Recipes using cfΒΆ

Version 3.15.0 for version 1.10 of the CF conventions.

Click on the keywords below to filter the recipes according to their function:

Calculating global mean temperature timeseries

Calculating global mean temperature timeseries

Calculating global mean temperature timeseries
Calculating and plotting the global average temperature anomalies

Calculating and plotting the global average temperature anomalies

Calculating and plotting the global average temperature anomalies
Plotting global mean temperatures spatially

Plotting global mean temperatures spatially

Plotting global mean temperatures spatially
Comparing two datasets with different resolutions using regridding

Comparing two datasets with different resolutions using regridding

Comparing two datasets with different resolutions using regridding
Plotting wind vectors overlaid on precipitation data

Plotting wind vectors overlaid on precipitation data

Plotting wind vectors overlaid on precipitation data
Converting from rotated latitude-longitude to regular latitude-longitude

Converting from rotated latitude-longitude to regular latitude-longitude

Converting from rotated latitude-longitude to regular latitude-longitude
Plotting members of a model ensemble

Plotting members of a model ensemble

Plotting members of a model ensemble
Plotting statistically significant temperature trends with stippling

Plotting statistically significant temperature trends with stippling

Plotting statistically significant temperature trends with stippling

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