
class cf.Data(array=None, units=None, calendar=None, fill_value=None, hardmask=True, chunk=True, loadd=None, loads=None, dt=False, source=None, copy=True, dtype=None, mask=None, _use_array=True)[source]


An N-dimensional data array with units and masked values.

  • Contains an N-dimensional, indexable and broadcastable array with many similarities to a numpy array.
  • Contains the units of the array elements.
  • Supports masked arrays, regardless of whether or not it was initialised with a masked array.
  • Stores and operates on data arrays which are larger then the available memory.


A data array is indexable in a similar way to numpy array:

>>> d.shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[...].shape
(12, 19, 73, 96)
>>> d[slice(0, 9), 10:0:-2, :, :].shape
(9, 5, 73, 96)

There are three extensions to the numpy indexing functionality:

  • Size 1 dimensions are never removed bi indexing.

    An integer index i takes the i-th element but does not reduce the rank of the output array by one:

    >>> d.shape
    (12, 19, 73, 96)
    >>> d[0, ...].shape
    (1, 19, 73, 96)
    >>> d[:, 3, slice(10, 0, -2), 95].shape
    (12, 1, 5, 1)

    Size 1 dimensions may be removed with the squeeze method.

  • The indices for each axis work independently.

    When more than one dimension’s slice is a 1-d boolean sequence or 1-d sequence of integers, then these indices work independently along each dimension (similar to the way vector subscripts work in Fortran), rather than by their elements:

    >>> d.shape
    (12, 19, 73, 96)
    >>> d[0, :, [0, 1], [0, 13, 27]].shape
    (1, 19, 2, 3)
  • Boolean indices may be any object which exposes the numpy array interface.

    >>> d.shape
    (12, 19, 73, 96)
    >>> d[..., d[0, 0, 0]>d[0, 0, 0].min()]

Cyclic axes


A Data object is picklable.

A Data object is hashable, but note that, since it is mutable, its hash value is only valid whilst the data array is not changed in place.


array: optional

The array of values. May be any scalar or array-like object, including another Data instance. Ignored if the source parameter is set.

Parameter example:


Parameter example:

array=[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

Parameter example:, 1, 5)

units: str or Units, optional

The physical units of the data. if a Units object is provided then this an also set the calendar. Ignored if the source parameter is set.

The units (without the calendar) may also be set after initialisation with the set_units method.

Parameter example:

units='km hr-1'

Parameter example:

units='days since 2018-12-01'

calendar: str, optional

The calendar for reference time units. Ignored if the source parameter is set.

The calendar may also be set after initialisation with the set_calendar method.

Parameter example:


fill_value: optional

The fill value of the data. By default, or if set to None, the numpy fill value appropriate to the array’s data-type will be used (see Ignored if the source parameter is set.

The fill value may also be set after initialisation with the set_fill_value method.

Parameter example:


dtype: data-type, optional

The desired data-type for the data. By default the data-type will be inferred form the array parameter.

The data-type may also be set after initialisation with the dtype attribute.

Parameter example:


Parameter example:


Parameter example:


mask: optional

Apply this mask to the data given by the array parameter. By default, or if mask is None, no mask is applied. May be any scalar or array-like object (such as a numpy array or Data instance) that is broadcastable to the shape of array. Masking will be carried out where elements mask evaluate to True.

This mask will applied in addition to any mask already defined by the array parameter.

source: optional

Initialize the array, units, calendar and fill value from those of source.

hardmask: bool, optional

If False then the mask is soft. By default the mask is hard.

dt: bool, optional

If True then strings (such as '1990-12-01 12:00') given by the array parameter are re-interpreted as date-time objects. By default they are not.

loadd: dict, optional

Initialise the data from a dictionary serialization of a cf.Data object. All other arguments are ignored. See the dumpd and loadd methods.

loads: str, optional

Initialise the data array from a string serialization of a Data object. All other arguments are ignored. See the dumps and loads methods.

copy: bool, optional

If False then do not deep copy input parameters prior to initialization. By default arguments are deep copied.

chunk: bool, optional

If False then the data array will be stored in a single partition. By default the data array will be partitioned if it is larger than the chunk size, as returned by the cf.CHUNKSIZE function.


>>> d = cf.Data(5)
>>> d = cf.Data([1,2,3], units='K')
>>> import numpy   
>>> d = cf.Data(numpy.arange(10).reshape(2,5), units=Units('m/s'), fill_value=-999)
>>> d = cf.Data(tuple('fly'))

Data attributes

array A numpy array copy the data array.
binary_mask A binary (0 and 1) mask of the data array.
data The data as an object identity.
day The day of each data array element.
datetime_array An independent numpy array of date-time objects.
dtype The numpy data-type of the data array.
fill_value The data array missing data value.
hardmask Whether the mask is hard (True) or soft (False).
hour The hour of each data array element.
ismasked True if the data array has any masked values.
isscalar True if the data array is a 0-d scalar array.
mask The boolean missing data mask of the data array.
minute The minute of each data array element.
month The month of each data array element.
nbytes Total number of bytes consumed by the elements of the array.
ndim Number of dimensions in the data array.
second The second of each data array element.
shape Tuple of the data array’s dimension sizes.
size Number of elements in the data array.
Units The cf.Units object aining the units of the data array.
varray A numpy array view the data array.
year The year of each data array element.

