
cfplot.vect(u=None, v=None, x=None, y=None, scale=None, stride=None, pts=None, key_length=None, key_label=None, ptype=None, title=None, magmin=None, width=0.02, headwidth=3, headlength=5, headaxislength=4.5, pivot='middle', key_location=[0.95, -0.06], key_show=True, axes=True, xaxis=True, yaxis=True, xticks=None, xticklabels=None, yticks=None, yticklabels=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, ylog=False, color='k', zorder=3, titles=None, alpha=1.0)[source]#
Plot vectors.

u=None - u wind
v=None - v wind
x=None - x locations of u and v
y=None - y locations of u and v
scale=None - data units per arrow length unit. A smaller values gives
a larger vector. Generally takes one value but in the case
of two supplied values the second vector scaling applies to
the v field.
stride=None - plot vector every stride points. Can take two values one
for x and one for y.
pts=None - use bilinear interpolation to interpolate vectors onto a new
grid - takes one or two values.
If one value is passed then this is used for both the x and
y axes.
magmin=None - don't plot any vects with less than this magnitude.
key_length=None - length of the key. Generally takes one value but in
the case of two supplied values the second vector
scaling applies to the v field.
key_label=None - label for the key. Generally takes one value but in the
case of two supplied values the second vector scaling
applies to the v field.
key_location=[0.9, -0.06] - location of the vector key relative to the
plot in normalised coordinates.
key_show=True - draw the key. Set to False if not required.
ptype=0 - plot type - not needed for cf fields.
0 = no specific plot type,
1 = longitude-latitude,
2 = latitude - height,
3 = longitude - height,
4 = latitude - time,
5 = longitude - time
6 = rotated pole

title=None - plot title
width=0.005 - shaft width in arrow units; default is 0.005 times the
width of the plot
headwidth=3 - head width as multiple of shaft width, default is 3
headlength=5 - head length as multiple of shaft width, default is 5
headaxislength=4.5 - head length at shaft intersection, default is 4.5
pivot='middle' - the part of the arrow that is at the grid point; the
arrow rotates about this point takes 'tail', 'middle', 'tip'
axes=True - plot x and y axes
xaxis=True - plot xaxis
yaxis=True - plot y axis
xticks=None - xtick positions
xticklabels=None - xtick labels
yticks=None - y tick positions
yticklabels=None - ytick labels
xlabel=None - label for x axis
ylabel=None - label for y axis
ylog=False - log y axis
color='k' - colour for the vectors - default is black.
zorder=3 - plotting order
titles=None - generate dimension and cell_methods titles for plot
alpha=1.0 - transparency setting. The default is no transparency.

