
u-dg290 - HH abrupt-4XCO2

Runner: Dan Hodson
Run start date: 2024-05-30
Run completion date:
Run length: 50 years

Initialization: 2010-01-01 in the HH control-1950 (cx749)

| Cycle | Description | Date | | — | — | — | |19550101T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stp_ctl:tracer anomaly: sea surface temperature > 40C Attempting atmosphere perturbation in 195501 atmosphere dump. This failed. Now attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 1 cycle. | 19/07/2024 | |19570201T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 1 cycle | 18/08/2024| |19570201T0000Z| Previous fix failed. Rolled back to 19570101T0000Z and restarted with 3 min timestep for 2 cycles. 19570201T0000Z completed successfully. Reverted to 5min time step for following cycles. Replaced old JDMA 195701 with new 195701 | 21/08/2024| |19580101T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 1 cycle | 02/09/2024| |19580101T0000Z| Previous fix failed. Rolled back to 19571201T0000Z and restarted with 3 min timestep for 2 cycles. 19580101T0000Z completed successfully. Reverted to 5min time step for following cycles. JDMA held so no need to replace 195712 on ET | 06/09/2024| |19580301T0000Z| CICE crashed ice: Vertical thermo error - reduced ocean time step, restarted - cycle ran OK. reverted to 5min time step for following cycles. | 06/09/2024| |19594101T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 2 cycles. Reverted to 5min following this | 09/09/2024| |19610201T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 2 cycles. | 13/09/2024| |19610201T0000Z| Previous fix failed. Rolled back to 19610101T0000Z and restarted with 3 min timestep for 2 cycles. Reverted to 5 min timestep for following cycles| 13/09/2024| |19620101T0000Z| Failed because ozone data was deleted from NVme scratch before it could be used. Rebuilt the .po ozone file from archived .p4 ozone files using /work/n02/n02/lrdlrh/EPOC/restarts/HH_4xCO2/u-dg290/1961/concat_po.sh redistribute_ozone accepted this and coupled ran OK. Ozone outputs look sensible | 08/11/2024| |19630701T0000Z| North/South halos too small for advection. Attempting to perturb the atmosphere dump | 11/11/2024| |19631001T0000Z| North/South halos too small for advection. Attempting to perturb the atmosphere dump | 12/11/2024| |19640401T0000Z| NaNs in error term in BiCGstab after 1 iterations - Attempting to perturb the atmosphere dump | 13/11/2024| |19650401T0000Z| The exception reports the extra information: Address not mapped to object. - attempting to retrigger coupled |15/11/2024| |19650401T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 1 cycle - forgot to switch back until 19670801!| 15/11/2024| |19680401T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 2 cycles. | 23/11/2024| |19710401T0000Z| Model crashed - MPI fault? Fatal error in PMPI_Recv: Other MPI error, error stack - attempting resub |01/12/2024| |19720101T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 2 cycles. | 02/12/2024| |19720101T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Again - attemptng roll back to 19711201T0000Z | 03/12/2024| |19720101T0000Z| Roll back Failed: NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Again - attemptng to perturb 19720101 atm dump | 04/12/2024| |19750201T0000Z| NEMO crashed with stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s : Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 2 cycles. | 22/12/2024| |19760701T0000Z| Address not mapped to object - attempt resubmit | 25/12/2024 | |19771001T0000Z| Fatal error in PMPI_Isend: Other M\PI error, error stack -attemping resumbit | 28/12/2024| |19780101T0000Z| stpctl: the zonal velocity is larger than 20 m/s - Attempting to change the Ocean Timestep to 3min for 2 cycles. |29/12/2024|

JDMA batch numbers

# Output from running: jdma batch -f workspace -w epoc | grep u-dg290 | cat -n
    1	   24102 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500101 elastictape      2024-06-28 03:26  ON_STORAGE 
     2	   24125 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500201 elastictape      2024-06-28 06:12  ON_STORAGE 
     3	   24140 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500301 elastictape      2024-06-28 09:03  ON_STORAGE 
     4	   24190 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500401 elastictape      2024-06-29 05:40  ON_STORAGE 
     5	   24199 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500501 elastictape      2024-06-29 09:01  ON_STORAGE 
     6	   24207 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500601 elastictape      2024-06-29 10:36  ON_STORAGE 
     7	   24231 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500701 elastictape      2024-06-29 16:52  ON_STORAGE 
     8	   24254 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500801 elastictape      2024-06-29 22:03  ON_STORAGE 
     9	   24277 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19500901 elastictape      2024-06-30 01:39  ON_STORAGE 
    10	   24302 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19501001 elastictape      2024-06-30 03:49  ON_STORAGE 
    11	   24504 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19501101 elastictape      2024-07-01 09:01  ON_STORAGE 
    12	   24506 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19501201 elastictape      2024-07-01 09:11  ON_STORAGE 
    13	   24589 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510101 elastictape      2024-07-02 04:34  ON_STORAGE 
    14	   24611 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510201 elastictape      2024-07-02 06:29  ON_STORAGE 
    15	   24673 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510301 elastictape      2024-07-02 22:36  ON_STORAGE 
    16	   24684 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510401 elastictape      2024-07-03 02:47  ON_STORAGE 
    17	   24714 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510501 elastictape      2024-07-03 05:55  ON_STORAGE 
    18	   24719 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510601 elastictape      2024-07-03 07:10  ON_STORAGE 
