#! /usr/bin/env convsh
# Convsh script era2um.tcl
# Convert ERA grid point surface data into data on the UM climate grid.
# Output format is netCDF. For example:
# era2um.tcl -i gpsf90122600 -o gpsf.nc
# Write out netCDF file
set outformat netcdf
# Automatically work out input file type
set filetype 0
# Convert PMSL, 2m T fields in input files to netCDF on UM 96x73 grid
set fieldlist_p "3 6"
# Convert 10m u and v fields in input files to netCDF on UM 96x72 grid
set fieldlist_u "4 5"
# Get command line arguments:
# -i input files (can be more than one file)
# -o output file (single file only)
set i false
set o false
foreach arg $argv {
switch -glob -- $arg {
-i {set i true ; set o false}
-o {set i false ; set o true}
-* {puts "unknown option $arg" ; set i false; set o false}
default {
if {$i} {
set infile [lappend infile $arg]
} elseif {$o} {
set outfile [lappend outfile $arg]
} else {
puts "unknown option $arg"
if {! [info exists infile]} {
puts "input file name must be given"
if {[info exists outfile]} {
if {[llength $outfile] > 1} {
set outfile [lindex $outfile 0]
puts "Only one output file can be specified, using $outfile"
} else {
puts "output file name must be given"
# Read in each of the input files
foreach file $infile {
readfile $filetype $file
# Set up 96x73 grid
set nx 96
set x0 0.0
set dx 3.75
set ny 73
set y0 90.0
set dy -2.5
# Transform to a regular grid
setgridtype regular
# Define x-axis
setgrid 1 $nx $x0 $dx
# Define y-axis
setgrid 2 $ny $y0 $dy
# Interpolate data from 320x160 Gaussian grid to UM 96x73 grid
interp_grid $fieldlist_p
# Set up 96x72 grid
set nx 96
set x0 1.875
set dx 3.75
set ny 72
set y0 88.75
set dy -2.5
# Transform to a regular grid
setgridtype regular
# Define x-axis
setgrid 1 $nx $x0 $dx
# Define y-axis
setgrid 2 $ny $y0 $dy
# Interpolate data from 320x160 Gaussian grid to UM 96x72 grid
interp_grid $fieldlist_u
# Write out all input fields to a single netCDF file
writefile $outformat $outfile [concat $fieldlist_p $fieldlist_u]