
Setup required to run an EPOC ensemble member

In order to run an EPOC workflow, you must have the following accounts:

You will then need to setup the following:

Cylc submission to Jasmin

In order to submit jobs to Jasmin from puma2 (for jdma and monitor tasks), you need to configure your ssh settings to connect to the Jasmin sci servers.

1. Add the following to your .ssh/config file on PUMA2.

Host login-0?.jasmin.ac.uk
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<JASMIN-SSH-KEY>
    ForwardAgent yes

Host sci-vm-0? sci-ph-0?
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<JASMIN-SSH-KEY>
    ForwardAgent yes
    ProxyJump login-03.jasmin.ac.uk

2. Add your Jasmin ssh-key to your ssh-agent:

3. Test connection to Jasmin:

4. Add path to Rose/Cylc to your ~/.bash_profile on JASMIN:

if [[ $(hostname) = sci*.jasmin.ac.uk || $(hostname) = cylc*.jasmin.ac.uk || $(hostname) = host*.jc.rl.ac.uk ]]; then
  # Rose/cylc on jasmin-sci & Lotus nodes
  export PATH=/apps/jasmin/metomi/bin:$PATH

Jasmin transfer cache

The Jasmin transfer cache (XFC) is used in the EPOC workflows to stage data before migration to elastic tape, avoiding group workspace.

To setup an XFC space:

  1. First install the XFC client
  2. Then follow the initialisation steps

Data migration to Jasmin tape archive

To setup your environment for migration of data to Jasmin Elastic Tape as part of the UM workflow:

  1. Login to one of the Jasmin sci servers
  2. Load the jdma client:
    . ~umshared/venvs/jdma_venv_py3/bin/activate
  3. Follow the setup steps in the JDMA documentation