    19	   24736 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510701 elastictape      2024-07-03 10:16  ON_STORAGE 
    20	   24785 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510801 elastictape      2024-07-04 02:02  ON_STORAGE 
    21	   24800 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19510901 elastictape      2024-07-04 04:58  ON_STORAGE 
    22	   24826 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19511001 elastictape      2024-07-04 09:13  ON_STORAGE 
    23	   25473 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19511101 elastictape      2024-07-10 21:41  ON_STORAGE 
    24	   25496 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19511201 elastictape      2024-07-11 01:57  ON_STORAGE 
    25	   25523 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520101 elastictape      2024-07-11 05:23  ON_STORAGE 
    26	   25541 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520201 elastictape      2024-07-11 08:14  ON_STORAGE 
    27	   25579 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520301 elastictape      2024-07-11 14:45  ON_STORAGE 
    28	   25581 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520401 elastictape      2024-07-11 15:10  ON_STORAGE 
    29	   25619 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520501 elastictape      2024-07-12 00:11  ON_STORAGE 
    30	   25637 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520601 elastictape      2024-07-12 05:46  ON_STORAGE 
    31	   25663 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520701 elastictape      2024-07-12 08:52  ON_STORAGE 
    32	   25750 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520801 elastictape      2024-07-12 12:23  ON_STORAGE 
    33	   25762 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19520901 elastictape      2024-07-12 15:33  ON_STORAGE 
    34	   25814 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19521001 elastictape      2024-07-12 23:04  ON_STORAGE 
    35	   25841 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19521101 elastictape      2024-07-13 06:25  ON_STORAGE 
    36	   25861 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19521201 elastictape      2024-07-13 10:31  ON_STORAGE 
    37	   25884 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530101 elastictape      2024-07-13 14:11  ON_STORAGE 
    38	   25904 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530201 elastictape      2024-07-13 17:17  ON_STORAGE 
    39	   25934 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530301 elastictape      2024-07-13 23:28  ON_STORAGE 
    40	   25936 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530401 elastictape      2024-07-13 23:48  ON_STORAGE 
    41	   25999 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530501 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:03  ON_STORAGE 
    42	   26000 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530601 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:08  ON_STORAGE 
    43	   26002 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530701 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:13  ON_STORAGE 
    44	   26005 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530801 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:18  ON_STORAGE 
    45	   26007 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19530901 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:23  ON_STORAGE 
    46	   26008 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19531001 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:28  ON_STORAGE 
    47	   26012 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19531101 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:33  ON_STORAGE 
    48	   26014 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19531201 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:38  ON_STORAGE 
    49	   26017 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540101 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:43  ON_STORAGE 
    50	   26019 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540201 elastictape      2024-07-15 09:49  ON_STORAGE 
    51	   26089 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540301 elastictape      2024-07-15 15:10  ON_STORAGE 
    52	   26101 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540401 elastictape      2024-07-15 19:16  ON_STORAGE 
    53	   26181 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540501 elastictape      2024-07-17 02:28  ON_STORAGE 
    54	   26187 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540601 elastictape      2024-07-17 03:58  ON_STORAGE 
    55	   26227 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540701 elastictape      2024-07-17 07:34  ON_STORAGE 
    56	   26266 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540801 elastictape      2024-07-17 11:13  ON_STORAGE 
    57	   26283 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19540901 elastictape      2024-07-17 14:41  ON_STORAGE 
    58	   26336 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19541001 elastictape      2024-07-18 05:42  ON_STORAGE 
    59	   26350 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19541101 elastictape      2024-07-18 08:17  ON_STORAGE 
    60	   26375 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19541201 elastictape      2024-07-18 11:18  ON_STORAGE 
    61	   27284 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550101 elastictape      2024-07-26 09:30  ON_STORAGE 
    62	   27723 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550201 elastictape      2024-07-30 22:47  ON_STORAGE 
    63	   29582 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550301 elastictape      2024-08-16 15:32  ON_STORAGE 
    64	   29583 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550401 elastictape      2024-08-16 15:38  ON_STORAGE 
    65	   29584 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550501 elastictape      2024-08-16 15:43  ON_STORAGE 
    66	   29585 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550601 elastictape      2024-08-16 15:48  ON_STORAGE 
