
cfplot.gset(xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, user_gset=1, twinx=None, twiny=None)[source]#
Set plot limits for all non-longitude-latitide plots.
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax are all needed to set the plot limits.
Set xlog/ylog to True or 1 to get a log axis.

xmin=None - x minimum
xmax=None - x maximum
ymin=None - y minimum
ymax=None - y maximum
xlog=False - log x
ylog=False - log y
twinx=None - set to True to make a twin y axis plot
twiny=None - set to True to make a twin x axis plot

Once a user call is made to gset the plot limits are persistent.
i.e. the next plot will use the same set of plot limits.
Use gset() to reset to undefined plot limits i.e. the full range
of the data.

To set date axes use date strings i.e.
cfp.gset(xmin = '1970-1-1', xmax = '1999-12-31', ymin = 285,
ymax = 295)

Note the correct date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
anything else will give unexpected results.
