

Remove the history of filters that have been applied.

This method does not change the metadata constructs, it just forgets the history of any filters that have previously been applied. Use inverse_filter or unfilter retrieve previously filtered constructs.

The removed history is returned in a tuple. The last element of the tuple describes the last filter applied. Each element is a single-entry dictionary whose key is the name of the filter method that was used, with a value that gives the arguments that were passed to the call of that method. If no filters have been applied then the tuple is empty.

New in version (cfdm): 1.7.0


The removed history of filters that have been applied, ordered from first to last. If no filters have been applied then the tuple is empty.


>>> c.filters_applied()
({'filter_by_naxes': (3, 1)},
 {'filter_by_identity': ('grid_longitude',)})
>>> c.clear_filters_applied()
({'filter_by_naxes': (3, 1)},
 {'filter_by_identity': ('grid_longitude',)})
>>> c.filters_applied()