    67	   29586 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550701 elastictape      2024-08-16 15:53  ON_STORAGE 
    68	   29588 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550801 elastictape      2024-08-16 15:58  ON_STORAGE 
    69	   29589 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19550901 elastictape      2024-08-16 16:03  ON_STORAGE 
    70	   29590 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19551001 elastictape      2024-08-16 16:08  ON_STORAGE 
    71	   29592 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19551101 elastictape      2024-08-16 16:13  ON_STORAGE 
    72	   29594 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19551201 elastictape      2024-08-16 16:18  ON_STORAGE 
    73	   29595 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560101 elastictape      2024-08-16 16:24  ON_STORAGE 
    74	   29596 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560201 elastictape      2024-08-16 16:29  ON_STORAGE 
    75	   29663 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560301 elastictape      2024-08-17 08:40  ON_STORAGE 
    76	   29664 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560401 elastictape      2024-08-17 08:50  ON_STORAGE 
    77	   29665 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560501 elastictape      2024-08-17 09:00  ON_STORAGE 
    78	   29672 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560601 elastictape      2024-08-17 09:51  ON_STORAGE 
    79	   29684 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560701 elastictape      2024-08-17 12:57  ON_STORAGE 
    80	   29699 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560801 elastictape      2024-08-17 15:58  ON_STORAGE 
    81	   29708 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19560901 elastictape      2024-08-17 18:58  ON_STORAGE 
    82	   29724 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19561001 elastictape      2024-08-17 22:09  ON_STORAGE 
    83	   29738 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19561101 elastictape      2024-08-18 01:09  ON_STORAGE 
    84	   29750 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19561201 elastictape      2024-08-18 04:15  ON_STORAGE 
    85	   32046 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570101 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:15  ON_STORAGE 
    86	   32047 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570201 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:20  ON_STORAGE 
    87	   32048 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570301 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:25  ON_STORAGE 
    88	   32049 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570401 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:31  ON_STORAGE 
    89	   32052 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570501 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:36  ON_STORAGE 
    90	   32055 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570601 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:41  ON_STORAGE 
    91	   32056 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570701 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:46  ON_STORAGE 
    92	   32059 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570801 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:51  ON_STORAGE 
    93	   32061 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19570901 elastictape      2024-09-06 10:56  ON_STORAGE 
    94	   32062 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19571001 elastictape      2024-09-06 11:01  ON_STORAGE 
    95	   32063 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19571101 elastictape      2024-09-06 11:06  ON_STORAGE 
    96	   32064 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19571201 elastictape      2024-09-06 11:11  ON_STORAGE 
    97	   32065 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580101 elastictape      2024-09-06 11:17  ON_STORAGE 
    98	   32192 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580201 elastictape      2024-09-07 13:07  ON_STORAGE 
    99	   32206 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580301 elastictape      2024-09-07 16:48  ON_STORAGE 
   100	   32228 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580401 elastictape      2024-09-07 21:04  ON_STORAGE 
   101	   32238 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580501 elastictape      2024-09-08 00:25  ON_STORAGE 
   102	   32246 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580601 elastictape      2024-09-08 03:45  ON_STORAGE 
   103	   32256 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580701 elastictape      2024-09-08 06:46  ON_STORAGE 
   104	   32270 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580801 elastictape      2024-09-08 10:02  ON_STORAGE 
   105	   32280 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19580901 elastictape      2024-09-08 13:02  ON_STORAGE 
   106	   32289 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19581001 elastictape      2024-09-08 16:28  ON_STORAGE 
   107	   32303 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19581101 elastictape      2024-09-08 19:38  ON_STORAGE 
   108	   32318 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19581201 elastictape      2024-09-08 22:59  ON_STORAGE 
   109	   32330 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590101 elastictape      2024-09-09 02:40  ON_STORAGE 
   110	   32341 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590201 elastictape      2024-09-09 05:41  ON_STORAGE 
   111	   32375 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590301 elastictape      2024-09-09 16:13  ON_STORAGE 
   112	   32385 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590401 elastictape      2024-09-09 19:02  ON_STORAGE 
   113	   32420 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590501 elastictape      2024-09-10 01:59  ON_STORAGE 
   114	   32426 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590601 elastictape      2024-09-10 02:29  ON_STORAGE 
