Version for version 1.12 of the CF conventions.
All of the Python code in this tutorial is available in an executable
script (download
, 12kB).
Sample datasets¶
This tutorial uses a number of small sample datasets, all of which can
be found in the zip file cfdm_tutorial_files.zip
$ unzip -q cfdm_tutorial_files.zip
$ ls -1
The tutorial examples assume that the Python session is being run from the directory that contains the zip file and its unpacked contents, and no other files.
The cfdm package is imported as follows:
>>> import cfdm
It is possible to change the extent to which cfdm outputs feedback messages and it may be instructive to increase the verbosity whilst working through this tutorial to see and learn more about what cfdm is doing under the hood and about the nature of the dataset being operated on. This can be done for example by running:
>>> cfdm.log_level('INFO')
See the section on ‘Logging’ for more information.
CF version¶
The version of the CF conventions and
the CF data model being used may be found with
the cfdm.CF
>>> cfdm.CF()
This indicates which version of the CF conventions are represented by this release of the cfdm package, and therefore the version can not be changed.
Note, however, that datasets of different versions may also be read from, or written to, disk.
Field and domain constructs¶
The central constructs of CF are the field construct and domain construct.
The field construct, that corresponds to a CF-netCDF data variable, includes all of the metadata to describe it:
descriptive properties that apply to field construct as a whole (e.g. the standard name),
a data array, and
“metadata constructs” that describe the locations of each cell (i.e. the “domain”) of the data array, and the physical nature of each cell’s datum.
Likewise, the domain construct, that corresponds to a CF-netCDF domain variable or to the domain of a field construct, includes all of the metadata to describe it:
descriptive properties that apply to field construct as a whole (e.g. the long name), and
metadata constructs that describe the locations of each cell of the domain.
A field construct or domain construct is stored in a cfdm.Field
instance or cfdm.Domain
instance respectively. Henceforth the phrase
“field construct” will be assumed to mean “cfdm.Field
instance”, and
“domain construct” will be assumed to mean “cfdm.Domain
Reading field or domain constructs from datasets¶
The cfdm.read
function reads a netCDF file from disk, from
an OPeNDAP URL 1, or from an S3
object store, and by default returns the contents as a Python list of
zero or more field constructs. This list contains a field construct to
represent each of the CF-netCDF data variables in the file.
Datasets of any version of CF up to and including CF-1.12 can be read.
All formats of netCDF3 and netCDF4 files can be read.
The file name may describe relative paths, and standard tilde and shell parameter expansions are applied to it.
The following file types can be read:
All formats of netCDF3 and netCDF4 files can be read, containing datasets for all versions of CF up to CF-1.12, including UGRID datasets.
Files in CDL format, with or without the data array values.
For example, to read the file file.nc
(found in the sample
datasets), which contains two field constructs:
>>> x = cfdm.read('file.nc')
>>> print(type(x))
<type 'list'>
>>> len(x)
Descriptive properties are always read into memory, but lazy loading is employed for all data arrays, which means that no data is read into memory until the data is required for inspection or to modify the array contents. This maximises the number of field constructs that may be read within a session, and makes the read operation fast.
Note that when reading netCDF4 files that contain hierachical groups, the group structure is saved via the netCDF interface so that it may be re-used, or modified, if the field constructs are written to back to disk.
The cfdm.read
function has optional parameters to
allow the user to provide files that contain external variables;
request extra field constructs to be created from “metadata” netCDF variables, i.e. those that are referenced from CF-netCDF data variables, but which are not regarded by default as data variables in their own right;
return only domain constructs derived from CF-netCDF domain variables;
request that masking is not applied by convention to data elements (see data masking);
issue warnings when
attributes are present (see data masking); anddisplay information and issue warnings about the mapping of the netCDF file contents to CF data model constructs; and
choose either
backends for accessing netCDF files.
If the dataset is partially CF-compliant to the extent that it is not
possible to unambiguously map an element of the netCDF dataset to an
element of the CF data model, then a field construct is still
returned, but may be incomplete. This is so that datasets which are
partially conformant may nonetheless be modified in memory and written
to new datasets. Such “structural” non-compliance would occur, for
example, if the coordinates
attribute of a CF-netCDF data variable
refers to another variable that does not exist, or refers to a
variable that spans a netCDF dimension that does not apply to the data
variable. Other types of non-compliance are not checked, such whether
or not controlled vocabularies have been adhered to. The structural
compliance of the dataset may be checked with the
method of the field construct, as
well as optionally displayed when the dataset is read.
The contents of a field construct may be inspected at three different levels of detail.
Minimal detail¶
The built-in repr
function returns a short, one-line description:
>>> x
[<Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>,
<Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>]
>>> q = x[0]
>>> t = x[1]
>>> q
<Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>
This gives the identity of the field construct (e.g. “specific_humidity”), the identities and sizes of the dimensions spanned by the data array (“latitude” and “longitude” with sizes 5 and 8 respectively) and the units of the data (“1”).
Medium detail¶
The built-in str
function returns similar information as the
one-line output, along with short descriptions of the metadata
constructs, which include the first and last values of their data
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
>>> print(t)
Field: air_temperature (ncvar%ta)
Data : air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K
Cell methods : grid_latitude(10): grid_longitude(9): mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees) time(1): maximum
Field ancils : air_temperature standard_error(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.81, ..., 0.78]] K
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) = [1.5]
: grid_latitude(10) = [2.2, ..., -1.76] degrees
: grid_longitude(9) = [-4.7, ..., -1.18] degrees
Auxiliary coords: latitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[53.941, ..., 50.225]] degrees_N
: longitude(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2.004, ..., 8.156]] degrees_E
: long_name=Grid latitude name(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., kappa]
Cell measures : measure:area(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2391.9657, ..., 2392.6009]] km2
Coord references: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
: rotated_latitude_longitude
Domain ancils : ncvar%a(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [10.0] m
: ncvar%b(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [20.0]
: surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 270.0]] m
Note that time values are converted to date-times with the cftime package.
Full detail¶
The dump
method of the field construct gives all
properties of all constructs, including metadata constructs and their
components, and shows the first and last values of all data arrays:
>>> q.dump()
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Conventions = 'CF-1.11'
project = 'research'
standard_name = 'specific_humidity'
units = '1'
Data(latitude(5), longitude(8)) = [[0.003, ..., 0.032]] 1
Cell Method: area: mean
Domain Axis: latitude(5)
Domain Axis: longitude(8)
Domain Axis: time(1)
Dimension coordinate: latitude
standard_name = 'latitude'
units = 'degrees_north'
Data(latitude(5)) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
Bounds:Data(latitude(5), 2) = [[-90.0, ..., 90.0]]
Dimension coordinate: longitude
standard_name = 'longitude'
units = 'degrees_east'
Data(longitude(8)) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
Bounds:Data(longitude(8), 2) = [[0.0, ..., 360.0]]
Dimension coordinate: time
standard_name = 'time'
units = 'days since 2018-12-01'
Data(time(1)) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
>>> t.dump()
Field: air_temperature (ncvar%ta)
Conventions = 'CF-1.11'
project = 'research'
standard_name = 'air_temperature'
units = 'K'
Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[[0.0, ..., 89.0]]] K
Cell Method: grid_latitude(10): grid_longitude(9): mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees)
Cell Method: time(1): maximum
Field Ancillary: air_temperature standard_error
standard_name = 'air_temperature standard_error'
units = 'K'
Data(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.81, ..., 0.78]] K
Domain Axis: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)
Domain Axis: grid_latitude(10)
Domain Axis: grid_longitude(9)
Domain Axis: time(1)
Dimension coordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
computed_standard_name = 'altitude'
standard_name = 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate'
Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [1.5]
Bounds:Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), 2) = [[1.0, 2.0]]
Dimension coordinate: grid_latitude
standard_name = 'grid_latitude'
units = 'degrees'
Data(grid_latitude(10)) = [2.2, ..., -1.76] degrees
Bounds:Data(grid_latitude(10), 2) = [[2.42, ..., -1.98]]
Dimension coordinate: grid_longitude
standard_name = 'grid_longitude'
units = 'degrees'
Data(grid_longitude(9)) = [-4.7, ..., -1.18] degrees
Bounds:Data(grid_longitude(9), 2) = [[-4.92, ..., -0.96]]
Dimension coordinate: time
standard_name = 'time'
units = 'days since 2018-12-01'
Data(time(1)) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
Auxiliary coordinate: latitude
standard_name = 'latitude'
units = 'degrees_N'
Data(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[53.941, ..., 50.225]] degrees_N
Auxiliary coordinate: longitude
standard_name = 'longitude'
units = 'degrees_E'
Data(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2.004, ..., 8.156]] degrees_E
Auxiliary coordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name
long_name = 'Grid latitude name'
Data(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., kappa]
Domain ancillary: ncvar%a
units = 'm'
Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [10.0] m
Bounds:Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), 2) = [[5.0, 15.0]]
Domain ancillary: ncvar%b
Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [20.0]
Bounds:Data(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), 2) = [[14.0, 26.0]]
Domain ancillary: surface_altitude
standard_name = 'surface_altitude'
units = 'm'
Data(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 270.0]] m
Coordinate reference: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
Coordinate conversion:computed_standard_name = altitude
Coordinate conversion:standard_name = atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
Coordinate conversion:a = Domain Ancillary: ncvar%a
Coordinate conversion:b = Domain Ancillary: ncvar%b
Coordinate conversion:orog = Domain Ancillary: surface_altitude
Datum:earth_radius = 6371007
Dimension Coordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
Coordinate reference: rotated_latitude_longitude
Coordinate conversion:grid_mapping_name = rotated_latitude_longitude
Coordinate conversion:grid_north_pole_latitude = 38.0
Coordinate conversion:grid_north_pole_longitude = 190.0
Datum:earth_radius = 6371007
Dimension Coordinate: grid_longitude
Dimension Coordinate: grid_latitude
Auxiliary Coordinate: longitude
Auxiliary Coordinate: latitude
Cell measure: measure:area
units = 'km2'
Data(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2391.9657, ..., 2392.6009]] km2
The description for every field construct in a file can also be
generated from the command line, with minimal, medium or full detail,
by using the cfdump
tool, for example:
$ cfdump
USAGE: cfdump [-s] [-c] [-e file [-e file] ...] [-h] file
[-s] Display short, one-line descriptions
[-c] Display complete descriptions
[-e file] External files
[-h] Display the full man page
file Name of netCDF file (or URL if DAP access enabled)
$ cfdump -s file.nc
Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K
may also be used with external files.
Descriptive properties that apply to field construct as a whole may be
retrieved with the properties
>>> t.properties()
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K'}
Individual properties may be accessed and modified with the
, get_property
, has_property
and set_property
>>> t.has_property('standard_name')
>>> t.get_property('standard_name')
>>> t.del_property('standard_name')
>>> t.get_property('standard_name', default='not set')
'not set'
>>> t.set_property('standard_name', value='air_temperature')
>>> t.get_property('standard_name', default='not set')
A collection of properties may be set at the same time with the
method of the field construct, and all or some
properties may be removed with the clear_properties
methods respectively.
>>> original = t.properties()
>>> original
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K'}
>>> t.set_properties({'foo': 'bar', 'units': 'K'})
>>> t.properties()
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'foo': 'bar',
'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K'}
>>> t.clear_properties()
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'foo': 'bar',
'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K'}
>>> t.properties()
>>> t.set_properties(original)
>>> t.properties()
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K'}
All of the methods related to the properties are listed here.
Metadata constructs¶
The metadata constructs describe the field construct that contains them. Each CF data model metadata construct has a corresponding cfdm class:
Class |
CF data model construct |
Description |
Independent axes of the domain |
Domain cell locations |
Domain cell locations |
Domain coordinate systems |
Cell locations in alternative coordinate systems |
Domain cell size or shape |
Geospatial topology of domain cells |
Connectivity of domain cells |
Ancillary metadata which vary within the domain |
Describes how data represent variation within cells |
Metadata constructs of a particular type can be retrieved with the following methods of the field construct:
Method |
Metadata constructs |
Domain axes |
Dimension coordinates |
Auxiliary coordinates |
Coordinate references |
Domain ancillaries |
Cell measures |
Domain topologies |
Cell Connectivities |
Field ancillaries |
Cell methods |
Each of these attributes returns a Constructs
class instance that
maps metadata constructs to unique identifiers called “construct
keys”. A Constructs
instance has methods for selecting constructs
that meet particular criteria (see the section on selecting
metadata constructs). It also behaves
like a “read-only” Python dictionary, in that it has
, keys
and values
methods that work exactly like their corresponding dict
methods. It
also has a get
method and indexing like a Python
dictionary (see the section on metadata construct access for details).
>>> t.coordinate_references()
<Constructs: coordinate_reference(2)>
>>> print(t.coordinate_references())
{'coordinatereference0': <CoordinateReference: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate>,
'coordinatereference1': <CoordinateReference: rotated_latitude_longitude>}
>>> list(t.coordinate_references().keys())
['coordinatereference0', 'coordinatereference1']
>>> for key, value in t.coordinate_references().items():
... print(key, repr(value))
coordinatereference1 <CoordinateReference: rotated_latitude_longitude>
coordinatereference0 <CoordinateReference: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate>
>>> print(t.dimension_coordinates())
{'dimensioncoordinate0': <DimensionCoordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) >,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate3': <DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >}
>>> print(t.domain_axes())
{'domainaxis0': <DomainAxis: size(1)>,
'domainaxis1': <DomainAxis: size(10)>,
'domainaxis2': <DomainAxis: size(9)>,
'domainaxis3': <DomainAxis: size(1)>}
The construct keys (e.g. 'domainaxis1'
) are usually generated
internally and are unique within the field construct. However,
construct keys may be different for equivalent metadata constructs
from different field constructs, and for different Python sessions.
