frequency: each cycle
depends on: success of postproc for current cycle and modify_netcdf_metadata in the previous cycle
Requests a jdma data transfer to tape. The transfer is effected by the jdma in an asynchronous autonomous process. Success of the jdma task inidicates only that the request has been successful.
runs on: a JASMIN sci machine
frequency: each cycle
depends on: success of the monitor task