   115	   32439 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590701 elastictape      2024-09-10 05:35  ON_STORAGE 
   116	   32454 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590801 elastictape      2024-09-10 08:45  ON_STORAGE 
   117	   32461 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19590901 elastictape      2024-09-10 12:16  ON_STORAGE 
   118	   32492 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19591001 elastictape      2024-09-10 18:42  ON_STORAGE 
   119	   32502 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19591101 elastictape      2024-09-10 20:57  ON_STORAGE 
   120	   32521 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19591201 elastictape      2024-09-11 00:08  ON_STORAGE 
   121	   32546 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600101 elastictape      2024-09-11 03:59  ON_STORAGE 
   122	   32562 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600201 elastictape      2024-09-11 06:54  ON_STORAGE 
   123	   32595 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600301 elastictape      2024-09-11 13:31  ON_STORAGE 
   124	   32597 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600401 elastictape      2024-09-11 13:40  ON_STORAGE 
   125	   32622 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600501 elastictape      2024-09-11 19:50  ON_STORAGE 
   126	   32649 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600601 elastictape      2024-09-12 00:42  ON_STORAGE 
   127	   32662 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600701 elastictape      2024-09-12 04:47  ON_STORAGE 
   128	   32685 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600801 elastictape      2024-09-12 07:58  ON_STORAGE 
   129	   32706 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19600901 elastictape      2024-09-12 11:08  ON_STORAGE 
   130	   32723 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19601001 elastictape      2024-09-12 14:19  ON_STORAGE 
   131	   32739 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19601101 elastictape      2024-09-12 18:25  ON_STORAGE 
   132	   32745 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19601201 elastictape      2024-09-12 23:10  ON_STORAGE 
   133	   33241 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610101 elastictape      2024-09-16 14:32  ON_STORAGE 
   134	   36403 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610201 elastictape      2024-10-23 11:44  ON_STORAGE 
   135	   36405 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610301 elastictape      2024-10-23 11:49  ON_STORAGE 
   136	   36406 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610401 elastictape      2024-10-23 11:54  ON_STORAGE 
   137	   36407 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610501 elastictape      2024-10-23 11:59  ON_STORAGE 
   138	   36408 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610601 elastictape      2024-10-23 12:05  ON_STORAGE 
   139	   36409 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610701 elastictape      2024-10-23 12:10  ON_STORAGE 
   140	   36411 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610801 elastictape      2024-10-23 12:15  ON_STORAGE 
   141	   36413 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19610901 elastictape      2024-10-23 12:20  ON_STORAGE 
   142	   36414 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19611001 elastictape      2024-10-23 12:25  ON_STORAGE 
   143	   36440 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19611101 elastictape      2024-10-24 07:05  ON_STORAGE 
   144	   37282 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19611201 elastictape      2024-11-08 14:12  ON_STORAGE 
   145	   37296 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620101 elastictape      2024-11-08 17:38  ON_STORAGE 
   146	   37306 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620201 elastictape      2024-11-08 22:06  ON_STORAGE 
   147	   37314 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620301 elastictape      2024-11-09 05:03  ON_STORAGE 
   148	   37316 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620401 elastictape      2024-11-09 05:26  ON_STORAGE 
   149	   37319 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620501 elastictape      2024-11-09 08:49  ON_STORAGE 
   150	   37323 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620601 elastictape      2024-11-09 14:20  ON_STORAGE 
   151	   37327 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620701 elastictape      2024-11-09 15:35  ON_STORAGE 
   152	   37332 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620801 elastictape      2024-11-09 18:51  ON_STORAGE 
   153	   37335 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19620901 elastictape      2024-11-09 22:17  ON_STORAGE 
   154	   37341 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19621001 elastictape      2024-11-10 03:29  ON_STORAGE 
   155	   37352 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19621101 elastictape      2024-11-10 06:13  ON_STORAGE 
   156	   37357 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19621201 elastictape      2024-11-10 09:29  ON_STORAGE 
   157	   37360 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630101 elastictape      2024-11-10 10:55  ON_STORAGE 
   158	   37366 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630201 elastictape      2024-11-10 13:40  ON_STORAGE 
   159	   37375 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630301 elastictape      2024-11-10 20:02  ON_STORAGE 
   160	   37384 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630401 elastictape      2024-11-11 09:20  ON_STORAGE 
   161	   37394 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630501 elastictape      2024-11-11 15:58  ON_STORAGE 
   162	   37413 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630601 elastictape      2024-11-11 20:53  ON_STORAGE 
   163	   37425 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630701 elastictape      2024-11-12 01:10  ON_STORAGE 
