

A history of filters that have been applied.

The history is returned in a tuple. The last element of the tuple describes the last filter applied. Each element is a single-entry dictionary whose key is the name of the filter method that was used, with a value that gives the arguments that were passed to the call of that method. If no filters have been applied then the tuple is empty.

New in version (cfdm): 1.7.0


The history of filters that have been applied, ordered from first to last. If no filters have been applied then the tuple is empty.


>>> print(c)
{'auxiliarycoordinate0': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: latitude(10, 9) degrees_N>,
 'auxiliarycoordinate1': <AuxiliaryCoordinate: longitude(9, 10) degrees_E>,
 'coordinatereference1': <CoordinateReference: grid_mapping_name:rotated_latitude_longitude>,
 'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>,
 'dimensioncoordinate2': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_longitude(9) degrees>,
 'domainaxis1': <DomainAxis: size(10)>,
 'domainaxis2': <DomainAxis: size(9)>}
>>> c.filters_applied()
>>> c = c.filter_by_type('dimension_coordinate', 'auxiliary_coordinate')
>>> c.filters_applied()
({'filter_by_type': ('dimension_coordinate', 'auxiliary_coordinate')},)
>>> c = c.filter_by_property(units='degrees')
>>> c.filters_applied()
({'filter_by_type': ('dimension_coordinate', 'auxiliary_coordinate')},
 {'filter_by_property': ((), {'units': 'degrees'})})
>>> c = c.filter_by_property('or', standard_name='grid_latitude', axis='Y')
>>> c.filters_applied()
({'filter_by_type': ('dimension_coordinate', 'auxiliary_coordinate')},
 {'filter_by_property': ((), {'units': 'degrees'})},
 {'filter_by_property': (('or',), {'axis': 'Y', 'standard_name': 'grid_latitude'})})
>>> print(c)
{'dimensioncoordinate1': <DimensionCoordinate: grid_latitude(10) degrees>}