
class cf.Constructs(auxiliary_coordinate=None, dimension_coordinate=None, domain_ancillary=None, field_ancillary=None, cell_measure=None, coordinate_reference=None, domain_axis=None, cell_method=None, source=None, copy=True, _use_data=True, _view=False, _ignore=())[source]

Bases: cfdm.constructs.Constructs

A container for metadata constructs.

Calling a Constructs instance selects metadata constructs by identity and is an alias for the filter_by_identity method.


Select constructs that have a “standard_name” property of ‘latitude’:

>>> d = c('latitude')

New in version 3.0.0.


auxiliary_coordinate: str, optional

The base name for keys of auxiliary coordinate constructs.

Parameter example:


dimension_coordinate: str, optional

The base name for keys of dimension coordinate constructs.

Parameter example:


domain_ancillary: str, optional

The base name for keys of domain ancillary constructs.

Parameter example:


field_ancillary: str, optional

The base name for keys of field ancillary constructs.

Parameter example:


cell_measure: str, optional

The base name for keys of cell measure constructs.

Parameter example:


coordinate_reference: str, optional

The base name for keys of coordinate reference constructs.

Parameter example:


domain_axis: str, optional

The base name for keys of domain axis constructs.

Parameter example:


cell_method: str, optional

The base name for keys of cell method constructs.

Parameter example:


source: optional

Initialize the construct keys and contained metadata constructs from those of source.

copy: bool, optional

If False then do not deep copy metadata constructs from those of source prior to initialization. By default such metadata constructs deep copied.



filter_by_identity Select metadata constructs by identity.
filter_by_property Select metadata constructs by property.
filter_by_measure Select cell measure constructs by measure.
filter_by_method Select cell method constructs by method.
filter_by_axis Select metadata constructs by axes spanned by their data.
filter_by_naxes Select metadata constructs by the number of domain axis contructs spanned by their data.
filter_by_size Select domain axis constructs by size.
filter_by_data Select metadata constructs by whether they could contain data.
filter_by_type Select metadata constructs by type.
filter_by_key Select metadata constructs by key.
filter_by_ncdim Select domain axis constructs by netCDF dimension name.
filter_by_ncvar Select domain axis constructs by netCDF variable name.
filters_applied A history of filters that have been applied.
clear_filters_applied Remove the history of filters that have been applied.
inverse_filter Return the inverse of previous filters.
unfilter Return the constructs that existed prior to previous filters.

Constructs and keys


key Return the construct key of the sole metadata construct.
value Return the sole metadata construct.

Data axes


data_axes Return the domain axis constructs spanned by metadata construct data.



copy Return a deep copy.
shallow_copy Return a shallow copy.
equals Whether two Constructs instances are the same.
ordered Return the contructs in their predetermined order.
construct_type TODO
construct_types TODO
domain_axis_identity Return the canonical identity for a domain axis construct.
new_identifier Return a new, unsed construct key.
replace TODO

Dictionary-access methods


get Return the construct for construct key, if it exists, else default.
items Return the items as (construct key, construct) pairs.
keys Return all of the construct keys, in arbitrary order.
values Returns all of the metadata constructs, in arbitrary order.
__getitem__ Return a construct with the given key.



__call__ Select metadata constructs by identity.
__contains__ Called to implement membership test operators for construct keys.
__copy__ Called by the copy.copy standard library function.
__deepcopy__ Called by the copy.deepcopy standard library function.
__getitem__ Return a construct with the given key.
__iter__ Called when an iterator is required.
__len__ Return the number of constructs.
__repr__ Called by the repr built-in function.
__str__ Called by the str built-in function.