

Select list elements by netCDF variable name.

To find the inverse of the selection, use a list comprehension with the match_by_ncvar method of the construct elements. For example, to select all constructs which do not have a netCDF name of ‘tas’:

>>> gl = cf.FieldList(
...     f for f in fl if not f.match_by_ncvar('tas')
... )

New in version 3.0.0.

ncvars: optional

Select constructs from the list. May be one or more netCDF names of constructs.

A construct is selected if it matches any of the given names.

A netCDF variable name is specified by a string (e.g. 'tas', etc.); a Query object

(e.g. cf.eq('tas')); or a compiled regular expression (e.g. re.compile('^air_')) that selects the constructs whose netCDF variable names match via

If no netCDF variable names are provided then all are selected.


The matching constructs.


>>> fl = cf.FieldList([cf.example_field(0), cf.example_field(1)])
>>> fl
[<CF Field: specific_humidity(latitude(5), longitude(8)) 1>,
 <CF Field: air_temperature(atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate(1), grid_latitude(10), grid_longitude(9)) K>]
>>> f[0].nc_get_variable()
>>> f[1].nc_get_variable()
>>> fl.select_by_ncvar('humidity')
[<CF Field: specific_humidity(cf_role=timeseries_id(4), ncdim%timeseries(9))>]
>>> fl.select_by_ncvar('humidity', 'temp')
[<CF Field: specific_humidity(cf_role=timeseries_id(4), ncdim%timeseries(9))>,
 <CF Field: air_temperature(cf_role=timeseries_id(4), ncdim%timeseries(9)) Celsius>]
>>> fl.select_by_ncvar()
[<CF Field: specific_humidity(cf_role=timeseries_id(4), ncdim%timeseries(9))>,
 <CF Field: air_temperature(cf_role=timeseries_id(4), ncdim%timeseries(9)) Celsius>]
>>> import re
>>> fl.select_by_ncvar(re.compile('^hum'))
[<CF Field: specific_humidity(cf_role=timeseries_id(4), ncdim%timeseries(9))>]