   164	   37437 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630801 elastictape      2024-11-12 06:36  ON_STORAGE 
   165	   37451 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19630901 elastictape      2024-11-12 12:45  ON_STORAGE 
   166	   37464 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19631001 elastictape      2024-11-12 17:17  ON_STORAGE 
   167	   37475 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19631101 elastictape      2024-11-12 20:44  ON_STORAGE 
   168	   37481 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19631201 elastictape      2024-11-12 23:38  ON_STORAGE 
   169	   37496 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640101 elastictape      2024-11-13 06:15  ON_STORAGE 
   170	   37497 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640201 elastictape      2024-11-13 06:20  ON_STORAGE 
   171	   37521 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640301 elastictape      2024-11-13 14:56  ON_STORAGE 
   172	   37538 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640401 elastictape      2024-11-13 19:25  ON_STORAGE 
   173	   37548 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640501 elastictape      2024-11-13 23:19  ON_STORAGE 
   174	   37563 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640601 elastictape      2024-11-14 10:27  ON_STORAGE 
   175	   37564 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640701 elastictape      2024-11-14 10:29  ON_STORAGE 
   176	   37565 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640801 elastictape      2024-11-14 10:40  ON_STORAGE 
   177	   37571 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19640901 elastictape      2024-11-14 12:17  ON_STORAGE 
   178	   37574 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19641001 elastictape      2024-11-14 13:14  ON_STORAGE 
   179	   37577 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19641101 elastictape      2024-11-14 16:03  ON_STORAGE 
   180	   37584 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19641201 elastictape      2024-11-14 19:47  ON_STORAGE 
   181	   37590 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650101 elastictape      2024-11-14 23:13  ON_STORAGE 
   182	   37595 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650201 elastictape      2024-11-15 02:13  ON_STORAGE 
   183	   37658 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650301 elastictape      2024-11-17 14:03  ON_STORAGE 
   184	   37660 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650401 elastictape      2024-11-17 14:08  ON_STORAGE 
   185	   37661 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650501 elastictape      2024-11-17 14:22  ON_STORAGE 
   186	   37662 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650601 elastictape      2024-11-17 14:27  ON_STORAGE 
   187	   37665 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650701 elastictape      2024-11-17 19:18  ON_STORAGE 
   188	   37671 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650801 elastictape      2024-11-18 03:19  ON_STORAGE 
   189	   37679 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19650901 elastictape      2024-11-18 08:54  ON_STORAGE 
   190	   37708 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19651001 elastictape      2024-11-18 12:27  ON_STORAGE 
   191	   37720 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19651101 elastictape      2024-11-18 17:45  ON_STORAGE 
   192	   37737 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19651201 elastictape      2024-11-18 23:04  ON_STORAGE 
   193	   37754 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660101 elastictape      2024-11-19 05:02  ON_STORAGE 
   194	   37765 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660201 elastictape      2024-11-19 09:26  ON_STORAGE 
   195	   37798 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660301 elastictape      2024-11-19 17:07  ON_STORAGE 
   196	   37806 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660401 elastictape      2024-11-19 18:58  ON_STORAGE 
   197	   37818 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660501 elastictape      2024-11-19 23:49  ON_STORAGE 
   198	   37837 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660601 elastictape      2024-11-20 07:32  ON_STORAGE 
   199	   37843 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660701 elastictape      2024-11-20 09:22  ON_STORAGE 
   200	   37871 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660801 elastictape      2024-11-20 15:53  ON_STORAGE 
   201	   37881 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19660901 elastictape      2024-11-20 20:24  ON_STORAGE 
   202	   37885 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19661001 elastictape      2024-11-21 00:08  ON_STORAGE 
   203	   37892 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19661101 elastictape      2024-11-21 06:45  ON_STORAGE 
   204	   37899 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19661201 elastictape      2024-11-21 10:06  ON_STORAGE 
   205	   37907 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670101 elastictape      2024-11-21 15:33  ON_STORAGE 
   206	   37912 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670201 elastictape      2024-11-21 20:07  ON_STORAGE 
   207	   37928 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670301 elastictape      2024-11-22 05:24  ON_STORAGE 
   208	   37929 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670401 elastictape      2024-11-22 05:44  ON_STORAGE 
   209	   37937 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670501 elastictape      2024-11-22 12:13  ON_STORAGE 
   210	   37945 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670601 elastictape      2024-11-22 17:22  ON_STORAGE 
   211	   37949 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670701 elastictape      2024-11-22 21:42  ON_STORAGE 
   212	   37954 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670801 elastictape      2024-11-23 00:03  ON_STORAGE 
   213	   37958 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19670901 elastictape      2024-11-23 03:38  ON_STORAGE 
