version 3.2 changes#

0. Initial rolling bugfix release#

Initial rolling bugfix release


1. cfp.bfill_ugrid - code not checking for no points returned from np.where#

Code didn't check for no points returned from a where statement causing a crash in certain circumstances.


2. cfp.bfill_ugrid - update for shapely 2.0#

Update shapely polygon coordinate extraction so code will work with shapely 2.0 +: # Original method for shapely < 2.0 #coords = geom_cyl[0].exterior.coords[:]

# New method for shapely 2.0 + poly_mapped = sgeom.mapping(geom_cyl.geoms[0]) coords = list(poly_mapped['coordinates'][0])


3. cfp.con - line_labels not honoured#

cfp.con : line_labels were not honoured.


4. cfp.levs - need all of min, max and step to define a set of contour levels#

cfp.levs - need all of min, max and step to define a set of contour levels


5. cfp.cbar : error when position is specified#

cfp.cbar : error when position is specified


6. cfp.dim_titles - titles and plot positioning issues fixed#

cfp.dim_titles - titles and plot positioning issues were fixed.


7. cfp.stipple - not working for Robinson projection#

cfp.stipple wasn't working for the Robinson projection.


8. cfp.titles - auxiliary axes sometimes caused an issue#

cfp-titles - auxiliary axes sometimes caused an issue.


9. cfp.mapset - when a cyl mapset is done the colour scale should be relevant for the area selected#

cfp.mapset - when a cyl mapset is done the colour scale should be relevant for the area selected.


10. cfp.levs - need all of min, max and step to define a set of contour levels#

A new check was put into cfp.levs requiring all of min, max and step to define a set of contour levels.


11. cfp.titles - plot labelling too far to the right for contour and vector plots#

cfp.titles - plot labelling too far to the right for contour and vector plots


12. cfp.mapset - robinson projection changes#

Robinson projection changes:

add titles code, add stipples, colorbar fails, colorbar in incorrect place


13. cfp.generate_titles - error if cell_method has no associated axis#

An error occured if a cell_method had no associated axis. A check was put in place to detect this.


14. cfp.con - ugrid keyword changed to irregular#

In cfp.con the ugrid keyword was changed to irregular as this is more appropriate.


15. cfp.bfill - map transform now passed through to blockfill_fast code#

In cfp.bfill the map transform wasn;t passed through to the blockfill_fast code and this has now been corrected.


16. cfp.con - new test for spatially irregular data points#

A new test was introduced to cfp.con to check whether the data points are spatially irregular. This is done with the x points comparing the size of x to the size of the unique x points. User specified values of True or False override the new internal test.


17. cfp.levs - depreciated change# has been depreciated in newer versions of numpy and was just an alias for int. In cfp.levs the was changed to np.int64 to match the surrounding code.


18. cfp.bfill - change of level inclusion#

cfp.bfill has been changed in the blockfill=True section. The code now matches blockfill=fast in that the fill is between matching the first level and below the second level.


19. cfp.lineplot - error in calculating user time limits for the x-axis#

cfp.lineplot - an error in calculating user time limits for the x-axis has been fixed.


20. cfp.setvars - grid=True didn't work on a cylindrical map#

cfp.setvars - grid=True doesn't work on a cylindrical projection map. The grid keyword was moved into the cfp.con code as this was more appropriate. The grid_zorder parameter controls the plotting order of the grid and has a default value of 100. A calling sequence to draw dashed grey lines of thickness every 10 degrees in longitude and latitude would be:

import cf
import cfplot as cfp
f ='cfplot_data/')[0]
cfp.setvars(grid_x_spacing=10, grid_y_spacing=10, grid_colour='grey', grid_thickness=0.5, grid_linestyle='--' )
cfp.con(f.subspace(time=15), lines=False, grid=True)

21. cfp.setvars - feature_zorder parameter added#

In cfp.setvars the feature_zorder parameter was added. This controls the plotting order of the features and has a default value of 99.


22. cfp.con - blockfill and blockfill_fast for 2D data added#

cfp.con - blockfill and blockfill_fast for 2D data added.


23. cfp.con - code to subspace field to user defined map removed#

cfp-con - code to subspace field to user defined map removed as this was causing issues with blank plots.