Data methods

add_partitions Add partition boundaries.
all Test whether all data array elements evaluate to True.
allclose Returns True if two broadcastable arrays have equal values, False otherwise.
any Test whether any data array elements evaluate to True.
argmax Return the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
asdata Convert the input to a Data object.
ceil The ceiling of the data, element-wise.
change_calendar Change the calendar of the data array elements.
chunk Partition the data array.
clip Clip (limit) the values in the data array in place.
close Close all files referenced by the data array.
concatenate Join a sequence of data arrays together.
concatenate_data Concatenates a list of Data objects into a single Data object along the specified access (see cf.Data.concatenate for details).
copy Return a deep copy.
cos Take the trigonometric cosine of the data array in place.
count Count the non-masked elements of the data.
count_masked Count the masked elements of the data.
creation_commands Return the commands that would create the data object.
cumsum Return the data cumulatively summed along the given axis.
cyclic TODO
datum Return an element of the data array as a standard Python scalar.
del_calendar Delete the calendar.
del_fill_value Delete the fill value.
del_units Delete the units.
dump Return a string containing a full description of the instance.
digitize Return the indices of the bins to which each value belongs.
dumpd Return a serialization of the data array.
dumps Return a JSON string serialization of the data array.
empty Create a new data array without initializing the elements.
equals True if two data arrays are logically equal, False otherwise.
exp Take the exponential of the data array.
expand_dims Expand the shape of the data array in place.
files Return the names of files containing parts of the data array.
filled TODO
first_element Return the first element of the data as a scalar.
fits_in_memory Return True if the master array is small enough to be retained in memory.
fits_in_one_chunk_in_memory Return True if the master array is small enough to be retained in memory.
flat Return a flat iterator over elements of the data array.
flatten Flatten axes of the data
flip Reverse the direction of axes of the data array.
floor Return the floor of the data array.
full Return a new data array of given shape and type, filled with the given value.
func Apply an element-wise array operation to the data array.
get_calendar Return the calendar.
get_compressed_axes Return the dimensions that have compressed in the underlying array.
get_compressed_dimension Return the position of the compressed dimension in the compressed array.
get_compression_type Return the type of compression applied to the underlying array.
get_count Return the countcount_va variable for a compressed array.
get_data TODO
get_fill_value Return the missing data value.
get_index Return the index variable for a compressed array.
get_list Return the list variable for a compressed array.
get_units Return the units.
has_calendar TODO Return the units.
has_fill_value TODO Return the units.
has_units TODO Return the units.
insert_dimension Expand the shape of the data array in place.
inspect Inspect the object for debugging.
integral TODO
isclose Return where data are element-wise equal to other, broadcastable data.
last_element Return the last element of the data as a scalar.
loadd Reset the data array in place from a data array serialization.
loads TODO
log TODO
mask_fpe Masking of floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic operations.
mask_invalid Mask the array where invalid values occur (NaN or inf).
max Collapse axes with their maximum.
maximum_absolute_value Collapse axes with their maximum absolute value.
mean Collapse axes with their mean.
mean_of_upper_decile TODO
median TODO
mid_range Collapse axes with the unweighted average of their maximum and minimum values.
min Collapse axes with their minimum.
minimum_absolute_value Collapse axes with their minimum absolute value.
nc_clear_hdf5_chunksizes TODO
nc_hdf5_chunksizes TODO
nc_set_hdf5_chunksizes TODO
ndindex Return an iterator over the N-dimensional indices of the data array.
ones TODO
outerproduct Compute the outer product with another data array.
override_calendar Override the calendar of the data array elements.
override_units Override the data array units.
partition_boundaries Return the partition boundaries for each partition matrix dimension.
partition_configuration Return parameters for opening and closing array partitions.
percentile Compute percentiles of the data along the specified axes.
range Collapse axes with the absolute difference between their maximum and minimum values.
reconstruct_sectioned_data Expects a dictionary of Data objects with ordering information as keys, as output by the section method when called with a Data object.
rint Round the data to the nearest integer, element-wise.
roll A lot like numpy.roll
root_mean_square TODO Collapse axes with their weighted mean.
round Evenly round elements of the data array to the given number of decimals.
sample_size TODO
sd Collapse axes by calculating their standard deviation.
second_element Return the second element of the data as a scalar.
section Return a dictionary of Data objects, which are the m dimensional sections of this n dimensional Data object, where m <= n.
set_calendar Set the calendar.
set_fill_value Set the missing data value.
set_units Set the units.
seterr Set how floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic operations are handled.
sin Take the trigonometric sine of the data array in place.
source Return the underlying array object.
squeeze Remove size 1 axes from the data array.
stats TODO
sum Collapse axes with their sum.
sum_of_squares Collapse axes with the sum of the squares of the values.
sum_of_weights TODO
sum_of_weights2 TODO
swapaxes Interchange two axes of an array.
tan Take the trigonometric tangent of the data array element-wise.
to_disk Store the data array on disk.
to_memory Store each partition’s data in memory in place if the master array is smaller than the chunk size.
tolist Return the array as a (possibly nested) list.
transpose Permute the axes of the data array.
trunc Return the truncated values of the data array.
uncompress Uncompress the underlying array in-place.
unique The unique elements of the array.
var Collapse axes with their weighted variance.
where Assign to data elements depending on a condition.
zeros TODO

Data static methods

mask_fpe Masking of floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic operations.
seterr Set how floating-point errors in the results of arithmetic operations are handled.

Data arithmetic and comparison operations

Arithmetic, bitwise and comparison operations are defined as element-wise data array operations which yield a new cf.Data object or, for augmented assignments, modify the data in-place.

Comparison operators

__lt__ The rich comparison operator <
__le__ The rich comparison operator <=
__eq__ The rich comparison operator ==
__ne__ The rich comparison operator !=
__gt__ The rich comparison operator >
__ge__ The rich comparison operator >=

Truth value of an array

__bool__ Truth value testing and the built-in operation bool

Binary arithmetic operators

__add__ The binary arithmetic operation +
__sub__ The binary arithmetic operation -
__mul__ The binary arithmetic operation *
__div__ The binary arithmetic operation /
__truediv__ The binary arithmetic operation / (true division)
__floordiv__ The binary arithmetic operation //
__pow__ The binary arithmetic operations ** and pow
__mod__ The binary arithmetic operation %

Binary arithmetic operators with reflected (swapped) operands

__radd__ The binary arithmetic operation + with reflected operands
__rsub__ The binary arithmetic operation - with reflected operands
__rmul__ The binary arithmetic operation * with reflected operands
__rdiv__ The binary arithmetic operation / with reflected operands
__rtruediv__ The binary arithmetic operation / (true division) with reflected operands
__rfloordiv__ The binary arithmetic operation // with reflected operands
__rpow__ The binary arithmetic operations ** and pow with reflected operands
__rmod__ The binary arithmetic operation % with reflected operands

Augmented arithmetic assignments

__iadd__ The augmented arithmetic assignment +=
__isub__ The augmented arithmetic assignment -=
__imul__ The augmented arithmetic assignment *=
__idiv__ The augmented arithmetic assignment /=
__itruediv__ The augmented arithmetic assignment /= (true division)
__ifloordiv__ The augmented arithmetic assignment //=
__ipow__ The augmented arithmetic assignment **=
__imod__ The binary arithmetic operation %=

Unary arithmetic operators

__neg__ The unary arithmetic operation -
__pos__ The unary arithmetic operation +
__abs__ The unary arithmetic operation abs

Binary bitwise operators

__and__ The binary bitwise operation &
__or__ The binary bitwise operation |
__xor__ The binary bitwise operation ^
__lshift__ The binary bitwise operation <<
__rshift__ The binary bitwise operation >>

..rubric:: Binary bitwise operators with reflected (swapped) operands

__rand__ The binary bitwise operation & with reflected operands
__ror__ The binary bitwise operation | with reflected operands
__rxor__ The binary bitwise operation ^ with reflected operands
__rlshift__ The binary bitwise operation << with reflected operands
__rrshift__ The binary bitwise operation >> with reflected operands

Augmented bitwise assignments

__iand__ The augmented bitwise assignment &=
__ior__ The augmented bitwise assignment |=
__ixor__ The augmented bitwise assignment ^=
__ilshift__ The augmented bitwise assignment <<=
__irshift__ The augmented bitwise assignment >>=

Unary bitwise operators

__invert__ The unary bitwise operation ~


__array__ The numpy array interface.
__contains__ Membership test operator in
__data__ Returns a new reference to self.
__deepcopy__ Called by the copy.deepcopy function.
__getitem__ Return a subspace of the data defined by indices.
__hash__ The built-in function hash
__iter__ Efficient iteration.
__len__ The built-in function len
__query_set__ TODO
__query_wi__ TODO
__query_wo__ TODO
__repr__ Called by the repr built-in function.
__setitem__ Implement indexed assignment.
__str__ Called by the str built-in function.