
class cf.TimeDuration(duration, units=None, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)[source]

Bases: object

A duration of time.

The duration of time is a number of either calendar years, calendar months, days, hours, minutes or seconds.

A calendar year (or month) is an arbitrary year (or month) in an arbitrary calendar. A calendar is as part of the time duration, but will be taken from the context in which the time duration instance is being used. For example, a calendar may be specified when creating time intervals (see below for examples).

A default offset is specified that may be used by some applications to temporally position the time duration. For example, setting cf.TimeDuration(1, 'calendar_month', day=16, hour=12) will define a duration of one calendar month which, by default, starts at 12:00 on the 16th of the month. Note that the offset

Changing the units

The time duration’s units may be changed in place by assigning equivalent units to the Units attribute:

>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(1, 'day')
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: P1D (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> t.Units = 's'
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: PT86400.0S (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> t.Units = cf.Units('minutes')
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: PT1440.0M (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> t.Units = 'calendar_months'
ValueError: Can't set units (currently <Units: minutes>) to non-equivalent units <Units: calendar_months>

Creating time intervals

A time interval of exactly the time duration, starting or ending at a particular date-time, may be produced with the interval method. If elements of the start or end date-time are not specified, then default values are taken from the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second attributes of the time duration instance:

>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(6, 'calendar_months')
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: P6M (Y-M-01 00:00:00)>
>>> t.interval(cf.dt(1999, 12))
(cftime.DatetimeGregorian(1999-12-01 00:00:00),
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000-06-01 00:00:00))
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(5, 'days', hour=6)
>>> t
<CF TimeDuration: P5D (Y-M-D 06:00:00)>
>>> t.interval(cf.dt(2004, 3, 2), end=True)
(cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2004-02-26 00:00:00),
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2004-03-02 00:00:00))
>>> t.interval(cf.dt(2004, 3, 2, calendar='noleap'), end=True)
(cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2004-02-25 00:00:00),
 cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(2004-03-02 00:00:00))
>>> t.interval(cf.dt(2004, 3, 2, calendar='360_day'), end=True)
(cftime.Datetime360Day(2004-02-27 00:00:00),
 cftime.Datetime360Day(2004-03-02 00:00:00))
>>> t.interval(cf.dt(2004, 3, 2, calendar='360_day'), end=True,
...     iso='start and duration')
'2004-02-27 00:00:00/P5D'

Comparison operations

Comparison operations are defined for cf.TimeDuration objects, cf.Data objects, numpy arrays and numbers:

>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') > cf.TimeDuration(
...     1, 'calendar_years')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') < cf.TimeDuration(
...     25, 'calendar_months')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'hours') <= cf.TimeDuration(1, 'days')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'hours') == cf.TimeDuration(1/12.0, 'days')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') == cf.TimeDuration(48, 'hours')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'hours') <= 2
>>> 30.5 != cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days')
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') > numpy.array(1.5)
>>> type(cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') > numpy.array(1.5))
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_years') > numpy.array([1.5])
array([ True])
>>> numpy.array([[1, 12]]) > cf.TimeDuration(2, 'calendar_months')
array([[False,  True]])
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') == cf.Data(2)
<CF Data(): True>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days') == cf.Data([2.], 'days')
<CF Data(1): [True]>
>>> cf.Data([[60]], 'seconds') < cf.TimeDuration(2, 'days')
<CF Data(1, 1): [[True]]>
>>> cf.Data([1, 12], 'calendar_months') < cf.TimeDuration(
...     6, 'calendar_months')
<CF Data(2): [True, False]>

Arithmetic operations

Arithmetic operations are defined for cf.TimeDuration objects, date-time-like objects (such as cf.Datetime, datetime.datetime, etc.), cf.Data objects, numpy arrays and numbers:

>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'days') + cf.TimeDuration(28, 'days')
<CF TimeDuration: P92D (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'days') + cf.TimeDuration(12, 'hours')
<CF TimeDuration: P65.0D (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'days') + cf.TimeDuration(24, 'hours')
<CF TimeDuration: P64.5D (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'calendar_years') + cf.TimeDuration(
...     21, 'calendar_months')
<CF TimeDuration: P65.75Y (Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(30, 'days') + 2
<CF TimeDuration: P32D (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> 4.5 + cf.TimeDuration(30, 'days')
<CF TimeDuration: P34.5D (Y-M-D 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(64, 'calendar_years') - 2.5
<CF TimeDuration: P61.5Y (Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'hours') / numpy.array(8)
<CF TimeDuration: 4.5 hours (from Y-M-D h:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'hours') / numpy.array(8.0)
<CF TimeDuration: 4.5 hours (from Y-M-D h:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'hours') // numpy.array(8.0)
<CF TimeDuration: 4.0 hours (from Y-M-D h:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') * cf.Data([[2.25]])
<CF TimeDuration: 81.0 calendar_months (from Y-M-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') // cf.Data([0.825])
<CF TimeDuration: P43.0M (Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') % 10
<CF TimeDuration: P6M (Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') % cf.Data(1, 'calendar_year')
<CF TimeDuration: P0.0M (Y-01-01 00:00:00)>
>>> cf.TimeDuration(36, 'calendar_months') % cf.Data(2, 'calendar_year')
<CF TimeDuration: P12.0M (Y-01-01 00:00:00)>

The in place operators (+=, //=, etc.) are supported in a similar manner.





