
Field.construct(identity=None, default=ValueError(), key=False)[source]

Select a metadata construct by its identity.

identity: optional

Select the construct. Must be

  • The identity or key of a metadata construct.

A construct identity is specified by a string (e.g. 'latitude', 'long_name=time', 'ncvar%lat', etc.); a Query object (e.g. cf.eq('longitude')); or a compiled regular expression (e.g. re.compile('^atmosphere')) that selects the relevant constructs whose identities match via

A construct has a number of identities, and is selected if any of them match any of those provided. A construct’s identities are those returned by its identities method. In the following example, the construct x has six identities:

>>> x.identities()

A construct key may optionally have the 'key%' prefix. For example 'dimensioncoordinate2' and 'key%dimensioncoordinate2' are both acceptable keys.

Note that in the output of a print call or dump method, a construct is always described by one of its identities, and so this description may always be used as an identity argument.

Parameter example:


Parameter example:


Parameter example:


Parameter example:

identity='long_name=Cell Area'

Parameter example:


default: optional

Return the value of the default parameter if a construct can not be found. If set to an Exception instance then it will be raised instead.

key: bool, optional

If True then return the selected construct key. By default the construct itself is returned.


The selected coordinate construct, or its key.


>>> f = cf.example_field(1)
>>> print(f)
Field: air_temperature (ncvar%ta)
Data            : air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K
Cell methods    : grid_latitude(10): grid_longitude(9): mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees) time(1): maximum
Field ancils    : air_temperature standard_error(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.76, ..., 0.32]] K
Dimension coords: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) = [1.5]
                : grid_latitude(10) = [2.2, ..., -1.76] degrees
                : grid_longitude(9) = [-4.7, ..., -1.18] degrees
                : time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
Auxiliary coords: latitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[53.941, ..., 50.225]] degrees_N
                : longitude(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2.004, ..., 8.156]] degrees_E
                : long_name=Grid latitude name(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., b'kappa']
Cell measures   : measure:area(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2391.9657, ..., 2392.6009]] km2
Coord references: grid_mapping_name:rotated_latitude_longitude
                : standard_name:atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
Domain ancils   : ncvar%a(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [10.0] m
                : ncvar%b(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [20.0]
                : surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 270.0]] m
>>> f.construct('long_name=Grid latitude name')
<CF AuxiliaryCoordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name(10) >
>>> f.construct('ncvar%a')
<CF DomainAncillary: ncvar%a(1) m>
>>> f.construct('measure:area')
<CF CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>
>>> f.construct('domainaxis0')
<CF DomainAxis: size(1)>
>>> f.construct('height')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Can't return zero constructs
>>> f.construct('height', default=False)
>>> f.construct('height', default=TypeError("No height coordinates"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: No height coordinates