Metadata constructs of all types may be returned by the
attribute of the field construct:
>>> q.constructs
<Constructs: cell_method(1), dimension_coordinate(3), domain_axis(3)>
>>> print(q.constructs)
{'cellmethod0': <CellMethod: area: mean>,
'dimensioncoordinate0': <DimensionCoordinate: latitude(5) degrees_north>,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: longitude(8) degrees_east>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >,
'domainaxis0': <DomainAxis: size(5)>,
'domainaxis1': <DomainAxis: size(8)>,
'domainaxis2': <DomainAxis: size(1)>}
>>> t.constructs
<Constructs: auxiliary_coordinate(3), cell_measure(1), cell_method(2), coordinate_reference(2), dimension_coordinate(4), domain_ancillary(3), domain_axis(4), field_ancillary(1)>
>>> print(t.constructs)
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>,
'auxiliarycoordinate1': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: longitude(9, 10) degrees_E>,
'auxiliarycoordinate2': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name(10) >,
'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>,
'cellmethod0': <CellMethod: domainaxis1: domainaxis2: mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees)>,
'cellmethod1': <CellMethod: domainaxis3: maximum>,
'coordinatereference0': <CoordinateReference: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate>,
'coordinatereference1': <CoordinateReference: rotated_latitude_longitude>,
'dimensioncoordinate0': <DimensionCoordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) >,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate3': <DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >,
'domainancillary0': <DomainAncillary: ncvar%a(1) m>,
'domainancillary1': <DomainAncillary: ncvar%b(1) >,
'domainancillary2': <DomainAncillary: surface_altitude(10, 9) m>,
'domainaxis0': <DomainAxis: size(1)>,
'domainaxis1': <DomainAxis: size(10)>,
'domainaxis2': <DomainAxis: size(9)>,
'domainaxis3': <DomainAxis: size(1)>,
'fieldancillary0': <FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>}
The field construct’s data is stored in a Data
class instance that
is accessed with the data
attribute of the field construct.
>>> t.data
<Data(1, 10, 9): [[[262.8, ..., 269.7]]] K>
The Data
instance provides access to the full array of values, as
well as attributes to describe the array and methods for describing
any data compression.
The Data
instance provides access to the full array of values, as
well as attributes to describe the array and methods for describing
any data compression. However, the field construct (and any other
construct that contains data) also provides attributes for direct
>>> print(t.array)
[[[262.8 270.5 279.8 269.5 260.9 265.0 263.5 278.9 269.2]
[272.7 268.4 279.5 278.9 263.8 263.3 274.2 265.7 279.5]
[269.7 279.1 273.4 274.2 279.6 270.2 280.0 272.5 263.7]
[261.7 260.6 270.8 260.3 265.6 279.4 276.9 267.6 260.6]
[264.2 275.9 262.5 264.9 264.7 270.2 270.4 268.6 275.3]
[263.9 263.8 272.1 263.7 272.2 264.2 260.0 263.5 270.2]
[273.8 273.1 268.5 272.3 264.3 278.7 270.6 273.0 270.6]
[267.9 273.5 279.8 260.3 261.2 275.3 271.2 260.8 268.9]
[270.9 278.7 273.2 261.7 271.6 265.8 273.0 278.5 266.4]
[276.4 264.2 276.3 266.1 276.1 268.1 277.0 273.4 269.7]]]
>>> t.dtype
>>> t.ndim
>>> t.shape
(1, 10, 9)
>>> t.size
>>> t.data.size
Note it is preferable to access the data type, number of dimensions,
dimension sizes and number of elements of the data via the parent
construct, rather than from the Data
instance, as there are
particular circumstances when there is no
instance, but the construct nonetheless has data descriptors.
The field construct also has a get_data
method as an
alternative means of retrieving the data instance, which allows for a
default to be returned if no data have been set; as well as a
method for removing the data.
All of the methods and attributes related to the data are listed here.
Data axes¶
The data array of the field construct spans all the domain axis
constructs with the possible exception of size one domain axis
constructs. The domain axis constructs spanned by the field
construct’s data are found with the get_data_axes
method of
the field construct. For example, the data of the field construct
does not span the size one domain axis construct with key
>>> print(t.domain_axes())
{'domainaxis0': <DomainAxis: size(1)>,
'domainaxis1': <DomainAxis: size(10)>,
'domainaxis2': <DomainAxis: size(9)>,
'domainaxis3': <DomainAxis: size(1)>}
>>> t
<Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>
>>> t.shape
(1, 10, 9)
>>> t.get_data_axes()
('domainaxis0', 'domainaxis1', 'domainaxis2')
The data may be set with the set_data
method of the field
construct. The domain axis constructs spanned by the data may also be
set by explicitly providing them via their construct keys. In any
case, the data axes may be set at any time with the
method of the field construct.
>>> data = t.del_data()
>>> t.has_data()
>>> t.set_data(data, axes=None)
>>> t.data
<Data(1, 10, 9): [[[262.8, ..., 269.7]]] K>
See the section field construct creation for more examples.
Data representing date-times is defined as elapsed times since a
reference date-time in a particular calendar (Gregorian, by
default). The array
attribute of the Data
(and any construct that contains it) returns the elapsed times, and
the datetime_array
(and any construct that contains it)
returns the data as an array of date-time objects.
>>> d = cfdm.Data([1, 2, 3], units='days since 2004-2-28')
>>> print(d.array)
[1 2 3]
>>> print(d.datetime_array)
[cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2004-02-29 00:00:00)
cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2004-03-01 00:00:00)
cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2004-03-02 00:00:00)]
>>> e = cfdm.Data([1, 2, 3], units='days since 2004-2-28',
... calendar='360_day')
>>> print(e.array)
[1 2 3]
>>> print(e.datetime_array)
[cftime.Datetime360Day(2004-02-29 00:00:00)
cftime.Datetime360Day(2004-02-30 00:00:00)
cftime.Datetime360Day(2004-03-01 00:00:00)]
Manipulating dimensions¶
The dimensions of a field construct’s data may be reordered, have size one dimensions removed and have new new size one dimensions included by using the following field construct methods:
Method |
Description |
Insert a new size one data dimension. The new dimension must correspond to an existing size one domain axis construct. |
Remove size one data dimensions |
Reorder data dimensions |
>>> q, t = cfdm.read('file.nc')
>>> t
<CF Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>
>>> t2 = t.squeeze()
>>> t2
<CF Field: air_temperature(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>
>>> print(t2.dimension_coordinates())
{'dimensioncoordinate0': <CF DimensionCoordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) >,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <CF DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <CF DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate3': <CF DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >}
>>> t3 = t2.insert_dimension(axis='domainaxis3', position=1)
>>> t3
<CF Field: air_temperature(grid_latitude(10), time(1), grid_longitude(9)) K>
>>> t3.transpose([2, 0, 1])
<CF Field: air_temperature(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10), time(1)) K>
When transposing the data dimensions, the dimensions of metadata construct data are, by default, unchanged. It is also possible to permute the data dimensions of the metadata constructs so that they have the same relative order as the field construct:
>>> t4 = t.transpose([0, 2, 1], constructs=True)
Data mask¶
There is always a data mask, which may be thought of as a separate
data array of Booleans with the same shape as the original data. The
data mask is False
where the the data has values, and True
the data is missing. The data mask may be inspected with the
attribute of the data instance, which returns the
data mask in a field construct with the same metadata constructs as
the original field construct.
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
>>> print(q.data.mask)
<Data(5, 8): [[False, ..., False]]>
>>> print(q.data.mask.array)
[[False False False False False False False False]
[False False False False False False False False]
[False False False False False False False False]
[False False False False False False False False]
[False False False False False False False False]]
>>> q.data[[0, 4], :] = cfdm.masked
>>> print(q.data.mask.array)
[[ True True True True True True True True]
[False False False False False False False False]
[False False False False False False False False]
[False False False False False False False False]
[ True True True True True True True True]]
The _FillValue
and missing_value
attributes of the field
construct are not stored as values of the field construct’s
data. They are only used when writing the data to a netCDF
dataset. Therefore testing for missing data by
testing for equality to one of these property values will produce
incorrect results; the any
method of the Data
should be used instead.
>>> q.data.mask.any()
The mask of a netCDF dataset array is implied by array values that
meet the criteria implied by the missing_value
, _FillValue
, valid_max
, and valid_range
properties, and is
usually applied automatically by cfdm.read
. NetCDF data elements
that equal the values of the missing_value
and _FillValue
properties are masked, as are data elements that exceed the value of
the valid_max
property, subceed the value of the valid_min
property, or lie outside of the range defined by the valid_range
However, this automatic masking may be bypassed by setting the mask
keyword of the cfdm.read
function to False
. The mask, as defined
in the dataset, may subsequently be applied manually with the
method of the field construct.
>>> cfdm.write(q, 'masked_q.nc')
>>> no_mask_q = cfdm.read('masked_q.nc', mask=False)[0]
>>> print(no_mask_q.array)
[9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36,
9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36],
[0.023 0.036 0.045 0.062 0.046 0.073 0.006 0.066]
[0.11 0.131 0.124 0.146 0.087 0.103 0.057 0.011]
[0.029 0.059 0.039 0.07 0.058 0.072 0.009 0.017]
[9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36,
9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36, 9.96920997e+36]])
>>> masked_q = no_mask_q.apply_masking()
>>> print(masked_q.array)
[[ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]
[0.023 0.036 0.045 0.062 0.046 0.073 0.006 0.066]
[0.11 0.131 0.124 0.146 0.087 0.103 0.057 0.011]
[0.029 0.059 0.039 0.07 0.058 0.072 0.009 0.017]
[ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]]
The apply_masking
method of the field construct utilises as
many of the missing_value
, _FillValue
, valid_min
, and valid_range
properties as are present and may
be used on any construct, not only those that have been read from
When a Data
instance is indexed a new instance is created for the
part of the data defined by the indices. Indexing follows rules that
are very similar to the numpy indexing rules,
the only differences being:
An integer index i specified for a dimension reduces the size of this dimension to unity, taking only the i-th element, but keeps the dimension itself, so that the rank of the array is not reduced.
When two or more dimensions’ indices are sequences of integers then these indices work independently along each dimension (similar to the way vector subscripts work in Fortran). This is the same indexing behaviour as on a
object of the netCDF4 package.
>>> data = t.data
>>> data.shape
(1, 10, 9)
>>> data[:, :, 1].shape
(1, 10, 1)
>>> data[:, 0].shape
(1, 1, 9)
>>> data[..., 6:3:-1, 3:6].shape
(1, 3, 3)
>>> data[0, [2, 9], [4, 8]].shape
(1, 2, 2)
>>> data[0, :, -2].shape
(1, 10, 1)
Values can be changed by assigning to elements selected by indices of
the Data
instance using rules that are very similar to the numpy
indexing rules,
the only difference being:
When two or more dimensions’ indices are sequences of integers then these indices work independently along each dimension (similar to the way vector subscripts work in Fortran). This is the same indexing behaviour as on a
object of the netCDF4 package.
A single value may be assigned to any number of elements.
>>> import numpy
>>> t.data[:, 0, 0] = -1
>>> t.data[:, :, 1] = -2
>>> t.data[..., 6:3:-1, 3:6] = -3
>>> print(t.array)
[[[ -1.0 -2.0 279.8 269.5 260.9 265.0 263.5 278.9 269.2]
[272.7 -2.0 279.5 278.9 263.8 263.3 274.2 265.7 279.5]
[269.7 -2.0 273.4 274.2 279.6 270.2 280.0 272.5 263.7]
[261.7 -2.0 270.8 260.3 265.6 279.4 276.9 267.6 260.6]
[264.2 -2.0 262.5 -3.0 -3.0 -3.0 270.4 268.6 275.3]
[263.9 -2.0 272.1 -3.0 -3.0 -3.0 260.0 263.5 270.2]
[273.8 -2.0 268.5 -3.0 -3.0 -3.0 270.6 273.0 270.6]
[267.9 -2.0 279.8 260.3 261.2 275.3 271.2 260.8 268.9]
[270.9 -2.0 273.2 261.7 271.6 265.8 273.0 278.5 266.4]
[276.4 -2.0 276.3 266.1 276.1 268.1 277.0 273.4 269.7]]]
An array of values can be assigned, as long as it is broadcastable to the shape defined by the indices, using the numpy broadcasting rules.
>>> t.data[..., 6:3:-1, 3:6] = numpy.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
>>> t.data[0, [2, 9], [4, 8]] = cfdm.Data([[-4, -5]])
>>> print(t.array)
[[[ -1.0 -2.0 279.8 269.5 260.9 265.0 263.5 278.9 269.2]
[272.7 -2.0 279.5 278.9 263.8 263.3 274.2 265.7 279.5]
[269.7 -2.0 273.4 274.2 -4.0 270.2 280.0 272.5 -5.0]
[261.7 -2.0 270.8 260.3 265.6 279.4 276.9 267.6 260.6]
[264.2 -2.0 262.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 270.4 268.6 275.3]
[263.9 -2.0 272.1 3.0 4.0 5.0 260.0 263.5 270.2]
[273.8 -2.0 268.5 0.0 1.0 2.0 270.6 273.0 270.6]
[267.9 -2.0 279.8 260.3 261.2 275.3 271.2 260.8 268.9]
[270.9 -2.0 273.2 261.7 271.6 265.8 273.0 278.5 266.4]
[276.4 -2.0 276.3 266.1 -4.0 268.1 277.0 273.4 -5.0]]]
Data array elements may be set to missing values by assigning them to
the cfdm.masked
constant. Missing values may be unmasked by
assigning them to any other value.
>>> t.data[0, :, -2] = cfdm.masked
>>> t.data[0, 5, -2] = -6
>>> print(t.array)
[[[ -1.0 -2.0 279.8 269.5 260.9 265.0 263.5 -- 269.2]
[272.7 -2.0 279.5 278.9 263.8 263.3 274.2 -- 279.5]
[269.7 -2.0 273.4 274.2 -4.0 270.2 280.0 -- -5.0]
[261.7 -2.0 270.8 260.3 265.6 279.4 276.9 -- 260.6]
[264.2 -2.0 262.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 270.4 -- 275.3]
[263.9 -2.0 272.1 3.0 4.0 5.0 260.0 -6.0 270.2]
[273.8 -2.0 268.5 0.0 1.0 2.0 270.6 -- 270.6]
[267.9 -2.0 279.8 260.3 261.2 275.3 271.2 -- 268.9]
[270.9 -2.0 273.2 261.7 271.6 265.8 273.0 -- 266.4]
[276.4 -2.0 276.3 266.1 -4.0 268.1 277.0 -- -5.0]]]
Creation of a new field construct which spans a subspace of the domain
of an existing field construct is achieved by indexing the field
itself, rather than its Data
instance. This is because the operation
must also subspace any metadata constructs of the field construct
(e.g. coordinate metadata constructs) which span any of the
domain axis constructs that are affected. The new field
construct is created with the same properties as the original
field. Subspacing uses the same cfdm indexing rules
that apply to the Data
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
>>> new = q[::-1, 0]
>>> print(new)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(1)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
: latitude(5) = [75.0, ..., -75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(1) = [22.5] degrees_east
Subspacing by metadata¶
Indices that correspond to the locations of particular metadata
construct values are created with the indices
of the field construct.