   214	   37963 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19671001 elastictape      2024-11-23 06:23  ON_STORAGE 
   215	   37971 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19671101 elastictape      2024-11-23 11:40  ON_STORAGE 
   216	   37991 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19671201 elastictape      2024-11-23 14:50  ON_STORAGE 
   217	   37993 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680101 elastictape      2024-11-23 16:21  ON_STORAGE 
   218	   38003 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680201 elastictape      2024-11-24 00:17  ON_STORAGE 
   219	   38005 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680301 elastictape      2024-11-24 02:38  ON_STORAGE 
   220	   38027 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680401 elastictape      2024-11-24 13:24  ON_STORAGE 
   221	   38036 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680501 elastictape      2024-11-24 20:12  ON_STORAGE 
   222	   38037 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680601 elastictape      2024-11-24 21:28  ON_STORAGE 
   223	   38044 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680701 elastictape      2024-11-25 01:38  ON_STORAGE 
   224	   38049 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680801 elastictape      2024-11-25 04:04  ON_STORAGE 
   225	   38054 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19680901 elastictape      2024-11-25 10:07  ON_STORAGE 
   226	   38064 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19681001 elastictape      2024-11-25 16:08  ON_STORAGE 
   227	   38065 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19681101 elastictape      2024-11-25 17:23  ON_STORAGE 
   228	   38123 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19681201 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:22  ON_STORAGE 
   229	   38124 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690101 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:27  ON_STORAGE 
   230	   38125 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690201 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:32  ON_STORAGE 
   231	   38126 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690301 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:37  ON_STORAGE 
   232	   38127 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690401 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:42  ON_STORAGE 
   233	   38128 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690501 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:48  ON_STORAGE 
   234	   38129 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690601 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:56  ON_STORAGE 
   235	   38130 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690701 elastictape      2024-11-27 16:59  ON_STORAGE 
   236	   38133 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690801 elastictape      2024-11-27 19:34  ON_STORAGE 
   237	   38135 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19690901 elastictape      2024-11-27 21:54  ON_STORAGE 
   238	   38139 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19691001 elastictape      2024-11-28 01:31  ON_STORAGE 
   239	   38141 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19691101 elastictape      2024-11-28 03:45  ON_STORAGE 
   240	   38145 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19691201 elastictape      2024-11-28 07:35  ON_STORAGE 
   241	   38148 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700101 elastictape      2024-11-28 09:51  ON_STORAGE 
   242	   38169 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700201 elastictape      2024-11-28 14:22  ON_STORAGE 
   243	   38170 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700301 elastictape      2024-11-28 15:47  ON_STORAGE 
   244	   38172 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700401 elastictape      2024-11-28 15:57  ON_STORAGE 
   245	   38178 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700501 elastictape      2024-11-28 21:18  ON_STORAGE 
   246	   38180 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700601 elastictape      2024-11-28 21:29  ON_STORAGE 
   247	   38184 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700701 elastictape      2024-11-29 00:08  ON_STORAGE 
   248	   38188 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700801 elastictape      2024-11-29 04:14  ON_STORAGE 
   249	   38192 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19700901 elastictape      2024-11-29 04:29  ON_STORAGE 
   250	   38195 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19701001 elastictape      2024-11-29 06:54  ON_STORAGE 
   251	   38198 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19701101 elastictape      2024-11-29 09:05  ON_STORAGE 
   252	   38199 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19701201 elastictape      2024-11-29 10:45  ON_STORAGE 
   253	   38202 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710101 elastictape      2024-11-29 14:12  ON_STORAGE 
   254	   38286 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710201 elastictape      2024-12-02 23:12  ON_STORAGE 
   255	   38288 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710301 elastictape      2024-12-02 23:18  ON_STORAGE 
   256	   38289 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710401 elastictape      2024-12-02 23:28  ON_STORAGE 
   257	   38290 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710501 elastictape      2024-12-02 23:33  ON_STORAGE 
   258	   38291 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710601 elastictape      2024-12-02 23:44  ON_STORAGE 
   259	   38292 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710701 elastictape      2024-12-02 23:54  ON_STORAGE 
   260	   38293 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710801 elastictape      2024-12-03 00:04  ON_STORAGE 
   261	   38294 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19710901 elastictape      2024-12-03 00:09  ON_STORAGE 
