Convsh variablesΒΆ

Below is a list of variables which control how convsh does certain functions


This boolean value needs to be set to true if 64 bit IEEE UM files have been byte swapped and the files contain 32 bit packed data. The default value is false.


Boolean value to control whether the missing data values are changed when writing to a file. See mdival for the new missing data value. The default value is true.


Selects which library is used to decode GRIB1 data

0 : ECMWF GRIBEX library (default)
1 : ECMWF GRIB_API library

Selects the binary data type for grads output files

0 : Stream/Direct access (default)
1 : Sequential (contains Fortran record length headers)

If change_mdi is true set mdival to the new missing data value. The default value is 2.0e20.


Selects the output netCDF format type, the values are

0 : classic model (default)
1 : 64-bit offset
2 : netCDF-4 classic model

Selects the floating point format of netCDF dimensions and variables, the values are

32 : 32 bit IEEE (default)
64 : 64 bit IEEE

Selects the method for converting reduced Gaussian GRIB data to full Gaussian GRIB data

0 : No conversion done
1 : Linear interpolation (default)
3 : Cubic interpolation

Selects how the time dimension for UM ancillary files is created

0 : Uses PP headers
1 : Uses Fixed length header (default)

Selects how the long names of variables from UM/PP files are generated, the values are

0 : Uses PP field code (default)
1 : Uses STASH code