Metadata constructs and the conditions on their data are defined by
keyword parameters to the indices
method. A keyword name is
an identity of a 1-d metadata
construct, and its values are one or more construct array
values. Indices are created that select every location for which the
metadata construct’s data equals any of the given values.
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01T00:00:00Z]
>>> print(q.construct('longitude').data.array)
[ 22.5 67.5 112.5 157.5 202.5 247.5 292.5 337.5]
>>> ind = q.indices(longitude=[112.5, 67.5])
>>> print(ind)
(slice(None, None, None),
array([False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False]))
>>> print(q[ind])
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(2)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(2) = [67.5, 112.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
>>> print(q[q.indices(longitude=[112.5, 67.5], latitude=75)])
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(1), longitude(2)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(1) = [75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(2) = [67.5, 112.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
Any domain axes that have not been identified remain unchanged.
Multiple domain axes may be subspaced simultaneously, and it doesn’t
matter which order they are specified in the indices
Selecting metadata constructs¶
A Constructs
instance has filtering methods for selecting constructs
that meet various criteria:
Method |
Filter criteria |
General purpose interface to all other filter methods |
Metadata construct identity |
Metadata construct type |
Property values |
The domain axis constructs spanned by the data |
The number of domain axis constructs spanned by the data |
The size domain axis constructs |
Measure value (for cell measure constructs) |
Method value (for cell method constructs) |
Whether or not there could be be data. |
Construct key |
NetCDF variable name (see the netCDF interface) |
NetCDF dimension name (see the netCDF interface) |
The filter
method of a Constructs
instance allows
these filters to be chained together in a single call.
Each of these methods returns a new Constructs
instance by default
that contains the selected constructs.
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_type('dimension_coordinate'))
{'dimensioncoordinate0': <DimensionCoordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) >,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate3': <DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_type('cell_method', 'field_ancillary'))
{'cellmethod0': <CellMethod: domainaxis1: domainaxis2: mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees)>,
'cellmethod1': <CellMethod: domainaxis3: maximum>,
'fieldancillary0': <FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_property(
... standard_name='air_temperature standard_error'))
{'fieldancillary0': <FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_property(
... standard_name='air_temperature standard_error',
... units='K'))
{'fieldancillary0': <FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_property(
... 'or',
... standard_name='air_temperature standard_error',
... units='m'))
{'domainancillary0': <DomainAncillary: ncvar%a(1) m>,
'domainancillary2': <DomainAncillary: surface_altitude(10, 9) m>,
'fieldancillary0': <FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_axis('grid_latitude', 'grid_longitude',
... axis_mode='or'))
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>,
'auxiliarycoordinate1': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: longitude(9, 10) degrees_E>,
'auxiliarycoordinate2': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name(10) >,
'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'domainancillary2': <DomainAncillary: surface_altitude(10, 9) m>,
'fieldancillary0': <FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_measure('area'))
{'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_method('maximum'))
{'cellmethod1': <CellMethod: domainaxis3: maximum>}
As each of these methods returns a Constructs
instance by default,
further filters can be performed directly on their results:
>>> print(
... t.constructs.filter_by_type('auxiliary_coordinate').filter_by_axis('domainaxis2')
... )
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>,
'auxiliarycoordinate1': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: longitude(9, 10) degrees_E>}
>>> c = t.constructs.filter_by_type('dimension_coordinate')
>>> d = c.filter_by_property(units='degrees')
>>> print(d)
{'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>}
Filters can also be chained with the filter
method of a
>>> c = t.constructs.filter(filter_by_type=('dimension_coordinate',),
... filter_by_property={'units': 'degrees'})
>>> print(c)
{'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>}
If the result are only required as a dict
, rather than a
instance, the “todict” parameter can be used to give
faster performance:
>>> d = t.constructs.filter(filter_by_type=('dimension_coordinate',),
... filter_by_property={'units': 'degrees'},
... todict=True)
>>> type(d)
>>> print(d)
{'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>}
Filters can also be chained with the filter
method of a
>>> c = t.constructs.filter(filter_by_type=('dimension_coordinate',),
... filter_by_property={'units': 'degrees'})
>>> print(c)
{'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>}
Another method of selection is by metadata construct “identity”.
Construct identities are used to describe constructs when they are
inspected, and so it is often convenient to copy these identities
when selecting metadata constructs. For example, the three
auxiliary coordinate constructs in the field
construct t
have identities 'latitude'
, 'longitude'
'long_name=Grid latitude name'
A construct’s identity may be any one of the following
The value of the
property, e.g.'air_temperature'
,The value of any property, preceded by the property name and an equals, e.g.
'long_name=Air Temperature'
, etc.,The cell measure, preceded by “measure:”, e.g.
The cell method, preceded by “method:”, e.g.
The netCDF variable name, preceded by “ncvar%”, e.g.
(see the netCDF interface),The netCDF dimension name, preceded by “ncdim%” e.g.
(see the netCDF interface), andThe construct key, preceded by “key%” e.g.
>>> print(t)
Field: air_temperature (ncvar%ta)
Data : air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K
Cell methods : grid_latitude(10): grid_longitude(9): mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees) time(1): maximum
Field ancils : air_temperature standard_error(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.81, ..., 0.78]] K
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) = [1.5]
: grid_latitude(10) = [2.2, ..., -1.76] degrees
: grid_longitude(9) = [-4.7, ..., -1.18] degrees
Auxiliary coords: latitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[53.941, ..., 50.225]] degrees_N
: longitude(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2.004, ..., 8.156]] degrees_E
: long_name=Grid latitude name(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., kappa]
Cell measures : measure:area(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2391.9657, ..., 2392.6009]] km2
Coord references: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
: rotated_latitude_longitude
Domain ancils : ncvar%a(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [10.0] m
: ncvar%b(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [20.0]
: surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 270.0]] m
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_identity('latitude'))
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_identity('long_name=Grid latitude name'))
{'auxiliarycoordinate2': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name(10) >}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_identity('measure:area'))
{'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_identity('ncvar%b'))
{'domainancillary1': <DomainAncillary: ncvar%b(1) >}
Each construct has an identity
method that, by default, returns the
least ambiguous identity (defined in the documentation of a
construct’s identity
method); and an identities
method that
returns a list of all of the identities that would select the
As a further convenience, selection by construct identity is also
possible by providing identities to a call of a Constructs
itself, and this technique for selecting constructs by identity will be
used in the rest of this tutorial:
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_identity('latitude'))
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>}
>>> print(t.constructs('latitude'))
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>}
Selection by construct key is useful for systematic metadata construct access, or for when a metadata construct is not identifiable by other means:
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_key('domainancillary2'))
{'domainancillary2': <DomainAncillary: surface_altitude(10, 9) m>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_key('cellmethod1'))
{'cellmethod1': <CellMethod: domainaxis3: maximum>}
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_key('auxiliarycoordinate2', 'cellmeasure0'))
{'auxiliarycoordinate2': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name(10) >,
'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>}
If no constructs match the given criteria, then an “empty”
instance is returned:
>>> c = t.constructs('radiation_wavelength')
>>> c
<Constructs: >
>>> print(c)
>>> len(c)
The constructs that were not selected by a filter may be returned by
the inverse_filter
method applied to the results of
>>> c = t.constructs.filter_by_type('auxiliary_coordinate')
>>> c
<Constructs: auxiliary_coordinate(3)>
>>> c.inverse_filter()
<Constructs: cell_measure(1), cell_method(2), coordinate_reference(2), dimension_coordinate(4), domain_ancillary(3), domain_axis(4), field_ancillary(1)>
Note that selection by construct type is equivalent to using the particular method of the field construct for retrieving that type of metadata construct:
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_type('cell_measure'))
{'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>}
>>> print(t.cell_measures())
{'cellmeasure0': <CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>}
Metadata construct access¶
An individual metadata construct may be returned, without its construct key, by any of the following techniques:
with the
method of a field construct,
>>> t.construct('latitude')
<AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>
>>> key = t.construct('latitude', key=True)
>>> t.construct(key)
<AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>
>>> key, lat = t.construct('latitude', item=True)
('auxiliarycoordinate0', <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>)
by indexing a
instance with a construct key.
>>> key = t.construct('latitude', key=True)
>>> t.constructs[key]
<AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>
with the
method of aConstructs
instance, or
>>> key = t.construct('latitude', key=True)
>>> c = t.constructs.get(key)
<AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>
with the
method of aConstructs
>>> c = t.constructs('latitude').value()
<AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>
In addition, an individual metadata construct of a particular type can be retrieved with the following methods of the field construct:
Method |
Metadata construct |
Domain axis |
Dimension coordinate |
Auxiliary coordinate |
Coordinate reference |
Domain ancillary |
Cell measure |
Field ancillary |
Cell method |
These methods will only look for the given identity amongst constructs of the chosen type.
>>> t.auxiliary_coordinate('latitude')
<CF AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>
>>> t.auxiliary_coordinate('latitude', key=True)
>>> t.auxiliary_coordinate('latitude', item=True)
('auxiliarycoordinate0', <CF AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>)
All of these techniques will raise an exception if there is not a unique metadata construct to return, but this may be replaced with returning a default value or raising a customised exception:
>>> t.cell_measure('measure:volume') # Raises Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Can't return zero constructs
>>> t.cell_measure('measure:volume', default=False)
>>> t.cell_measure('measure:volume', default=Exception("my error")) # Raises Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception: my error
>>> c = t.cell_measures().filter_by_measure("volume")
>>> len(c)
>>> d = t.constructs("units=degrees")
>>> len(d)
>>> t.coordinate("units=degrees") # Raises Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Field.construct() can't return 2 constructs
>>> print(t.coordinate("units=degrees", default=None))
Metadata construct properties¶
Metadata constructs share the same API as the field construct for accessing their properties:
>>> lon = q.construct('longitude')
>>> lon
<DimensionCoordinate: longitude(8) degrees_east>
>>> lon.set_property('long_name', 'Longitude')
>>> lon.properties()
{'units': 'degrees_east',
'long_name': 'Longitude',
'standard_name': 'longitude'}
>>> area = t.construct('units=km2')
>>> area
<CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>
>>> area.identity()
>>> area.identities()
['measure:area', 'units=km2', 'ncvar%cell_measure']
>>> t.construct('measure:area')
<CellMeasure: measure:area(9, 10) km2>
Metadata construct data¶
Metadata constructs share the a similar API as the field construct as the field construct for accessing their data:
>>> lon = q.construct('longitude')
>>> lon
<DimensionCoordinate: longitude(8) degrees_east>
>>> lon.data
<Data(8): [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east>
>>> lon.data[2]
<Data(1): [112.5] degrees_east>
>>> lon.data[2] = 133.33
>>> print(lon.array)
[22.5 67.5 133.33 157.5 202.5 247.5 292.5 337.5]
The domain axis constructs spanned by a particular metadata
construct’s data are found with the get_data_axes
of the field construct:
>>> t.get_data_axes('latitude')
('domainaxis1', 'domainaxis2')
The domain axis constructs spanned by all the data of all metadata
construct may be found with the data_axes
method of the
field construct’s Constructs
>>> t.constructs.data_axes()
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': ('domainaxis1', 'domainaxis2'),
'auxiliarycoordinate1': ('domainaxis2', 'domainaxis1'),
'auxiliarycoordinate2': ('domainaxis1',),
'cellmeasure0': ('domainaxis2', 'domainaxis1'),
'dimensioncoordinate0': ('domainaxis0',),
'dimensioncoordinate1': ('domainaxis1',),
'dimensioncoordinate2': ('domainaxis2',),
'dimensioncoordinate3': ('domainaxis3',),
'domainancillary0': ('domainaxis0',),
'domainancillary1': ('domainaxis0',),
'domainancillary2': ('domainaxis1', 'domainaxis2'),
'fieldancillary0': ('domainaxis1', 'domainaxis2')}
A size one domain axis construct that is not spanned by the field
construct’s data may still be spanned by the data of metadata
constructs. For example, the data of the field construct t
does not span the size one domain axis construct
with key 'domainaxis3'
, but this domain axis construct is spanned
by a “time” dimension coordinate construct (with key
). Such a dimension coordinate (i.e. one
that applies to a domain axis construct that is not spanned by the
field construct’s data) corresponds to a CF-netCDF scalar coordinate
Constructs representing elapsed time (identified by the presence of
“reference time” units) have data array values that represent elapsed
time since a reference date. These values may be converted into the
date-time objects of the cftime package with the datetime_array
methods of any construct that contains data, as well as Data
>>> time = q.construct('time')
>>> time
<DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >
>>> time.get_property('units')
'days since 2018-12-01'
>>> time.get_property('calendar', default='standard')
>>> print(time.array)
[ 31.]
>>> print(time.datetime_array)
[cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)]
The domain of the CF data model is defined
collectively by various other metadata constructs. It is represented
by the Domain
class. A domain construct may exist independently, or
is accessed from a field construct with its domain
or get_domain
>>> domain = t.domain
>>> domain
<Domain: {1, 1, 9, 10}>
>>> print(domain)
Dimension coords: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) = [1.5]
: grid_latitude(10) = [2.2, ..., -1.76] degrees
: grid_longitude(9) = [-4.7, ..., -1.18] degrees
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
Auxiliary coords: latitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[53.941, ..., 50.225]] degrees_N
: longitude(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2.004, ..., 8.156]] degrees_E
: long_name=Grid latitude name(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., kappa]
Cell measures : measure:area(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[2391.9657, ..., 2392.6009]] km2
Coord references: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
: rotated_latitude_longitude
Domain ancils : ncvar%a(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [10.0] m
: ncvar%b(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [20.0]
: surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 270.0]] m
>>> description = domain.dump(display=False)
The domain construct returned by a field construct is not independent of its parent field instance, i.e. changes to domain construct are seen by the field construct, and vice versa. This is because, in this case, the domain instance is a “view” of the relevant metadata constructs contained in the field construct.
>>> domain_latitude = t.domain.coordinate('latitude')
>>> field_latitude = t.coordinate('latitude')
>>> domain_latitude.set_property('test', 'set by domain')
>>> print(field_latitude.get_property('test'))
set by domain
>>> field_latitude.set_property('test', 'set by field')
>>> print(domain_latitude.get_property('test'))
set by field
>>> domain_latitude.del_property('test')
'set by field'
>>> field_latitude.has_property('test')
Domain axes¶
A domain axis metadata construct specifies the number of points along
an independent axis of the field construct’s domain and is stored in a
instance. The size of the axis is retrieved with
the get_size
method of the domain axis construct.
