cfdm.core classes¶
Version for version 1.11 of the CF conventions.
Field construct class¶
A field construct of the CF data model. |
Domain construct class¶
A domain construct of the CF data model. |
Metadata construct classes¶
An auxiliary coordinate construct of the CF data model. |
A cell measure construct of the CF data model. |
A cell method construct of the CF data model. |
A coordinate reference construct of the CF data model. |
A dimension coordinate construct of the CF data model. |
A domain ancillary construct of the CF data model. |
A domain axis construct of the CF data model. |
A field ancillary construct of the CF data model. |
Constructs class¶
A container for metadata constructs. |
Coordinate component classes¶
A cell bounds component. |
A coordinate conversion for a coordinate reference. |
A datum component of a coordinate reference of the CF data model. |
An interior ring array with properties. |
Data classes¶
An orthogonal multidimensional array with masking and units. |
A container for a numpy array. |
Abstract base class for a container of an array. |
Abstract base classes¶
Abstract base classes that provide the basis for constructs and construct components.
Abstract base class for storing components. |
Mixin class for an object with descriptive properties. |
Mixin class for a data array with descriptive properties. |
Mixin for a data array with bounds and descriptive properties. |
Mixin for CF data model dimension and auxiliary coordinates. |
Mixin class for a collection of named parameters. |
Mixin to collect named parameters and domain ancillaries. |
Modify docstrings at time of import. |