version 3.2 changes

0. Map popup changes

  • clean up code for npstere and spstere sensitivity

  • rotated option doesn’t make it into the plotting code

  • rotated option to be insensitive when data is not in rotated coordinates

  • map resolution drop added to map options


1. Colour bar extensions don’t work

No code for colour bar extensions - levs_extend_min and levs_extend_max were missing.

Code added

2. Code to remove auxiliary coordinates removed

Change code to remove extra auxiliary coodinates as this is no longer needed - remove_aux=False


3. Colour scale code changes

The colour scale code was changed:

  • change to viridis - colour scale doesn’t change

  • output code is cscale=’inferno’ rather than scale=’inferno’


4. contour levels - bug with nlevs definition as a boolean

There was a bug in the contour levels code with nlevs definition as a boolean


5. Maps - user configuration and saving

Maps - user configuration and saving options added to map popup.


6. Contour levels - user configuration and saving

Contour levels - user configuration and saving options added to map popup.


7. Colour scale - user configuration and saving

Colour scale - user configuration and saving options added to map popup.


8. New sections for user settings to be scrollable

New sections for user settings to be scrollable.


9. New sections for user settings to be visible after clicking a checkbox

New sections for user settings to be visible after clicking a checkbox.


10. Defaults file code rewrite

Defaults file code rewrite to use dictionaries for user defined map, contour level and colour scale options.


11. Issues with cf-python 3.14.0 investigated

Issues with cf-python 3.14.0 were investigated. These mostly seemed related to the version of netCDF4 with 1.6.1 causing issues. With a fresh install a few weeks later the issues had gone away so it is assumed that this was fixed somewhere in conda.


12. Check all menus look okay and adjust spacing if necessary

Check all menus and adjust with hbox.addStretch(1) as required


13. New property popup window to properties popup needs recoding

The new property popup window to properties popup needed recoding.


14. Doc strings for all routines

Doc strings were added for all routines.


15. Make a plot code - rework map settings

Rework code for making a plot: map settings Use dictionaries for working out settings and code generation.


16. Make a plot code - rework colour settings

Rework code for making a plot: map settings Use dictionaries for working out settings and code generation.


17. Make a plot code - rework contour level settings

Rework code for making a plot: map settings Use dictionaries for working out settings and code generation.


18. netCDF file with no fields but doesn’t produce a sensible error

A netCDF file with no fields but doesn’t produce a sensible error.


19. Update cfview interpolation code

Update interpolation to use a sequence of Coordinate instances. This changed in cf-python at version 3.14.1.

  • g = f.regrids({‘longitude’: lons, ‘latitude’: lats}, method=method)

  • becomes

  • g = f.regrids([lats, lons], method=method)


20. Changes to cope better with dodgy data

Changes to various parts of cfview were made to cope better with some dodgy data found in

  • cannot read - cf-python issue with a dodgy 7th field - no data

  • cf-view now has an issue with this data

  • find_dim_names - have five domain axes and four coordinates

  • change loop to check for coordinate type to go over coords rather than daxes

  • field 5 fails as the data is dodgy - subspace fails in plot routine - add an exception test


21. Remove references to plotvars.stored collapses and plotvars.stored dimensions

Remove references to plotvars.stored collapses and plotvars.stored dimensions. These are now plotvars.stored[‘f0’][‘collapses’] and plotvars.stored[‘f0’][‘axes’]


22. Field search code update

Field search code update. A new field gets lost internally and doesn’t display as expected.


23. Stray print removal

A stray print statement was removed.


24. Stray print removal - and again

A stray print statement was removed.


25. Support for 2D lon-lat data added

Support for 2D lon-lat data contouring and blockfill was added.