The length of the time duration in a cf.Data object with units.


The default year for time interval creation.


The default month for time interval creation.


The default day for time interval creation.


The default hour for time interval creation.


The default minute for time interval creation.


The default second for time interval creation.


For convenience, the following functions may also be used to create time duration objects:




Create a time duration of calendar years.


Create a time duration of calendar months.


Create a time duration of days.


Create a time duration of hours.


Create a time duration of minutes.


Create a time duration of seconds.

New in version 1.0.

See also

cf.dt, cf.Data, cf.Datetime


duration: data-like

The length of the time duration.

A data-like object is any object containing array-like or scalar data which could be used to create a cf.Data object.

Parameter example:

Instances, x, of following types are all examples of data-like objects (because cf.Data(x) creates a valid cf.Data object), int, float, str, tuple, list, numpy.ndarray, cf.Data, cf.Coordinate, cf.Field.

units: str or cf.Units, optional

The units of the time duration. Required if, and only if, duration is not a cf.Data object which already contains the units. Units must be one of calendar years, calendar months, days, hours, minutes or seconds.

Parameter example:


Parameter example:


Parameter example:


month, day, hour, minute, second: int or None, optional

The offset used when creating, with the bounds method, a time interval containing a given date-time.


The offset element month is ignored unless the time duration is at least 1 calendar year.

The offset element day is ignored unless the time duration is at least 1 calendar month.

The offset element hour is ignored unless the time duration is at least 1 day

The offset element minute is ignored unless the time duration is at least 1 hour.

The offset element second is ignored unless the time duration is at least 1 minute

Parameter example:
>>> cf.TimeDuration(1, 'calendar_month').bounds(
...     cf.dt('2000-1-8'))
(cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000-01-01 00:00:00),
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000-02-01 00:00:00))
>>> cf.TimeDuration(1, 'calendar_month', day=15).bounds(
...     cf.dt('2000-1-8'))
(cftime.DatetimeGregorian(1999-12-15 00:00:00),
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000-01-15 00:00:00))
>>> cf.TimeDuration(
...     1, 'calendar_month', month=4, day=30).bounds(
...         cf.dt('2000-1-8'))
(cftime.DatetimeGregorian(1999-12-30 00:00:00),
 cftime.DatetimeGregorian(2000-01-30 00:00:00))


>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(cf.Data(3 , 'calendar_years'))
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(cf.Data(12 , 'hours'))
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(18 , 'calendar_months')
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(30 , 'days')
>>> t = cf.TimeDuration(1 , 'day', hour=6)



The units of the time duration.


True if the time duration is a whole number.


Return the time duration as an ISO 8601-like time duration string.



Return a time interval containing a date-time.


Return a deep copy.


The number of days in a specific month in a specific year in a specific calendar.


True if two time durations are equal.


True if two time durations are logically equivalent.


Inspect the attributes.


Return a time interval of exactly the time duration.


Return True if an integer multiple of the time duration is equal to one day.




Used if copy.deepcopy is called.


Called by the repr built-in function.


“Called by the str built-in function.


The unary arithmetic operation abs


Truth value testing and the built-in operation bool


The unary arithmetic operation -


Called to implement the built-in function int


The rich comparison operator >=


The rich comparison operator >


The rich comparison operator <=


The rich comparison operator <


The rich comparison operator ==


The rich comparison operator !=


The binary arithmetic operation +


The binary arithmetic operation -


The binary arithmetic operation *


The binary arithmetic operation /


The binary arithmetic operation //


The binary arithmetic operation / (true division)


The augmented arithmetic assignment +=


The augmented arithmetic assignment /=


The augmented arithmetic assignment /= (true division)


The augmented arithmetic assignment //=


The augmented arithmetic assignment *=


The augmented arithmetic assignment -=


The augmented arithmetic assignment %=


The binary arithmetic operation + with reflected operands.


The binary arithmetic operation - with reflected operands.


The binary arithmetic operation %


The binary arithmetic operation % with reflected operands.


Returns a numpy array representing the time duration.


Return a hashable value fully representative of the object.


Returns a new reference to the duration attribute.