   262	   38295 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19711001 elastictape      2024-12-03 00:19  ON_STORAGE 
   263	   38296 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19711101 elastictape      2024-12-03 00:29  ON_STORAGE 
   264	   38406 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19711201 elastictape      2024-12-05 15:07  ON_STORAGE 
   265	   38414 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720101 elastictape      2024-12-05 19:24  ON_STORAGE 
   266	   38416 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720201 elastictape      2024-12-05 23:30  ON_STORAGE 
   267	   38431 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720301 elastictape      2024-12-06 07:46  ON_STORAGE 
   268	   38432 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720401 elastictape      2024-12-06 07:51  ON_STORAGE 
   269	   38436 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720501 elastictape      2024-12-06 11:42  ON_STORAGE 
   270	   38438 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720601 elastictape      2024-12-06 14:33  ON_STORAGE 
   271	   38476 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720701 elastictape      2024-12-09 11:36  ON_STORAGE 
   272	   38477 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720801 elastictape      2024-12-09 11:46  ON_STORAGE 
   273	   38478 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19720901 elastictape      2024-12-09 11:56  ON_STORAGE 
   274	   38479 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19721001 elastictape      2024-12-09 12:06  ON_STORAGE 
   275	   38480 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19721101 elastictape      2024-12-09 12:16  ON_STORAGE 
   276	   38481 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19721201 elastictape      2024-12-09 12:26  ON_STORAGE 
   277	   38482 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730101 elastictape      2024-12-09 12:36  ON_STORAGE 
   278	   38483 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730201 elastictape      2024-12-09 12:46  ON_STORAGE 
   279	   38484 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730301 elastictape      2024-12-09 12:57  ON_STORAGE 
   280	   38485 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730401 elastictape      2024-12-09 13:07  ON_STORAGE 
   281	   38891 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730501 elastictape      2024-12-19 10:24  ON_STORAGE 
   282	   38893 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730601 elastictape      2024-12-19 10:39  ON_STORAGE 
   283	   38896 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730701 elastictape      2024-12-19 10:49  ON_STORAGE 
   284	   38897 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730801 elastictape      2024-12-19 10:59  ON_STORAGE 
   285	   38904 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19730901 elastictape      2024-12-19 23:32  ON_STORAGE 
   286	   38909 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19731001 elastictape      2024-12-20 05:57  ON_STORAGE 
   287	   38911 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19731101 elastictape      2024-12-20 07:53  ON_STORAGE 
   288	   38917 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19731201 elastictape      2024-12-20 09:53  ON_STORAGE 
   289	   38919 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740101 elastictape      2024-12-20 12:14  ON_STORAGE 
   290	   38929 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740201 elastictape      2024-12-20 16:35  ON_STORAGE 
   291	   38933 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740301 elastictape      2024-12-20 22:16  ON_STORAGE 
   292	   38935 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740401 elastictape      2024-12-20 22:26  ON_STORAGE 
   293	   38980 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740501 elastictape      2024-12-22 15:56  ON_STORAGE 
   294	   38981 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740601 elastictape      2024-12-22 16:06  ON_STORAGE 
   295	   38982 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740701 elastictape      2024-12-22 16:16  ON_STORAGE 
   296	   38983 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740801 elastictape      2024-12-22 16:32  ON_STORAGE 
   297	   38984 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19740901 elastictape      2024-12-22 16:37  ON_STORAGE 
   298	   38986 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19741001 elastictape      2024-12-22 16:47  ON_STORAGE 
   299	   38987 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19741101 elastictape      2024-12-22 16:57  ON_STORAGE 
   300	   38988 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19741201 elastictape      2024-12-22 17:07  ON_STORAGE 
   301	   39004 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750101 elastictape      2024-12-23 04:16  ON_STORAGE 
   302	   39009 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750201 elastictape      2024-12-23 09:48  ON_STORAGE 
   303	   39013 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750301 elastictape      2024-12-23 20:37  ON_STORAGE 
   304	   39014 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750401 elastictape      2024-12-23 21:41  ON_STORAGE 
   305	   39016 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750501 elastictape      2024-12-24 05:18  ON_STORAGE 
   306	   39017 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750601 elastictape      2024-12-24 06:53  ON_STORAGE 
   307	   39018 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750701 elastictape      2024-12-24 10:12  ON_STORAGE 
   308	   39020 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750801 elastictape      2024-12-24 13:06  ON_STORAGE 
   309	   39022 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19750901 elastictape      2024-12-24 16:02  ON_STORAGE 
   310	   39026 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19751001 elastictape      2024-12-24 20:52  ON_STORAGE 