>>> print(q.domain_axes())
{'domainaxis0': <DomainAxis: size(5)>,
'domainaxis1': <DomainAxis: size(8)>,
'domainaxis2': <DomainAxis: size(1)>}
>>> d = q.domain_axes().get('domainaxis1')
>>> d
<DomainAxis: size(8)>
>>> d.get_size()
There are two types of coordinate construct, dimension and auxiliary coordinate
constructs, which can be retrieved together with the
method of the field construct, as well as
individually with the auxiliary_coordinates
>>> print(t.coordinates())
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>,
'auxiliarycoordinate1': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: longitude(9, 10) degrees_E>,
'auxiliarycoordinate2': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: long_name=Grid latitude name(10) >,
'dimensioncoordinate0': <DimensionCoordinate: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) >,
'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>,
'dimensioncoordinate3': <DimensionCoordinate: time(1) days since 2018-12-01 >}
A coordinate construct may contain an array of cell bounds that
provides the extent of each cell by defining the locations of the cell
vertices. This is in addition to the main coordinate data array that
contains a representative grid point location for each cell. The cell
bounds are stored in a Bounds
class instance that is accessed with
the bounds
attribute, or get_bounds
method, of the coordinate construct.
A Bounds
instance shares the the same API as the field
construct for accessing its data.
>>> lon = t.coordinate('grid_longitude')
>>> bounds = lon.bounds
>>> bounds
<Bounds: grid_longitude(9, 2) >
>>> bounds.data
<Data(9, 2): [[-4.92, ..., -0.96]]>
>>> print(bounds.array)
[[-4.92 -4.48]
[-4.48 -4.04]
[-4.04 -3.6 ]
[-3.6 -3.16]
[-3.16 -2.72]
[-2.72 -2.28]
[-2.28 -1.84]
[-1.84 -1.4 ]
[-1.4 -0.96]]
The Bounds
instance inherits the descriptive properties from its
parent coordinate construct, but it may also have its own properties
(although setting these is not recommended).
>>> bounds.inherited_properties()
{'standard_name': 'grid_longitude',
'units': 'degrees'}
>>> bounds.properties()
Geometry cells¶
For many geospatial applications, cell bounds can not be represented by a simple line or polygon, and different cells may have different numbers of nodes describing their bounds. For example, if each cell describes the areal extent of a watershed, then it is likely that some watersheds will require more nodes than others. Such cells are called geometries.
If a coordinate construct represents geometries then it will have a
“geometry” attribute (not a CF property) with one of the values 'point'
or 'polygon'
This is illustrated with the file geometry.nc
(found in the
sample datasets):
>>> f = cfdm.read('geometry.nc')[0]
>>> print(f)
Field: precipitation_amount (ncvar%pr)
Data : precipitation_amount(cf_role=timeseries_id(2), time(4))
Dimension coords: time(4) = [2000-01-02 00:00:00, ..., 2000-01-05 00:00:00]
Auxiliary coords: latitude(cf_role=timeseries_id(2)) = [25.0, 7.0] degrees_north
: longitude(cf_role=timeseries_id(2)) = [10.0, 40.0] degrees_east
: altitude(cf_role=timeseries_id(2)) = [5000.0, 20.0] m
: cf_role=timeseries_id(cf_role=timeseries_id(2)) = [b'x1', b'y2']
Coord references: grid_mapping_name:latitude_longitude
>>> lon = f.coordinate('longitude')
>>> lon.dump()
Auxiliary coordinate: longitude
standard_name = 'longitude'
units = 'degrees_east'
Data(2) = [10.0, 40.0] degrees_east
Geometry: polygon
Bounds:axis = 'X'
Bounds:standard_name = 'longitude'
Bounds:units = 'degrees_east'
Bounds:Data(2, 3, 4) = [[[20.0, ..., --]]] degrees_east
Interior Ring:Data(2, 3) = [[0, ..., --]]
>>> lon.get_geometry()
Bounds for geometry cells are also stored in a Bounds
instance, but
one that always has two extra trailing dimensions (rather than
one). The fist trailing dimension indexes the distinct parts of a
geometry, and the second indexes the nodes of each part. When a part
has fewer nodes than another, its nodes dimension is padded with
missing data.
>>> print(lon.bounds.array)
[[20.0 10.0 0.0 --]
[ 5.0 10.0 15.0 10.0]
[20.0 10.0 0.0 --]]
[[50.0 40.0 30.0 --]
[ -- -- -- --]
[ -- -- -- --]]]
If a cell is composed of multiple polygon parts, an individual polygon
may define an “interior ring”, i.e. a region that is to be omitted
from, as opposed to included in, the cell extent. Such cells also have
an interior ring array that spans the same domain axes as the
coordinate cells, with the addition of one extra dimension that
indexes the parts for each cell. This array records whether each
polygon is to be included or excluded from the cell, with values of
or 0
>>> print(lon.get_interior_ring().array)
[[0 1 0]
[0 -- --]]
Note that it is preferable to access the data type, number of
dimensions, dimension sizes and number of elements of the coordinate
construct via the construct’s attributes, rather than the attributes
of the Data
instance that provides representative values for each
cell. This is because the representative cell values for geometries
are optional, and if they are missing then the construct attributes
are able to infer these attributes from the bounds.
When a field construct containing geometries is written to disk, a CF-netCDF geometry container variable is automatically created, and the cells encoded with the compression techniques defined in the CF conventions.
UGRID mesh topologies¶
A UGRID mesh topology defines the geospatial topology of cells arranged in two or three dimensions in real space but indexed by a single dimension. It explicitly describes the topological relationships between cells, i.e. spatial relationships which do not depend on the cell locations, via a mesh of connected nodes. See the domain topology construct and cell connectivity construct descriptions in the CF data model (from CF-1.11) for more details, including on how the mesh relates to the cells of the domain.
>>> f = cfdm.example_field(8)
>>> print(f)
Field: air_temperature (ncvar%ta)
Data : air_temperature(time(2), ncdim%nMesh2_face(3)) K
Cell methods : time(2): point (interval: 3600 s)
Dimension coords: time(2) = [2016-01-02 01:00:00, 2016-01-02 11:00:00] gregorian
Auxiliary coords: longitude(ncdim%nMesh2_face(3)) = [-44.0, -44.0, -42.0] degrees_east
: latitude(ncdim%nMesh2_face(3)) = [34.0, 32.0, 34.0] degrees_north
Domain Topology : cell:face(ncdim%nMesh2_face(3), 4) = [[2, ..., --]]
Cell connects : connectivity:edge(ncdim%nMesh2_face(3), 5) = [[0, ..., --]]
Domain ancillaries¶
A domain ancillary construct provides information which is needed for computing the location of cells in an alternative coordinate system. If a domain ancillary construct provides extra coordinates then it may contain cell bounds in addition to its main data array.
>>> a = t.constructs.get('domainancillary0')
>>> print(a.array)
>>> bounds = a.bounds
>>> bounds
<Bounds: ncvar%a_bounds(1, 2) >
>>> print(bounds.array)
[[ 5. 15.]]
Coordinate systems¶
A field construct may contain various coordinate systems. Each
coordinate system is either defined by a coordinate reference
construct that relates dimension
coordinate, auxiliary coordinate and domain ancillary constructs (as
is the case for the field construct t
), or is inferred from
dimension and auxiliary coordinate constructs alone (as is the case
for the field construct q
A coordinate reference construct contains
references (by construct keys) to the dimension and auxiliary coordinate constructs to which it applies, accessed with the
method of the coordinate reference construct;
the zeroes of the dimension and auxiliary coordinate constructs which define the coordinate system, stored in a
instance, which is accessed with thedatum
attribute, orget_datum
method, of the coordinate reference construct; and
a formula for converting coordinate values taken from the dimension or auxiliary coordinate constructs to a different coordinate system, stored in a
class instance, which is accessed with thecoordinate_conversion
attribute, orget_coordinate_conversion
method, of the coordinate reference construct.
>>> crs = t.coordinate_reference('standard_name:atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate')
>>> crs
<CoordinateReference: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate>
>>> crs.dump()
Coordinate Reference: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
Coordinate conversion:computed_standard_name = altitude
Coordinate conversion:standard_name = atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
Coordinate conversion:a = domainancillary0
Coordinate conversion:b = domainancillary1
Coordinate conversion:orog = domainancillary2
Datum:earth_radius = 6371007
Coordinate: dimensioncoordinate0
>>> crs.coordinates()
>>> crs.datum
<Datum: Parameters: earth_radius>
>>> crs.datum.parameters()
{'earth_radius': 6371007}
>>> crs.coordinate_conversion
<CoordinateConversion: Parameters: computed_standard_name, standard_name; Ancillaries: a, b, orog>
>>> crs.coordinate_conversion.parameters()
{'computed_standard_name': 'altitude',
'standard_name': 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate'}
>>> crs.coordinate_conversion.domain_ancillaries()
{'a': 'domainancillary0',
'b': 'domainancillary1',
'orog': 'domainancillary2'}
Cell methods¶
A cell method construct describes how the data represent the variation
of the physical quantity within the cells of the domain and is stored
in a CellMethod
instance. A field constructs allows multiple
cell method constructs to be recorded.
>>> print(t.cell_methods())
{'cellmethod0': <CellMethod: domainaxis1: domainaxis2: mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees)>,
'cellmethod1': <CellMethod: domainaxis3: maximum>}
The application of cell methods is not commutative (e.g. a mean of variances is generally not the same as a variance of means), and the cell methods are assumed to have been applied in the order in which they were added to the field construct during field construct creation.
The axes to which the method applies, the method itself, and any
qualifying properties are accessed with the
, get_method
, ,
and qualifiers
methods of the cell method construct.
>>> cm = t.cell_method('method:mean')
>>> cm
<CellMethod: domainaxis1: domainaxis2: mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees)>)
>>> cm.get_axes()
('domainaxis1', 'domainaxis2')
>>> cm.get_method()
>>> cm.qualifiers()
{'interval': [<Data(): 0.1 degrees>], 'where': 'land'}
>>> cm.get_qualifier('where')
Field ancillaries¶
A field ancillary construct provides metadata which are distributed over the same domain as the field construct itself. For example, if a field construct holds a data retrieved from a satellite instrument, a field ancillary construct might provide the uncertainty estimates for those retrievals (varying over the same spatiotemporal domain).
>>> a = t.get_construct('fieldancillary0')
>>> a
<FieldAncillary: air_temperature standard_error(10, 9) K>
>>> a.properties()
{'standard_name': 'air_temperature standard_error',
'units': 'K'}
>>> a.data
<Data(10, 9): [[0.76, ..., 0.32]] K>
Field creation in memory¶
There are various methods for creating a field construct in memory:
Ab initio creation: Instantiate instances of field and metadata construct classes and manually provide the connections between them.
Command modification: Produce the commands that would create an already existing field construct, and then modify them.
Creation by conversion: Convert a single metadata construct already in memory to an independent field construct
Creation by reading: Create field constructs from the netCDF variables in a dataset.
Ab initio creation¶
Ab initio creation of a field construct has three stages:
Stage 1: The field construct is created without metadata constructs.
Stage 2: Metadata constructs are created independently.
Stage 3: The metadata constructs are inserted into the field construct with cross-references to other, related metadata constructs if required. For example, an auxiliary coordinate construct is related to an ordered list of the domain axis constructs which correspond to its data array dimensions.
There are two equivalent approaches to stages 1 and 2.
Either as much of the content as possible is specified during object instantiation:
>>> p = cfdm.Field(properties={'standard_name': 'precipitation_flux'})
>>> p
<Field: precipitation_flux>
>>> dc = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(properties={'long_name': 'Longitude'},
... data=cfdm.Data([0, 1, 2.]))
>>> dc
<DimensionCoordinate: long_name=Longitude(3) >
>>> fa = cfdm.FieldAncillary(
... properties={'standard_name': 'precipitation_flux status_flag'},
... data=cfdm.Data(numpy.array([0, 0, 2], dtype='int8')))
>>> fa
<FieldAncillary: precipitation_flux status_flag(3) >
or else some or all content is added after instantiation via object methods:
>>> p = cfdm.Field()
>>> p
<Field: >
>>> p.set_property('standard_name', 'precipitation_flux')
>>> p
<Field: precipitation_flux>
>>> dc = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate()
>>> dc
<DimensionCoordinate: >
>>> dc.set_property('long_name', 'Longitude')
>>> dc.set_data(cfdm.Data([1, 2, 3.]))
>>> dc
<DimensionCoordinate: long_name=Longitude(3) >
>>> fa = cfdm.FieldAncillary(
... data=cfdm.Data(numpy.array([0, 0, 2], dtype='int8')))
>>> fa
<FieldAncillary: (3) >
>>> fa.set_property('standard_name', 'precipitation_flux status_flag')
>>> fa
<FieldAncillary: precipitation_flux status_flag(3) >
For stage 3, the set_construct
method of the field
construct is used for setting metadata constructs and mapping data
array dimensions to domain axis constructs. This method returns the
construct key for the metadata construct which can be used when other
metadata constructs are added to the field (e.g. to specify which
domain axis constructs correspond to a data array), or when other
metadata constructs are created (e.g. to identify the domain ancillary
constructs forming part of a coordinate reference construct):
>>> longitude_axis = p.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(3))
>>> longitude_axis
>>> key = p.set_construct(dc, axes=longitude_axis)
>>> key
>>> cm = cfdm.CellMethod(axes=longitude_axis, method='minimum')
>>> p.set_construct(cm)
In general, the order in which metadata constructs are added to the field does not matter, except when one metadata construct is required by another, in which case the former must be added to the field first so that its construct key is available to the latter. Cell method constructs must, however, be set in the relative order in which their methods were applied to the data.
The domain axis constructs spanned by a metadata construct’s data may
be changed after insertion with the set_data_axes
method of
the field construct.
import numpy
import cfdm
# Initialise the field construct with properties
Q = cfdm.Field(
properties={'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'specific_humidity',
'units': '1'})
# Create the domain axis constructs
domain_axisT = cfdm.DomainAxis(1)
domain_axisY = cfdm.DomainAxis(5)
domain_axisX = cfdm.DomainAxis(8)
# Insert the domain axis constructs into the field. The
# set_construct method returns the domain axis construct key that
# will be used later to specify which domain axis corresponds to
# which dimension coordinate construct.
axisT = Q.set_construct(domain_axisT)
axisY = Q.set_construct(domain_axisY)
axisX = Q.set_construct(domain_axisX)
# Create and insert the field construct data
data = cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(40.).reshape(5, 8))
Q.set_data(data, axes=[axisY, axisX])
# Create the cell method constructs
cell_method1 = cfdm.CellMethod(axes='area', method='mean')
cell_method2 = cfdm.CellMethod()
# Insert the cell method constructs into the field in the same
# order that their methods were applied to the data
# Create a "time" dimension coordinate construct, with coordinate
# bounds
dimT = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(
properties={'standard_name': 'time',
'units': 'days since 2018-12-01'},
# Create a "longitude" dimension coordinate construct, without
# coordinate bounds
dimX = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(8.)))
dimX.set_properties({'standard_name': 'longitude',
'units': 'degrees_east'})
# Create a "longitude" dimension coordinate construct
dimY = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(properties={'standard_name': 'latitude',
'units': 'degrees_north'})
array = numpy.arange(5.)
