
Data.argmin(axis=None, unravel=False)[source]

Return the indices of the minimum values along an axis.

If no axis is specified then the returned index locates the minimum of the whole data.

In case of multiple occurrences of the minimum values, the indices corresponding to the first occurrence are returned.


If the data index is returned as a tuple (see the unravel parameter) then all delayed operations are computed.

New in version 3.15.1.

See also


axis: int, optional

The specified axis over which to locate the minimum values. By default the minimum over the flattened data is located.

unravel: bool, optional

If True then when locating the minimum over the whole data, return the location as an integer index for each axis as a tuple. By default an index to the flattened array is returned in this case. Ignored if locating the minima over a subset of the axes.

Data or tuple of int

The location of the minimum, or minima.


>>> d = cf.Data(np.arange(5, -1, -1).reshape(2, 3))
>>> print(d.array)
[[5 4 3]
 [2 1 0]]
>>> a = d.argmin()
>>> a
<CF Data(): 5>
>>> print(a.array)
>>> index = d.argmin(unravel=True)
>>> index
(1, 2)
>>> d[index]
<CF Data(1, 1): [[0]]>
>>> d.argmin(axis=0)
<CF Data(3): [1, 1, 1]>
>>> d.argmin(axis=1)
<CF Data(2): [2, 2]>

Only the location of the first occurrence is returned:

>>> d = cf.Data([4, 0, 2, 3, 0])
>>> d.argmin()
<CF Data(): 1>
>>> d = cf.Data(np.arange(5, -1, -1).reshape(2, 3))
>>> d[1, 1] = 0
>>> print(d.array)
[[5 4 3]
 [2 0 0]]
>>> d.argmin(axis=1)
<CF Data(2): [2, 1]>