   311	   39028 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19751101 elastictape      2024-12-24 21:53  ON_STORAGE 
   312	   39041 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19751201 elastictape      2024-12-25 01:00  ON_STORAGE 
   313	   39045 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760101 elastictape      2024-12-25 04:35  ON_STORAGE 
   314	   39071 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760201 elastictape      2024-12-25 09:31  ON_STORAGE 
   315	   39093 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760301 elastictape      2024-12-25 15:37  ON_STORAGE 
   316	   39094 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760401 elastictape      2024-12-25 15:42  ON_STORAGE 
   317	   39098 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760501 elastictape      2024-12-25 19:32  ON_STORAGE 
   318	   39124 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760601 elastictape      2024-12-26 15:51  ON_STORAGE 
   319	   39126 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760701 elastictape      2024-12-26 15:59  ON_STORAGE 
   320	   39127 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760801 elastictape      2024-12-26 16:01  ON_STORAGE 
   321	   39128 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19760901 elastictape      2024-12-26 16:06  ON_STORAGE 
   322	   39129 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19761001 elastictape      2024-12-26 16:11  ON_STORAGE 
   323	   39131 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19761101 elastictape      2024-12-26 17:03  ON_STORAGE 
   324	   39135 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19761201 elastictape      2024-12-26 22:15  ON_STORAGE 
   325	   39141 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770101 elastictape      2024-12-27 04:44  ON_STORAGE 
   326	   39145 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770201 elastictape      2024-12-27 07:26  ON_STORAGE 
   327	   39167 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770301 elastictape      2024-12-27 11:22  ON_STORAGE 
   328	   39171 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770401 elastictape      2024-12-27 13:47  ON_STORAGE 
   329	   39174 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770501 elastictape      2024-12-27 17:28  ON_STORAGE 
   330	   39176 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770601 elastictape      2024-12-27 18:18  ON_STORAGE 
   331	   39179 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770701 elastictape      2024-12-27 21:14  ON_STORAGE 
   332	   39183 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770801 elastictape      2024-12-28 06:20  ON_STORAGE 
   333	   39190 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19770901 elastictape      2024-12-28 14:53  ON_STORAGE 
   334	   39195 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19771001 elastictape      2024-12-28 18:59  ON_STORAGE 
   335	   39197 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19771101 elastictape      2024-12-28 22:19  ON_STORAGE 
   336	   39245 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19771201 elastictape      2024-12-30 10:37  ON_STORAGE 
   337	   39246 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780101 elastictape      2024-12-30 10:42  ON_STORAGE 
   338	   39247 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780201 elastictape      2024-12-30 10:47  ON_STORAGE 
   339	   39248 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780301 elastictape      2024-12-30 11:37  ON_STORAGE 
   340	   39252 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780401 elastictape      2024-12-30 14:12  ON_STORAGE 
   341	   39255 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780501 elastictape      2024-12-30 18:53  ON_STORAGE 
   342	   39259 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780601 elastictape      2024-12-31 00:04  ON_STORAGE 
   343	   39262 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780701 elastictape      2024-12-31 03:34  ON_STORAGE 
   344	   39265 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780801 elastictape      2024-12-31 06:00  ON_STORAGE 
   345	   39267 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19780901 elastictape      2024-12-31 09:10  ON_STORAGE 
   346	   39280 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19781001 elastictape      2024-12-31 14:21  ON_STORAGE 
   347	   39287 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19781101 elastictape      2024-12-31 19:57  ON_STORAGE 
   348	   39288 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19781201 elastictape      2024-12-31 20:02  ON_STORAGE 
   349	   39292 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790101 elastictape      2024-12-31 23:59  ON_STORAGE 
   350	   39295 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790201 elastictape      2025-01-01 02:55  ON_STORAGE 
   351	   39303 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790301 elastictape      2025-01-01 08:57  ON_STORAGE 
   352	   39304 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790401 elastictape      2025-01-01 09:17  ON_STORAGE 
   353	   39308 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790501 elastictape      2025-01-01 14:03  ON_STORAGE 
   354	   39312 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790601 elastictape      2025-01-01 16:20  ON_STORAGE 
   355	   39315 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790701 elastictape      2025-01-01 19:31  ON_STORAGE 
   356	   39317 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790801 elastictape      2025-01-01 22:32  ON_STORAGE 
   357	   39320 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19790901 elastictape      2025-01-02 01:52  ON_STORAGE 
   358	   39338 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19791001 elastictape      2025-01-02 08:33  ON_STORAGE 
   359	   39340 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19791101 elastictape      2025-01-02 08:38  ON_STORAGE 
   360	   39354 dlrhodso         epoc             u-dg290/19791201 elastictape      2025-01-02 18:22  ON_STORAGE