# Create and insert the latitude coordinate bounds
bounds_array = numpy.empty((5, 2))
bounds_array[:, 0] = array - 0.5
bounds_array[:, 1] = array + 0.5
bounds = cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data(bounds_array))
# Insert the dimension coordinate constructs into the field,
# specifying to # which domain axis each one corresponds
Q.set_construct(dimT, axes=axisT)
Q.set_construct(dimY, axes=axisY)
Q.set_construct(dimX, axes=axisX)
>>> Q.dump()
Field: specific_humidity
project = 'research'
standard_name = 'specific_humidity'
units = '1'
Data(latitude(5), longitude(8)) = [[0.0, ..., 39.0]] 1
Cell Method: area: mean
Cell Method: time(1): maximum
Domain Axis: latitude(5)
Domain Axis: longitude(8)
Domain Axis: time(1)
Dimension coordinate: time
standard_name = 'time'
units = 'days since 2018-12-01'
Data(time(1)) = [2018-12-16 12:00:00]
Bounds:Data(time(1), 2) = [[2018-12-01 00:00:00, 2019-01-01 00:00:00]]
Dimension coordinate: latitude
standard_name = 'latitude'
units = 'degrees_north'
Data(latitude(5)) = [0.0, ..., 4.0] degrees_north
Bounds:Data(latitude(5), 2) = [[-0.5, ..., 4.5]] degrees_north
Dimension coordinate: longitude
standard_name = 'longitude'
units = 'degrees_east'
Data(longitude(8)) = [0.0, ..., 7.0] degrees_east
The Conventions
property does not need to be set because it is
automatically included in output files as a netCDF global
attribute, either as the CF version of the cfdm
package (as returned by the cfdm.CF
function), or else specified via
the Conventions keyword of the cfdm.write
function. See the
section on Writing to disk for details on how to specify
additional conventions.
If this field were to be written to a netCDF dataset then, in the absence of predefined names, default netCDF variable and dimension names would be automatically generated (based on standard names where they exist). The setting of bespoke netCDF names is, however, achievable with the netCDF interface.
Here is a more complete example which creates a field construct that
contains every type of metadata construct (again, data arrays have
been generated with dummy values using numpy.arange
import numpy
import cfdm
# Initialise the field construct
tas = cfdm.Field(
properties={'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K'})
# Create and set domain axis constructs
axis_T = tas.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(1))
axis_Z = tas.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(1))
axis_Y = tas.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(10))
axis_X = tas.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(9))
# Set the field construct data
tas.set_data(cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(90.).reshape(10, 9)),
axes=[axis_Y, axis_X])
# Create and set the cell method constructs
cell_method1 = cfdm.CellMethod(
axes=[axis_Y, axis_X],
qualifiers={'where': 'land',
'interval': [cfdm.Data(0.1, units='degrees')]})
cell_method2 = cfdm.CellMethod(axes=axis_T, method='maximum')
# Create and set the field ancillary constructs
field_ancillary = cfdm.FieldAncillary(
properties={'standard_name': 'air_temperature standard_error',
'units': 'K'},
data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(90.).reshape(10, 9)))
tas.set_construct(field_ancillary, axes=[axis_Y, axis_X])
# Create and set the dimension coordinate constructs
dimension_coordinate_T = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(
properties={'standard_name': 'time',
'units': 'days since 2018-12-01'},
bounds=cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data([[0., 31]])))
dimension_coordinate_Z = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(
properties={'computed_standard_name': 'altitude',
'standard_name': 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate'},
data = cfdm.Data([1.5]),
bounds=cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data([[1.0, 2.0]])))
dimension_coordinate_Y = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(
properties={'standard_name': 'grid_latitude',
'units': 'degrees'},
bounds=cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(20).reshape(10, 2))))
dimension_coordinate_X = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate(
properties={'standard_name': 'grid_longitude',
'units': 'degrees'},
bounds=cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(18).reshape(9, 2))))
dim_T = tas.set_construct(dimension_coordinate_T, axes=axis_T)
dim_Z = tas.set_construct(dimension_coordinate_Z, axes=axis_Z)
dim_Y = tas.set_construct(dimension_coordinate_Y, axes=axis_Y)
dim_X = tas.set_construct(dimension_coordinate_X, axes=axis_X)
# Create and set the auxiliary coordinate constructs
auxiliary_coordinate_lat = cfdm.AuxiliaryCoordinate(
properties={'standard_name': 'latitude',
'units': 'degrees_north'},
data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(90.).reshape(10, 9)))
auxiliary_coordinate_lon = cfdm.AuxiliaryCoordinate(
properties={'standard_name': 'longitude',
'units': 'degrees_east'},
data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(90.).reshape(9, 10)))
array = numpy.ma.array(list('abcdefghij'))
array[0] = numpy.ma.masked
auxiliary_coordinate_name = cfdm.AuxiliaryCoordinate(
properties={'long_name': 'Grid latitude name'},
aux_LAT = tas.set_construct(auxiliary_coordinate_lat, axes=[axis_Y, axis_X])
aux_LON = tas.set_construct(auxiliary_coordinate_lon, axes=[axis_X, axis_Y])
aux_NAME = tas.set_construct(auxiliary_coordinate_name, axes=[axis_Y])
# Create and set domain ancillary constructs
domain_ancillary_a = cfdm.DomainAncillary(
properties={'units': 'm'},
bounds=cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data([[5., 15.]])))
domain_ancillary_b = cfdm.DomainAncillary(
properties={'units': '1'},
bounds=cfdm.Bounds(data=cfdm.Data([[14, 26.]])))
domain_ancillary_orog = cfdm.DomainAncillary(
properties={'standard_name': 'surface_altitude',
'units': 'm'},
data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(90.).reshape(10, 9)))
domain_anc_A = tas.set_construct(domain_ancillary_a, axes=axis_Z)
domain_anc_B = tas.set_construct(domain_ancillary_b, axes=axis_Z)
domain_anc_OROG = tas.set_construct(domain_ancillary_orog,
axes=[axis_Y, axis_X])
# Create the datum for the coordinate reference constructs
datum = cfdm.Datum(parameters={'earth_radius': 6371007.})
# Create the coordinate conversion for the horizontal coordinate
# reference construct
coordinate_conversion_h = cfdm.CoordinateConversion(
parameters={'grid_mapping_name': 'rotated_latitude_longitude',
'grid_north_pole_latitude': 38.0,
'grid_north_pole_longitude': 190.0})
# Create the coordinate conversion for the vertical coordinate
# reference construct
coordinate_conversion_v = cfdm.CoordinateConversion(
parameters={'standard_name': 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate',
'computed_standard_name': 'altitude'},
domain_ancillaries={'a': domain_anc_A,
'b': domain_anc_B,
'orog': domain_anc_OROG})
# Create the vertical coordinate reference construct
horizontal_crs = cfdm.CoordinateReference(
# Create the vertical coordinate reference construct
vertical_crs = cfdm.CoordinateReference(
# Set the coordinate reference constructs
# Create and set the cell measure constructs
cell_measure = cfdm.CellMeasure(measure='area',
properties={'units': 'km2'},
data=cfdm.Data(numpy.arange(90.).reshape(9, 10)))
tas.set_construct(cell_measure, axes=[axis_X, axis_Y])
The new field construct may now be inspected:
>>> print(tas)
Field: air_temperature
Data : air_temperature(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K
Cell methods : grid_latitude(10): grid_longitude(9): mean where land (interval: 0.1 degrees) time(1): maximum
Field ancils : air_temperature standard_error(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] K
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2018-12-16 12:00:00]
: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1) = [1.5]
: grid_latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees
: grid_longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees
Auxiliary coords: latitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] degrees_north
: longitude(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] degrees_east
: long_name=Grid latitude name(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., j]
Cell measures : measure:area(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] km2
Coord references: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
: rotated_latitude_longitude
Domain ancils : key%domainancillary0(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [10.0] m
: key%domainancillary1(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) = [20.0] 1
: surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] m
Command modification¶
It is sometimes convenient to produce the commands that would create
an already existing field construct, and then modify them to create
the desired field construct. The commands are produced by the
method of the existing field construct.
>>> q, t = cfdm.read('file.nc')
>>> print(q.creation_commands())
# field: specific_humidity
field = cfdm.Field()
field.set_properties({'Conventions': 'CF-1.11', 'project': 'research', 'standard_name': 'specific_humidity', 'units': '1'})
data = cfdm.Data([[0.007, 0.034, 0.003, 0.014, 0.018, 0.037, 0.024, 0.029], [0.023, 0.036, 0.045, 0.062, 0.046, 0.073, 0.006, 0.066], [0.11, 0.131, 0.124, 0.146, 0.087, 0.103, 0.057, 0.011], [0.029, 0.059, 0.039, 0.07, 0.058, 0.072, 0.009, 0.017], [0.006, 0.036, 0.019, 0.035, 0.018, 0.037, 0.034, 0.013]], units='1', dtype='f8')
# domain_axis: ncdim%lat
c = cfdm.DomainAxis()
field.set_construct(c, key='domainaxis0', copy=False)
# domain_axis: ncdim%lon
c = cfdm.DomainAxis()
field.set_construct(c, key='domainaxis1', copy=False)
# domain_axis:
c = cfdm.DomainAxis()
field.set_construct(c, key='domainaxis2', copy=False)
# dimension_coordinate: latitude
c = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate()
c.set_properties({'units': 'degrees_north', 'standard_name': 'latitude'})
data = cfdm.Data([-75.0, -45.0, 0.0, 45.0, 75.0], units='degrees_north', dtype='f8')
b = cfdm.Bounds()
data = cfdm.Data([[-90.0, -60.0], [-60.0, -30.0], [-30.0, 30.0], [30.0, 60.0], [60.0, 90.0]], units='degrees_north', dtype='f8')
field.set_construct(c, axes=('domainaxis0',), key='dimensioncoordinate0', copy=False)
# dimension_coordinate: longitude
c = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate()
c.set_properties({'units': 'degrees_east', 'standard_name': 'longitude'})
data = cfdm.Data([22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5], units='degrees_east', dtype='f8')
b = cfdm.Bounds()
data = cfdm.Data([[0.0, 45.0], [45.0, 90.0], [90.0, 135.0], [135.0, 180.0], [180.0, 225.0], [225.0, 270.0], [270.0, 315.0], [315.0, 360.0]], units='degrees_east', dtype='f8')
field.set_construct(c, axes=('domainaxis1',), key='dimensioncoordinate1', copy=False)
# dimension_coordinate: time
c = cfdm.DimensionCoordinate()
c.set_properties({'units': 'days since 2018-12-01', 'standard_name': 'time'})
data = cfdm.Data([31.0], units='days since 2018-12-01', dtype='f8')
field.set_construct(c, axes=('domainaxis2',), key='dimensioncoordinate2', copy=False)
# cell_method: mean
c = cfdm.CellMethod()
# field data axes
field.set_data_axes(('domainaxis0', 'domainaxis1'))
Some example fields are always available from the cfdm.example_field
Creating data from an array on disk¶
All the of above examples use arrays in memory to construct the data
instances for the field and metadata constructs. It is, however,
possible to create data from arrays that reside on disk. The
function creates data in this manner. A pointer to an
array in a netCDF file can be stored in a NetCDF4Array
instance, which is used to initialise a
>>> import netCDF4
>>> nc = netCDF4.Dataset('file.nc', 'r')
>>> v = nc.variables['ta']
>>> netcdf_array = cfdm.NetCDF4Array(filename='file.nc', address='ta',
... dtype=v.dtype, shape=v.shape)
>>> data_disk = cfdm.Data(netcdf_array)
>>> numpy_array = v[...]
>>> data_memory = cfdm.Data(numpy_array)
>>> data_disk.equals(data_memory)
Note that data type, number of dimensions, dimension sizes and number
of elements of the array on disk that are used to initialise the
instance are those expected by the CF data model,
which may be different to those of the netCDF variable in the file
(although they are the same in the above example). For example, a
netCDF character array of shape (12, 9)
is viewed in cfdm as a
one-dimensional string array of shape (12,)
Creation by conversion¶
An independent field construct may be created from an existing
metadata construct using convert
method of the field
construct, which identifies a unique metadata construct and returns a
new field construct based on its properties and data. The new field
construct always has domain axis constructs corresponding to
the data, and (by default) any other metadata constructs that further
define its domain.
>>> orog = tas.convert('surface_altitude')
>>> print(orog)
Field: surface_altitude
Data : surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) m
Dimension coords: grid_latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees
: grid_longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees
Auxiliary coords: latitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] degrees_north
: longitude(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] degrees_east
: long_name=Grid latitude name(grid_latitude(10)) = [--, ..., j]
Cell measures : measure:area(grid_longitude(9), grid_latitude(10)) = [[0.0, ..., 89.0]] km2
Coord references: rotated_latitude_longitude
The convert
method has an option to only include domain axis
constructs in the new field construct, with no other metadata
>>> orog1 = tas.convert('surface_altitude', full_domain=False)
>>> print(orog1)
Field: surface_altitude
Data : surface_altitude(key%domainaxis2(10), key%domainaxis3(9)) m
Creation by reading¶
The cfdm.read
function reads a netCDF dataset and returns the contents as a list of zero or more
field constructs, each one corresponding to a unique CF-netCDF data
variable in the dataset. For example, the field construct tas
was created manually can be written to a netCDF dataset and then read back into memory:
>>> cfdm.write(tas, 'tas.nc')
>>> f = cfdm.read('tas.nc')
>>> f
[<Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>]
The cfdm.read
function also allows field constructs to be derived
directly from the netCDF variables that correspond to particular types
metadata constructs. In this case, the new field constructs will have
a domain limited to that which can be inferred from the corresponding
netCDF variable, but without the connections that are defined by the
parent netCDF data variable. This will often result in a new field
construct that has fewer metadata constructs than one created with the
>>> fields = cfdm.read('tas.nc', extra='domain_ancillary')
>>> fields
[<Field: ncvar%a(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) m>,
<Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>,
<Field: ncvar%b(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1)) 1>,
<Field: surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) m>]
>>> orog_from_file = fields[3]
>>> print(orog_from_file)
Field: surface_altitude (ncvar%surface_altitude)
Data : surface_altitude(grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) m
Dimension coords: grid_latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees
: grid_longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees
Comparing the field constructs orog_from_file
(created with
) and orog
(created with the convert
method of
the tas
field construct), the former lacks the auxiliary
coordinate, cell measure and coordinate reference constructs of the
latter. This is because the surface altitude netCDF variable in
does not have the coordinates
, cell_measures
netCDF attributes that would link it to auxiliary
coordinate, cell measure and grid mapping netCDF variables.
