:orphan: cf-plot issues ************** If you find a problem with cf-plot please email Sadie Bartholomew (sadie.bartholomew@ncas.ac.uk) with the following: | (i) the cf-python and cf-plot version numbers used: | print('cf-python version', cf.__version__) | print('cf-plot version', cfp.__version__) | (i) A short piece of code showing the problem | (iii) The data needed to make the plot i.e. if you make a plot using: :: f=cf.read('cfplot_data/ggap.nc')[1] cfp.con(f.collapse('mean','longitude')) Then use cf-python to write out the data used to make the plot and then send the data (newfile.nc) and plotting line to me. :: f=cf.read('cfplot_data/ggap.nc')[1] g=f.collapse('mean','longitude') cf.write(g, 'newfile.nc') Send the data (newfile.nc) and plotting lines as per below example to me: :: g=cf.read('newfile.nc') cfp.con(g) If you are using arrays of data use numpy to write out the relevant data: :: np.save('lons.npy', lons) np.save('lats.npy', lats) np.save('field.npy', field) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |