
Data.masked_values(value, rtol=None, atol=None, inplace=False)[source]

Mask using floating point equality.

Masks the data where elements are approximately equal to the given value. For integer types, exact equality is used.

New in version 3.16.0.

See also


value: number

Masking value.

rtol: number, optional

The tolerance on relative differences between real numbers. The default value is set by the cf.rtol function.

atol: number, optional

The tolerance on absolute differences between real numbers. The default value is set by the cf.atol function.

inplace: bool, optional

If True then do the operation in-place and return None.

Data or None

The result of masking the data where approximately equal to value, or None if the operation was in-place.


>>> d = cf.Data([1, 1.1, 2, 1.1, 3])
>>> e = d.masked_values(1.1)
>>> print(e.array)
[1.0 -- 2.0 -- 3.0]