A field construct may be copied with its copy
method. This
produces a “deep copy”, i.e. the new field construct is completely
independent of the original field.
>>> u = t.copy()
>>> u.data[0, 0, 0] = -1e30
>>> u.data[0, 0, 0]
<Data(1, 1, 1): [[[-1e+30]]] K>
>>> t.data[0, 0, 0]
<Data(1, 1, 1): [[[-1.0]]] K>
>>> u.del_construct('grid_latitude')
<DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>
>>> u.constructs('grid_latitude')
>>> t.constructs('grid_latitude')
{'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>}
Equivalently, the copy.deepcopy
function may be used:
>>> import copy
>>> u = copy.deepcopy(t)
Metadata constructs may be copied individually in the same manner:
>>> orog = t.domain_ancillary('surface_altitude').copy()
Arrays within Data
instances are copied with a copy-on-write technique. This means
that a copy takes up very little memory, even when the original
constructs contain very large data arrays, and the copy operation is
Whether or not two field constructs are the same is tested with either
field construct’s equals
>>> t.equals(t)
>>> t.equals(t.copy())
>>> t.equals(t[...])
>>> t.equals(q)
>>> t.equals(q, verbose=True)
Field: Different units: 'K', '1'
Field: Different properties
Equality is strict by default. This means that for two field constructs to be considered equal they must have corresponding metadata constructs and for each pair of constructs:
the descriptive properties must be the same (with the exception of the field construct’s
property, which is never checked), and vector-valued properties must have same the size and be element-wise equal, andif there are data arrays then they must have same shape, data type and be element-wise equal.
Two real numbers \(x\) and \(y\) are considered equal if
\(|x - y| \le a_{tol} + r_{tol}|y|\), where \(a_{tol}\) (the
tolerance on absolute differences) and \(r_{tol}\) (the tolerance
on relative differences) are positive, typically very small
numbers. By default both are set to the system epsilon (the difference
between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is representable as
a float). Their values may be inspected and changed with the
and cfdm.rtol
Note that the above equation is not symmetric in \(x\) and
\(y\), so that for two fields f1
and f2
, f1.equals(f2)
may be different from f2.equals(f1)
in some rare cases.
>>> print(cfdm.atol())
>>> print(cfdm.rtol())
>>> original = cfdm.rtol(0.00001)
>>> print(cfdm.rtol())
>>> print(cfdm.rtol(original))
>>> print(cfdm.rtol())
The \(a_{tol}\) and \(r_{tol}\) constants may be set for a
runtime context established using a with
>>> print(cfdm.atol())
>>> with cfdm.atol(1e-5):
... print(cfdm.atol())
>>> print(cfdm.atol())
NetCDF elements, such as netCDF variable and dimension names, do not constitute part of the CF data model and so are not checked on any construct.
The equals
method has optional parameters for modifying the
criteria for considering two fields to be equal:
named properties may be omitted from the comparison,
fill value and missing data value properties may be ignored,
the data type of data arrays may be ignored, and
the tolerances on absolute and relative differences for numerical comparisons may be temporarily changed, without changing the default settings.
Metadata constructs may also be tested for equality:
>>> orog = t.domain_ancillary('surface_altitude')
>>> orog.equals(orog.copy())
NetCDF interface¶
The logical CF data model is independent of netCDF, but the CF conventions are designed to enable the processing and sharing of datasets stored in netCDF files. Therefore, the cfdm package includes methods for recording and editing netCDF elements that are not part of the CF model, but are nonetheless often required to interpret and create CF-netCDF datasets. See the section on philosophy for a further discussion.
When a netCDF dataset is read, netCDF elements (such as dimension and
variable names, and some attribute values) that do not have a place in
the CF data model are, nevertheless, stored within the appropriate
cfdm constructs. This allows them to be used when writing field
constructs to a new netCDF dataset, and also makes them accessible as
filters to a Constructs
>>> print(t.constructs.filter_by_ncvar('b'))
{'domainancillary1': <DomainAncillary: ncvar%b(1) >}
>>> t.construct('ncvar%x')
<DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>
>>> t.construct('ncdim%x')
<Constructs: domain_axis(1)>
Each construct has methods to access the netCDF elements which it requires. For example, the field construct has the following methods:
Method |
Description |
Return the netCDF variable name |
Set the netCDF variable name |
Remove the netCDF variable name |
Whether the netCDF variable name has been set |
Return the selection of properties to be written as netCDF global attributes |
Set a property to be written as a netCDF global attribute |
Set properties to be written as netCDF global attributes |
Clear the selection of properties to be written as netCDF global attributes |
Return the selection of properties to be written as netCDF group attributes |
Set a property to be written as a netCDF group attribute |
Set properties to be written as netCDF group attributes |
Clear the selection of properties to be written as netCDF group attributes |
Return the netCDF group structure |
Set the netCDF group structure |
Remove the netCDF group structure |
Return the netCDF geometry variable group structure |
Set the netCDF geometry variable group structure |
Remove the netCDF geometry variable group structure |
Remove the netCDF variable name for all components of the given type. |
Set the netCDF variable name for all components of the given type. |
Set the netCDF variable groups hierarchy for all components of the given type. |
Remove the netCDF variable groups hierarchy for all components of the given type. |
Remove the netCDF dimension name for all components of the given type. |
Set the netCDF dimension name for all components of the given type. |
Set the netCDF dimension groups hierarchy for all components of the given type. |
Remove the netCDF dimension groups hierarchy for all components of the given type. |
Remove the netCDF sample dimension name for all components of the given type. |
Set the netCDF sample dimension name for all components of the given type. |
Set the netCDF sample dimension groups hierarchy for all components of the given type. |
Remove the netCDF sample dimension groups hierarchy for all components of the given type. |
>>> q.nc_get_variable()
>>> q.nc_global_attributes()
{'project': None, 'Conventions': None}
>>> q.nc_set_variable('humidity')
>>> q.nc_get_variable()
>>> q.construct('latitude').nc_get_variable()
The complete collection of netCDF interface methods is:
Method |
Classes |
NetCDF element |
Variable name |
Variable name |
Variable name |
Variable name |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Dimension name |
Dimension name |
Dimension name |
Dimension name |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Unlimited dimension |
Unlimited dimension |
Global attributes |
Global attributes |
Global attributes |
Global attributes |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group attributes |
Group attributes |
Group attributes |
Group attributes |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
Component common netCDF properties |
External variable status |
External variable status |
Sample dimension name |
Sample dimension name |
Sample dimension name |
Sample dimension name |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Group hierarchy |
Writing to disk¶
The cfdm.write
function writes a field construct, or a sequence of
field constructs, to a netCDF file on disk:
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%humidity)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
>>> cfdm.write(q, 'q_file.nc')
The file name may describe relative paths, and standard tilde and shell parameter expansions are applied to it.
The new dataset is structured as follows:
$ ncdump -h q_file.nc
netcdf q_file {
lat = 5 ;
bounds2 = 2 ;
lon = 8 ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bounds2) ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bounds2) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
double time ;
time:units = "days since 2018-12-01" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double humidity(lat, lon) ;
humidity:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ;
humidity:cell_methods = "area: mean" ;
humidity:units = "1" ;
humidity:coordinates = "time" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.11" ;
:project = "research" ;
A sequence of field constructs is written in exactly the same way:
>>> x
[<Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>,
<Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>]
>>> cfdm.write(x, 'new_file.nc')
By default the output file will be for CF-1.12.
The cfdm.write
function has optional parameters to
set the output netCDF format (all netCDF3 and netCDF4 formats are possible);
append to the netCDF file rather than over-writing it by default;
specify which field construct properties should become netCDF data variable attributes and which should become netCDF global attributes;
set extra netCDF global attributes;
create external variables in an external file;
specify the version of the CF conventions (from CF-1.6 up to CF-1.12), and of any other conventions that the file adheres to;
change the data type of output data arrays;
apply netCDF compression and packing;
set the endianness of the output data; and
specify whether or not netCDF string arrays are to be used.
For example, to use the mode
parameter to append a new field, or fields,
to a netCDF file whilst preserving the field or fields already contained
in that file:
>>> g = cfdm.example_field(2)
>>> cfdm.write(g, 'append-example-file.nc')
>>> cfdm.read('append-example-file.nc')
[<Field: air_potential_temperature(time(36), latitude(5), longitude(8)) K>]
>>> h = cfdm.example_field(0)
>>> h
<Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>
>>> cfdm.write(h, 'append-example-file.nc', mode='a')
>>> cfdm.read('append-example-file.nc')
[<Field: air_potential_temperature(time(36), latitude(5), longitude(8)) K>,
<Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>]
Output netCDF variable and dimension names read from a netCDF dataset
are stored in the resulting field constructs, and may also be set
manually with the nc_set_variable
, nc_set_dimension
methods. If a name has not been set then one
will be generated internally (usually based on the standard name if it
It is possible to create netCDF unlimited dimensions using the
method of the domain axis construct.
A field construct is not transformed through being written to a file on disk and subsequently read back from that file.
>>> f = cfdm.read('q_file.nc')[0]
>>> q.equals(f)
Global attributes¶
The field construct properties that correspond to the standardised
description-of-file-contents attributes are automatically written as
netCDF global attributes. Other attributes may also be written as
netCDF global attributes if they have been identified as such with the
global_attributes keyword, or via the
or nc_set_global_attributes
method of the field constructs. In either case, the creation of a
netCDF global attribute depends on the corresponding property values
being identical across all of the field constructs being written to
the file. If they are all equal then the property will be written as a
netCDF global attribute and not as an attribute of any netCDF data
variable; if any differ then the property is written only to each
netCDF data variable.
>>> f.set_property('model', 'model_A')
>>> cfdm.write(f, 'f_file.nc', global_attributes='model')
>>> f.nc_global_attributes()
{'Conventions': None, 'project': None}
>>> f.nc_set_global_attribute('model')
>>> f.nc_global_attributes()
{'Conventions': None, 'project': None, 'model': None}
>>> f.nc_global_attributes(values=True)
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11', 'project': 'research', 'model': 'model_A'}
>>> cfdm.write(f, 'f_file.nc')
It is possible to create both a netCDF global attribute and a netCDF
data variable attribute with the same name, but with different
values. This may be done by assigning the global value to the property
name with the nc_set_global_attribute
method, or by via the
file_descriptors keyword. For the former technique, any
inconsistencies arising from multiple field constructs being written
to the same file will be resolved by omitting the netCDF global
attribute from the file.
>>> f.set_property('information', 'variable information')
>>> f.properties()
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'project': 'research',
'standard_name': 'specific_humidity',
'units': '1',
'model': 'model_A',
'information': 'variable information'}
>>> f.nc_set_global_attribute('information', 'global information')
>>> f.nc_global_attributes()
{'Conventions': None,
'project': None,
'model': None,
'information': 'global information'}
>>> cfdm.write(f, 'f_file.nc')
NetCDF global attributes defined with the file_descriptors keyword
of the cfdm.write
function will always be written as requested,
independently of the netCDF data variable attributes, and superseding
any global attributes that may have been defined with the
global_attributes keyword, or set on the individual field
>>> cfdm.write(f, 'f_file.nc', file_descriptors={'history': 'created today'})
>>> f_file = cfdm.read('f_file.nc')[0]
>>> f_file.properties()
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.11',
'history': 'created today',
'model': 'model_A',
'project': 'research',
'information': 'variable information',
'standard_name': 'specific_humidity',
'units': '1'}
>>> f_file.nc_global_attributes()
{'Conventions': None,
'history': None,
'model': None,
'project': None,
'information': 'global information'}
The Conventions
netCDF global attribute containing the version of
the CF conventions is always automatically created. If the version of
the CF conventions has been set as a field property, or with the
Conventions keyword of the cfdm.write
function, then it is
ignored. However, other conventions that may apply can be set with
either technique.
>>> f_file.set_property('Conventions', 'UGRID-1.0')
>>> cfdm.write(f, 'f_file.nc', Conventions='UGRID-1.0')
Scalar coordinate variables¶
A CF-netCDF scalar (i.e. zero-dimensional) coordinate variable is
created from a size one dimension coordinate construct that spans a
domain axis construct which is not spanned by the field construct’s
data, nor the data of any other metadata construct. This occurs for
the field construct q
, for which the “time” dimension coordinate
construct was to the file q_file.nc
as a scalar coordinate
To change this so that the “time” dimension coordinate construct is
written as a CF-netCDF size one coordinate variable, the field
construct’s data must be expanded to span the corresponding size one
domain axis construct, by using the insert_dimension
of the field construct.
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%humidity)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
<Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>
>>> axes = q.get_data_axes('time')
>>> axes
>>> q2 = q.insert_dimension(axis=axes[0])
>>> q2
<Field: specific_humidity(time(1), latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>
>>> cfdm.write(q2, 'q2_file.nc')
The new dataset is structured as follows (note, relative to file
, the existence of the “time” dimension and the lack of a
attribute on the, now three-dimensional, data
$ ncdump -h q2_file.nc
netcdf q2_file {
lat = 5 ;
bounds2 = 2 ;
lon = 8 ;
time = 1 ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bounds2) ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bounds2) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
double time(time) ;
time:units = "days since 2018-12-01" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double humidity(time, lat, lon) ;
humidity:units = "1" ;
humidity:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ;
humidity:cell_methods = "area: mean" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.11" ;
:project = "research" ;
Compressed constructs¶
Constructs that contain compressed data will be automatically written to a dataset with the correct compression encoding. See the section on compression for details.
String-valued data may be written to netCDF files either as netCDF character arrays with a trailing dimension large enough to contain the longest value, or as netCDF4 string arrays. The former is allowed for all formats of netCDF3 and netCDF4 format files; but string arrays may only be written to netCDF4 format files (note that string arrays can not be written to netCDF4 classic format files).
By default, netCDF string arrays will be created whenever possible,
and in all other cases netCDF character arrays will be
used. Alternatively, netCDF character arrays can be used in all cases
by setting the string keyword of the cfdm.write
NetCDF4 files with hierarchical groups may be created if a group structure is defined by the netCDF variable and dimension names, accessed via the netCDF interface. See the section on hierarchical groups for details.
Hierarchical groups¶
Hierarchical groups provide a mechanism to structure variables within netCDF4 datasets, with well defined rules for resolving references to out-of-group netCDF variables and dimensions.
A group structure that may be applied when writing to disk can be created ab initio with the netCDF interface. For example, the data variable and a coordinate construct may be moved to a sub-group that has its own group attribute, and a coordinate construct may be moved to a different sub-group:
>>> q, t = cfdm.read('file.nc')
>>> print(q)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%/forecast/model/q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
>>> q.set_property('comment', 'comment')
>>> q.nc_set_group_attribute('comment', 'group comment')
>>> q.nc_set_variable_groups(['forecast', 'model'])
>>> q.construct('time').nc_set_variable_groups(['forecast'])
>>> cfdm.write(q, 'grouped.nc')
$ ncdump -h grouped.nc
netcdf grouped {
lat = 5 ;
bounds2 = 2 ;
lon = 8 ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bounds2) ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bounds2) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.8" ;
:comment = "comment" ;
group: forecast {
double time ;
time:units = "days since 2018-12-01" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
group: model {
double q(lat, lon) ;
q:project = "research" ;
q:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ;
q:units = "1" ;
q:coordinates = "time" ;
q:cell_methods = "area: mean" ;
// group attributes:
:comment = "group comment" ;
} // group model
} // group forecast
When reading a netCDF dataset, the group structure and groups attributes are recorded and are made accessible via the netCDF interface.
>>> g = cfdm.read('grouped.nc')[0]
>>> print(g)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%/forecast/q)
Data : specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1
Cell methods : area: mean
Dimension coords: latitude(5) = [-75.0, ..., 75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(8) = [22.5, ..., 337.5] degrees_east
: time(1) = [2019-01-01 00:00:00]
>>> g.nc_get_variable()
>>> g.nc_variable_groups()
('forecast', 'model')
>>> g.nc_group_attributes(values=True)
{'comment': 'group comment'}
>>> g.construct('latitude').nc_get_variable()
By default field constructs are written out to a dataset with their
groups struct (if any) intact. It is always possible, however, to
create a “flat” dataset, i.e. one without any sub-groups. This does
not require the removal of the group structure from the field
construct and all of its components (although that is possible), as it
can be done by directly by overriding the existing group structure by
setting the group keyword to cfdm.write
to False
>>> cfdm.write(g, 'flat.nc', group=False)
NetCDF variables in the flattened output file will inherit any netCDF
group attributes, providing that they are not superceded by variable
attributes. The output netCDF variable and dimension names will be
taken as the basenames of any that have been pre-defined. This is the
case in file flat.nc
, for which the netCDF variable q
inherited the comment
attribute that was originally set on the
group. NetCDF group attributes may be set and
accessed via the netCDF interface, for both
netCDF variable and netCDF dimensions.
$ ncdump -h flat_out.nc
netcdf flat {
lat = 5 ;
bounds2 = 2 ;
lon = 8 ;
double lat_bnds(lat, bounds2) ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:bounds = "lat_bnds" ;
double lon_bnds(lon, bounds2) ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:bounds = "lon_bnds" ;
double time ;
time:units = "days since 2018-12-01" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double q(lat, lon) ;
q:comment = "group comment" ;
q:project = "research" ;
q:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ;
q:units = "1" ;
q:coordinates = "time" ;
q:cell_methods = "area: mean" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.8" ;
:comment = "comment" ;
The fields constructs read from a grouped file are identical to those read from the flat version of the file:
>>> f = cfdm.read('flat.nc')[0]
>>> f.equals(g)
External variables¶
External variables are those in a netCDF file that are referred to,
but which are not present in it. Instead, such variables are stored in
other netCDF files known as “external files”. External variables may,
however, be incorporated into the field constructs of the dataset, as
if they had actually been stored in the same file, by providing
the external file names to the cfdm.read
An external variables file name may describe relative paths, and standard tilde and shell parameter expansions are applied to it.
This is illustrated with the files parent.nc
(found in the
sample datasets):
$ ncdump -h parent.nc
netcdf parent {
latitude = 10 ;
longitude = 9 ;
double latitude(latitude) ;
latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double longitude(longitude) ;
longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double eastward_wind(latitude, longitude) ;
eastward_wind:units = "m s-1" ;
eastward_wind:standard_name = "eastward_wind" ;
eastward_wind:cell_measures = "area: areacella" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;
:external_variables = "areacella" ;
and external.nc
(found in the sample datasets):
$ ncdump -h external.nc
netcdf external {
latitude = 10 ;
longitude = 9 ;
double areacella(longitude, latitude) ;
areacella:units = "m2" ;
areacella:standard_name = "cell_area" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;
The dataset in parent.nc
may be read without specifying the
external file external.nc
. In this case a cell measure construct
is still created, but one without any metadata or data:
>>> u = cfdm.read('parent.nc')[0]
>>> print(u)
Field: eastward_wind (ncvar%eastward_wind)
Data : eastward_wind(latitude(10), longitude(9)) m s-1
Dimension coords: latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees
: longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees
Cell measures : measure:area (external variable: ncvar%areacella)
>>> area = u.cell_measure('measure:area')
>>> area
<CellMeasure: measure:area >
>>> area.nc_get_external()
>>> area.nc_get_variable()
>>> area.properties()
>>> area.has_data()
If this field construct were to be written to disk using cfdm.write
then the output file would be identical to the original parent.nc
file, i.e. the netCDF variable name of the cell measure construct
) would be listed by the external_variables
However, the dataset may also be read with the external file. In this case a cell measure construct is created with all of the metadata and data from the external file, as if the netCDF cell measure variable had been present in the parent dataset:
>>> g = cfdm.read('parent.nc', external='external.nc')[0]
>>> print(g)
Field: eastward_wind (ncvar%eastward_wind)
Data : eastward_wind(latitude(10), longitude(9)) m s-1
Dimension coords: latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees
: longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees
Cell measures : cell_area(longitude(9), latitude(10)) = [[100000.5, ..., 100089.5]] m2
>>> area = g.cell_measure('measure:area')
>>> area
<CellMeasure: cell_area(9, 10) m2>
>>> area.nc_get_external()
>>> area.nc_get_variable()
>>> area.properties()
{'standard_name': 'cell_area', 'units': 'm2'}
>>> area.data
<Data(9, 10): [[100000.5, ..., 100089.5]] m2>
If this field construct were to be written to disk using cfdm.write
then by default the cell measure construct, with all of its metadata
and data, would be written to the named output file, along with all of
the other constructs. There would be no external_variables
To create a reference to an external variable in an output netCDF
file, set the status of the cell measure construct to “external” with
its nc_set_external
>>> area.nc_set_external(True)
>>> cfdm.write(g, 'new_parent.nc')
To create a reference to an external variable in the an output netCDF
file and simultaneously create an external file containing the
variable, set the status of the cell measure construct to “external”
and provide an external file name to the cfdm.write
>>> cfdm.write(g, 'new_parent.nc', external='new_external.nc')
External files with cfdump¶
One or more external files may also be included with cfdump.
$ cfdump parent.nc
Field: eastward_wind (ncvar%eastward_wind)
Data : eastward_wind(latitude(10), longitude(9)) m s-1
Dimension coords: latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees_north
: longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees_east
Cell measures : measure:area (external variable: ncvar%areacella)
$ cfdump -e external.nc parent.nc
Field: eastward_wind (ncvar%eastward_wind)
Data : eastward_wind(latitude(10), longitude(9)) m s-1
Dimension coords: latitude(10) = [0.0, ..., 9.0] degrees_north
: longitude(9) = [0.0, ..., 8.0] degrees_east
Cell measures : measure:area(longitude(9), latitude(10)) = [[100000.5, ..., 100089.5]] m2
The CF conventions have support for saving space by identifying unwanted missing data. Such compression techniques store the data more efficiently and result in no precision loss. The CF data model, however, views compressed arrays in their uncompressed form.
Therefore, the field construct contains domain axis constructs
for the compressed dimensions and presents a view of compressed data
in its uncompressed form, even though the “underlying array” (i.e. the
actual array on disk or in memory that is contained in a Data
instance) is compressed. This means that the cfdm package includes
algorithms for uncompressing each type of compressed array.
There are two basic types of compression supported by the CF conventions: ragged arrays (as used by discrete sampling geometries) and compression by gathering, each of which has particular implementation details, but the following access patterns and behaviours apply to both:
Whether or not the data are compressed is tested with the
method of theData
Accessing the data via the
attribute of aData
instance returns a numpy array that is uncompressed. The underlying array will, however, remain in its compressed form. The compressed underlying array may be retrieved as a numpy array with thecompressed_array
attribute of theData
A subspace of a field construct is created with indices of the uncompressed form of the data. The new subspace will no longer be compressed, i.e. its underlying arrays will be uncompressed, but the original data will remain compressed. It follows that to uncompress all of the data in a field construct, index the field construct with (indices equivalent to)
If data elements are modified by assigning to indices of the uncompressed form of the data, then the compressed underlying array is replaced by its uncompressed form.
An uncompressed field construct can be compressed, prior to being written to a dataset, with its
method, which also compresses the metadata constructs as required.
An compressed field construct can be uncompressed with its
method, which also uncompresses the metadata constructs as required.
If an underlying array is compressed at the time of writing to disk with the
function, then it is written to the file as a compressed array, along with the supplementary netCDF variables and attributes that are required for the encoding. This means that if a dataset using compression is read from disk then it will be written back to disk with the same compression, unless data elements have been modified by assignment.
Examples of all of the above may be found in the sections on discrete sampling geometries and gathering.
Discrete sampling geometries¶
Discrete sampling geometry (DSG) features may be compressed by combining them using one of three ragged array representations: contiguous, indexed or indexed contiguous.
The count variable that is required to uncompress a contiguous, or
indexed contiguous, ragged array is stored in a Count
instance and
is accessed with the get_count
method of the Data
The index variable that is required to uncompress an indexed, or
indexed contiguous, ragged array is stored in an Index
instance and
is accessed with the get_index
method of the Data
The contiguous case is is illustrated with the file contiguous.nc
(found in the sample datasets):
$ ncdump -h contiguous.nc
station = 4 ;
obs = 24 ;
strlen8 = 8 ;
int row_size(station) ;
row_size:long_name = "number of observations for this station" ;
row_size:sample_dimension = "obs" ;
double time(obs) ;
time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double lat(station) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double lon(station) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double alt(station) ;
alt:units = "m" ;
alt:positive = "up" ;
alt:standard_name = "height" ;
alt:axis = "Z" ;
char station_name(station, strlen8) ;
station_name:long_name = "station name" ;
station_name:cf_role = "timeseries_id" ;
double humidity(obs) ;
humidity:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ;
humidity:coordinates = "time lat lon alt station_name" ;
humidity:_FillValue = -999.9 ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;
:featureType = "timeSeries" ;
Reading and inspecting this file shows the data presented in two-dimensional uncompressed form, whilst the underlying array is still in the one-dimension ragged representation described in the file:
>>> h = cfdm.read('contiguous.nc')[0]
>>> print(h)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%humidity)
Data : specific_humidity(ncdim%station(4), ncdim%timeseries(9))
Dimension coords:
Auxiliary coords: time(ncdim%station(4), ncdim%timeseries(9)) = [[1969-12-29 00:00:00, ..., 1970-01-07 00:00:00]]
: latitude(ncdim%station(4)) = [-9.0, ..., 78.0] degrees_north
: longitude(ncdim%station(4)) = [-23.0, ..., 178.0] degrees_east
: height(ncdim%station(4)) = [0.5, ..., 345.0] m
: cf_role:timeseries_id(ncdim%station(4)) = [station1, ..., station4]
>>> print(h.array)
[[0.12 0.05 0.18 -- -- -- -- -- --]
[0.05 0.11 0.2 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.06 -- --]
[0.15 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.07 -- -- -- --]
[0.11 0.03 0.14 0.16 0.02 0.09 0.1 0.04 0.11]]
>>> h.data.get_compression_type()
'ragged contiguous'
>>> print(h.data.compressed_array)
[0.12 0.05 0.18 0.05 0.11 0.2 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.07
0.11 0.03 0.14 0.16 0.02 0.09 0.1 0.04 0.11]
>>> count_variable = h.data.get_count()
>>> count_variable
<Count: long_name=number of observations for this station(4) >
>>> print(count_variable.array)
[3 7 5 9]
The timeseries for the second station is selected by indexing the “station” axis of the field construct:
>>> station2 = h[1]
>>> station2
<Field: specific_humidity(ncdim%station(1), ncdim%timeseries(9))>
>>> print(station2.array)
[[0.05 0.11 0.2 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.06 -- --]]
The underlying array of original data remains in compressed form until data array elements are modified:
>>> h.data.get_compression_type()
'ragged contiguous'
>>> h.data[1, 2] = -9
>>> print(h.array)
[[0.12 0.05 0.18 -- -- -- -- -- --]
[0.05 0.11 -9.0 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.06 -- --]
[0.15 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.07 -- -- -- --]
[0.11 0.03 0.14 0.16 0.02 0.09 0.1 0.04 0.11]]
>>> h.data.get_compression_type()
The most direct way to create a compressed field construct is to create
the equivalent uncompressed field construct and then compress it with
its compress
method, which also compresses the metadata
constructs as required.
import numpy
import cfdm
# Define the array values
data = cfdm.Data([[280.0, -99, -99, -99],
[281.0, 279.0, 278.0, 279.5]],
mask=[[0, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 0]])
# Create the field construct
T = cfdm.Field()
T.set_properties({'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K',
'featureType': 'timeSeries'})
# Create the domain axis constructs
X = T.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(4))
Y = T.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(2))
# Set the data for the field
T.set_data(data, axes=[Y, X])
# Compress the data
count_properties={'long_name': 'number of obs for this timeseries'},
The new field construct can now be inspected and written to a netCDF file:
>>> T
<Field: air_temperature(key%domainaxis1(2), key%domainaxis0(4)) K>
>>> print(T.array)
[[280.0 -- -- --]
[281.0 279.0 278.0 279.5]]
>>> T.data.get_compression_type()
'ragged contiguous'
>>> print(T.data.compressed_array)
[280. 281. 279. 278. 279.5]
>>> count_variable = T.data.get_count()
>>> count_variable
<Count: long_name=number of obs for this timeseries(2) >
>>> print(count_variable.array)
[1 4]
>>> cfdm.write(T, 'T_contiguous.nc')
The content of the new file is:
$ ncdump T_contiguous.nc
netcdf T_contiguous {
dim = 2 ;
element = 5 ;
int64 count(dim) ;
count:long_name = "number of obs for this timeseries" ;
count:sample_dimension = "element" ;
float air_temperature(element) ;
air_temperature:units = "K" ;
air_temperature:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;
:featureType = "timeSeries" ;
count = 1, 4 ;
air_temperature = 280, 281, 279, 278, 279.5 ;
Exactly the same field construct may be also created explicitly with
underlying compressed data. A construct with an underlying ragged
array is created by initialising a Data
instance with a ragged
array that is stored in one of three special array objects:
, RaggedIndexedArray
import numpy
import cfdm
# Define the ragged array values
ragged_array = cfdm.Data([280, 281, 279, 278, 279.5])
# Define the count array values
count_array = [1, 4]
# Create the count variable
count_variable = cfdm.Count(data=cfdm.Data(count_array))
count_variable.set_property('long_name', 'number of obs for this timeseries')
# Create the contiguous ragged array object, specifying the
# uncompressed shape
array = cfdm.RaggedContiguousArray(
shape=(2, 4),
# Create the field construct with the domain axes and the ragged
# array
T = cfdm.Field()
T.set_properties({'standard_name': 'air_temperature',
'units': 'K',
'featureType': 'timeSeries'})
# Create the domain axis constructs for the uncompressed array
X = T.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(4))
Y = T.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(2))
# Set the data for the field
T.set_data(cfdm.Data(array), axes=[Y, X])
Compression by gathering combines axes of a multidimensional array into a new, discrete axis whilst omitting the missing values and thus reducing the number of values that need to be stored.
The list variable that is required to uncompress a gathered array is
stored in a List
object and is retrieved with the get_list
method of the Data
This is illustrated with the file gathered.nc
(found in the
sample datasets):
$ ncdump -h gathered.nc
netcdf gathered {
time = 2 ;
lat = 4 ;
lon = 5 ;
landpoint = 7 ;
double time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 2000-1-1" ;
double lat(lat) ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(lon) ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
int landpoint(landpoint) ;
landpoint:compress = "lat lon" ;
double pr(time, landpoint) ;
pr:standard_name = "precipitation_flux" ;
pr:units = "kg m2 s-1" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;
Reading and inspecting this file shows the data presented in three-dimensional uncompressed form, whilst the underlying array is still in the two-dimensional gathered representation described in the file:
>>> p = cfdm.read('gathered.nc')[0]
>>> print(p)
Field: precipitation_flux (ncvar%pr)
Data : precipitation_flux(time(2), latitude(4), longitude(5)) kg m2 s-1
Dimension coords: time(2) = [2000-02-01 00:00:00, 2000-03-01 00:00:00]
: latitude(4) = [-90.0, ..., -75.0] degrees_north
: longitude(5) = [0.0, ..., 40.0] degrees_east
>>> print(p.array)
[[[-- 0.000122 0.0008 -- -- ]
[0.000177 -- 0.000175 0.00058 -- ]
[-- -- -- -- -- ]
[-- 0.000206 -- 0.0007 -- ]]
[[-- 0.000202 0.000174 -- -- ]
[0.00084 -- 0.000201 0.0057 -- ]
[-- -- -- -- -- ]
[-- 0.000223 -- 0.000102 -- ]]]
>>> p.data.get_compression_type()
>>> print(p.data.compressed_array)
[[0.000122 0.0008 0.000177 0.000175 0.00058 0.000206 0.0007 ]
[0.000202 0.000174 0.00084 0.000201 0.0057 0.000223 0.000102]]
>>> list_variable = p.data.get_list()
>>> list_variable
<List: ncvar%landpoint(7) >
>>> print(list_variable.array)
[1 2 5 7 8 16 18]
Subspaces based on the uncompressed axes of the field construct are created:
>>> p[0]
<Field: precipitation_flux(time(1), latitude(4), longitude(5)) kg m2 s-1>
>>> p[1, :, 3:5]
<Field: precipitation_flux(time(1), latitude(4), longitude(2)) kg m2 s-1>
The underlying array of original data remains in compressed form until data array elements are modified:
>>> p.data.get_compression_type()
>>> p.data[1] = -9
>>> p.data.get_compression_type()
A construct with an underlying gathered array is created by
initialising a Data
instance with a gathered array that is stored in
the special GatheredArray
array object. The following code creates a
basic field construct with an underlying gathered array:
import numpy
import cfdm
# Define the gathered values
gathered_array = cfdm.Data([[2, 1, 3], [4, 0, 5]])
# Define the list array values
list_array = [1, 4, 5]
# Create the list variable
list_variable = cfdm.List(data=cfdm.Data(list_array))
# Create the gathered array object, specifying the uncompressed
# shape
array = cfdm.GatheredArray(
compressed_dimensions={1: (1, 2)},
shape=(2, 3, 2),
# Create the field construct with the domain axes and the gathered
# array
P = cfdm.Field(properties={'standard_name': 'precipitation_flux',
'units': 'kg m-2 s-1'})
# Create the domain axis constructs for the uncompressed array
T = P.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(2))
Y = P.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(3))
X = P.set_construct(cfdm.DomainAxis(2))
# Set the data for the field
P.set_data(cfdm.Data(array), axes=[T, Y, X])
Note that, because compression by gathering acts on a subset of the
array dimensions, it is necessary to state the position of the
compressed dimension in the compressed array (with the
parameter of the GatheredArray
The new field construct can now be inspected and written a netCDF file:
>>> P
<Field: precipitation_flux(key%domainaxis0(2), key%domainaxis1(3), key%domainaxis2(2)) kg m-2 s-1>
>>> print(P.array)
[[[ -- 2.0]
[ -- --]
[1.0 3.0]]
[[ -- 4.0]
[ -- --]
[0.0 5.0]]]
>>> P.data.get_compression_type()
>>> print(P.data.compressed_array)
[[2. 1. 3.]
[4. 0. 5.]]
>>> list_variable = P.data.get_list()
>>> list_variable
<List: (3) >
>>> print(list_variable.array)
[1 4 5]
>>> cfdm.write(P, 'P_gathered.nc')
The content of the new file is:
$ ncdump P_gathered.nc
netcdf P_gathered {
dim = 2 ;
dim_1 = 3 ;
dim_2 = 2 ;
list = 3 ;
int64 list(list) ;
list:compress = "dim_1 dim_2" ;
float precipitation_flux(dim, list) ;
precipitation_flux:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ;
precipitation_flux:standard_name = "precipitation_flux" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.11" ;
list = 1, 4, 5 ;
precipitation_flux =
2, 1, 3,
4, 0, 5 ;
Coordinate subsampling¶
Lossy compression by coordinate subsampling was introduced into the CF conventions at CF-1.10 for applications for which the coordinates can require considerably more storage than the data itself. Space may be saved in the netCDF file by storing a subsample of the coordinates that describe the data, and the uncompressed coordinate and auxiliary coordinate variables are reconstituted by interpolation, from the subsampled coordinate values to the domain of the data
This is illustrated with the file subsampled.nc
(found in the
sample datasets):
$ ncdump -h subsampled.nc
netcdf subsampled {
time = 2 ;
lat = 18 ;
lon = 12 ;
tp_lat = 4 ;
tp_lon = 5 ;
float time(time) ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 2000-01-01" ;
float lat(tp_lat, tp_lon) ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:bounds_tie_points = "lat_bounds" ;
float lon(tp_lat, tp_lon) ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:bounds_tie_points = "lon_bounds" ;
float lat_bounds(tp_lat, tp_lon) ;
float lon_bounds(tp_lat, tp_lon) ;
int lat_indices(tp_lat) ;
lat_indices:long_name = "Tie point indices for latitude dimension" ;
int lon_indices(tp_lon) ;
lon_indices:long_name = "Tie point indices for longitude dimension" ;
int bilinear ;
bilinear:interpolation_name = "bi_linear" ;
bilinear:computational_precision = "64" ;
bilinear:tie_point_mapping =
"lat: lat_indices tp_lat lon: lon_indices tp_lon" ;
float q(time, lat, lon) ;
q:standard_name = "specific_humidity" ;
q:units = "1" ;
q:coordinate_interpolation = "lat: lon: bilinear" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.11" ;
Reading and inspecting this file shows the latitude and longitude coordinates in uncompressed form, whilst their underlying arrays are still in subsampled representation described in the file:
>>> f = cfdm.read('subsampled.nc')[0]
>>> print(f)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(time(2), ncdim%lat(18), ncdim%lon(12)) 1
Dimension coords: time(2) = [2000-01-01 00:00:00, 2000-02-01 00:00:00]
Auxiliary coords: latitude(ncdim%lat(18), ncdim%lon(12)) = [[-85.0, ..., 85.0]] degrees_north
: longitude(ncdim%lat(18), ncdim%lon(12)) = [[15.0, ..., 345.0]] degrees_east
>>> lon = f.construct('longitude')
>>> lon
<AuxiliaryCoordinate: longitude(18, 12) degrees_east>
>>> lon.data.source()
<SubsampledArray(18, 12): >
>>> print(lon.array)
[[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]
[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]]
>>> lon.data.source().source()
<Data(4, 5): [[15.0, ..., 345.0]]>
>>> print(lon.data.source().source().array)
[[ 15. 135. 225. 255. 345.]
[ 15. 135. 225. 255. 345.]
[ 15. 135. 225. 255. 345.]
[ 15. 135. 225. 255. 345.]]
As with all other forms of compression, the field may be treated as if were not compressed:
>>> g = f[0, 6, :]
>>> print(g)
Field: specific_humidity (ncvar%q)
Data : specific_humidity(time(1), ncdim%lat(1), ncdim%lon(12)) 1
Dimension coords: time(1) = [2000-01-01 00:00:00]
Auxiliary coords: latitude(ncdim%lat(1), ncdim%lon(12)) = [[-25.0, ..., -25.0]] degrees_north
: longitude(ncdim%lat(1), ncdim%lon(12)) = [[15.0, ..., 345.0]] degrees_east
>>> print(g.construct('longitude').array)
[[15.0 45.0 75.0 105.0 135.0 165.0 195.0 225.0 255.0 285.0 315.0 345.0]]
The metadata that define the subsampling are contained within the
coordinate’s Data
>>> lon = f.construct('longitude')
>>> d = lon.data.source()
>>> d.get_tie_point_indices()
{0: <TiePointIndex: long_name=Tie point indices for latitude dimension(4) >,
1: <TiePointIndex: long_name=Tie point indices for longitude dimension(5) >}
>>> d.get_computational_precision()
It is not yet, as of version, possible to write to disk a field construct with compression by coordinate subsampling.
Controlling output messages¶
cfdm will produce messages upon the execution of operations, to provide feedback about:
the progress of, and under-the-hood steps involved in, the operations it is performing;
the events that emerge during these operations;
the nature of the dataset being operated on, including CF compliance issues that may be encountered during the operation.
This feedback may be purely informational, or may convey warning(s) about dataset issues or the potential for future error(s).
It is possible to configure the extent to which messages are output at runtime, i.e. the verbosity of cfdm, so that less serious and/or more detailed messages can be filtered out.
There are two means to do this, which are covered in more detail in the sub-sections below. Namely, you may configure the extent of messaging:
globally i.e. for all cfdm operations, by setting the
which controls the project-wide logging;for a specific function only (for many functions) by setting that function’s verbose keyword (which overrides the global setting for the duration of the function call).
Both possibilities use a consistent level-based cut-off system, as detailed below.
All messages from cfdm, excluding exceptions which are always raised in error cases, are incorporated into a logging system which assigns to each a level based on the relative seriousness and/or verbosity. From highest to lowest on this scale, these levels are:
: conveys a warning;'INFO'
: provides information concisely, in a few lines or so;'DETAIL'
: provides information in a more detailed manner than'INFO'
: produces highly-verbose information intended mainly for the purposes of debugging and cfdm library development.
The function cfdm.log_level
sets the minimum of these levels for
which messages are displayed. Any message marked as being of any lower
level will be filtered out. Note it sets the verbosity globally, for
all cfdm library operations (unless these are overridden for
individual functions, as covered below).
As well as the named log levels above, cfdm.log_level
accepts a
further identifier, 'DISABLE'
. Each of these potential settings
has a numerical value that is treated interchangeably and may instead
be set (as this may be easier to recall and write, if less
explicit). The resulting behaviour in each case is as follows:
Log level |
Integer code |
Result when set as the log severity level |
Disable all logging messages. Note this does not include exception messages raised by errors. |
Only show logging messages that are
warnings (those labelled as
Only show logging messages that are
warnings or concise informational
messages (marked as |
Enable all logging messages except
for debugging messages. In other words,
show logging messages labelled
Enable all logging messages,
including debugging messages
(labelled as |
Note 'DEBUG'
is intended as a special case for debugging, which
should not be required in general usage of cfdm, hence its equivalence
to -1
rather than 4
which would follow the increasing integer
code pattern. -1
reflects that it is the final value in the
sequence, as with Python indexing.
The default value for cfdm.log_level
However, whilst completing this tutorial, it may be instructive to set
the log level` to a higher verbosity level such as 'INFO'
to gain
insight into the internal workings of cfdm calls.
Function verbosity¶
Functions and methods that involve a particularly high number of steps
or especially complex processing, for example the cfdm.read
functions, accept a keyword argument verbose. This be
set to change the minimum log level at which messages are displayed
for the function/method call only, without being influenced by, or
influencing, the global cfdm.log_level
A verbose value effectively overrides the value of cfdm.log_level
for the function/method along with any functions/methods it calls in
turn, until the origin function/method completes.
The verbose argument accepts the same levels as cfdm.log_level
(including 0
), as described in the logging
section, namely either an integer or a corresponding string
for example verbose=2
or equivalently verbose='INFO'
(or verbose='info'
since case is ignored).
By default, verbose is set to None
, in which case the value of the
setting is used to determine which messages,
if any, are filtered out.
- 1
Requires the netCDF4 python package to have been built with OPeNDAP support enabled. See https://unidata.github.io/netcdf4-python for details.